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Personality transference through organ transplants

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posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 10:55 AM
Check out this story on a so called "bizarre coincedence" about a man who receives a donor heart from a suicide victim who then goes on to marry the widow of the suicide victim and saying that he felt he had always known her. Then killing himself in the same fashion that his donor did. Most people brush this off as just some crazy coincedence but I don't think so.

I think there is more to this than meets the eye! Gary Scwartz's research into the phenomenon of people taking on parts of the personality of an organ donor is really fascinating. If the recipient of an organ truly takes on personality traits of the donor and that donor was suicidal you could be foisting emotional problems onto a mentally stable individual. There are many stories of that kind of transference:


In one such case, a young dancer received a heart-and-lung transplant. Before the operation, she had been very health-conscious; yet, the very first thing she did on leaving the hospital was to head for a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet, and wolf down an order of chicken nuggets‹something she would never have done before. Her personality changed, too: she became aggressive and impetuous whereas, before, she had been calm and conservative.

She decided to investigate and, after much battling against the medical bureaucracy, she discovered that her heart­lung donor was an 18-year-old man who had died in a motorcycle accident. He had been an aggressive and impetuous lad who had a passion for Kentucky Fried Chicken‹in fact, uneaten KFC nuggets had been found in his motorcycle jacket on the very day of his death.

Another notable case is that of an eight-year-old girl who had received the heart of a 10-year-old girl who had been brutally murdered. After the transplant, the recipient began to experience horrifying nightmares. Her dreams were consistently about being murdered, and they were so traumatic that a psychiatrist was called in to help. What he heard convinced him that the girl was describing the actual circumstances of her donor¹s murder. When the details were given to the police, these proved to be so accurate that the killer was easily identified and apprehended.

He also has a very interesting interview on Coast to CoastAM.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 11:44 AM
On a related note, I personally know of a case that happened right by where I used to work. A woman had a lung transplant and then later discovered that she would become absolutely terrified of a particular intersection right by our building. She later discovered that her lung donor died in a car accident at that intersection. Food for thought...


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