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posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:07 PM
A tsunami may affect the Hawaiian islands or something different may happen, im getting so many dreams each night, feeling like im drowning, seeing lives perish. I dont know all, its not good. I only have seen the number 2 popup.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I also feel that Obama is President.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Very interesting.

Could you elaborate any more on this?

- Lee

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by nuclear_terrorism

I feel that Bush is President, but that's just my intuitive nature shining through.

That aside, I have had tsunami dreams my whole life, they are not fun.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Don't worry. My patent for a personal bucky ball tsunami survival device should go through patents soon. All will be well.

Low low price of 99.99.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 12:46 AM
Hawaii is protected by the ancient spirits. I have often considered if it would be best for a tsunami to come and clean up the coast line a bit. But then the debris and sanitation would be a very big problem for many decades. Soo, Just best to be a part of the very real white light that surrounds Hawaii and realize that nature has and will create Tsunamis in Hawaii and the surrounding Islands. The locals have ways of 'knowing' when these things are about to happen and have safe places in the mountains.
Worry and anxiety serve no purpose but to give energy to that which you create. Focus on positive visualization before bed. Place a picture of someone you love and respect or a peaceful serene picture that gives you a sense of calmness within eye sight and let that be the last thing you see before drifting off to sleep.
I would even suggest breathing deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth with eyes closed and with each cleansing breath visualize white light or perhaps even blue. On the in breath bring the light down to your toes and on the exhale see the fear and anxiety rise up and out of your body being replaced by the peaceful assuring positive light. Work your way up slowly untill you reach your crown and then just saying out loud resonate the word "Ahhhhh. Taking a deep breath, and then exhale with the sound Ahhhh. Each time becoming quieter and quieter untill the Awww is silent and more a fulfilling feeling than a word. Above all else just know that everything is going to be alright.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by nuclear_terrorism
A tsunami may affect the Hawaiian islands or something different may happen, im getting so many dreams each night, feeling like im drowning, seeing lives perish. I dont know all, its not good. I only have seen the number 2 popup.


I also feel that Obama is President.

Unfortunately, this isn't the right forum to post this in.

The forum you're looking for is on BTS:

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:36 PM
just stumbled onto this thread and would like to share a couple a things.
some years ago I had a very, very vivid dream, that I can still recall in detail.
I was on a island of sorts, or at least a coastline in a country I have never been to before.There was a town half way up the steep hill from the sea, and I was visiting people. Someone said something and we turned to look, over large coastal rocks to the left huge waves were crashing, people started shouting and running up the hill. When they reached where I was, and ran past, panicking, I could now see what they were running from, water and lots of it, was coming up the hill, then it would recede a little, and then advance further again, very quickly. Well, I joined the throng in panic as well! We were actually running straight through peoples back doors, up the passage and out the front door, across the street etc anything to get away!
That was pretty much that dream.It wasn't until three or four years passed until the boxing day disaster happened, as I watched on the news at one in the morning, I knew there and then that was my dream come true!
Several years ago I actually witnessed an atomic explosion! in a city 800 klm from where I live.That dream, the flash, the shock wave, the panic, etc the knowledge that everything had changed forever, still lives inside me,waiting, oh my god I really pray it doesn't happen.Sometime after that dream, I was watching a documentary about nuclear testing, and the vets were recalling the
events.Well it was just as I had seen too! A giant crack that seemed to split the sky! I turned to see but the light was so bright I sheltered my hand over my eyes, and I could practicully see through my hand, someone yelled to take cover, I jumped into a tractor cab just as the shockwave hit.I can still recall every detail of the dream vividly.The city was Perth, western australia
I cannot bring myself to visit that city still to this day!

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:08 PM
I also have been having vivid dreams about tsunami's its so weird the last dream i remember was last month. I was near the beach with my brother walking and all of a sudden the water started to come ashore really fast and people started to run away from the water that was coming in. it was crazy there was water all over the place. Just like what happend in Sri Lanka when the water started to come in really fast. I
dont know what to make of this dream could there be a tsunami soon who knows.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:43 PM
I had a dream that it was either Disneyland or Disneyworld getting destroyed by a nuclear device.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Eye of Unk
I had a dream that it was either Disneyland or Disneyworld getting destroyed by a nuclear device.

I hope not. I love Disney. Especially the one in Orlando. Anyway - Yet again here w go again..............Another drowning dream, except this time im going down some kind of river. (Not sure about this dream)

And also I hear the word Winsconsin afterwards from what I remember.

next thing I know im seeing soldiers and seeing fights etc, it was bad enough to wake me up at 2am.

My mother also wokeup at 5am, eventually to talk about her seeing the same dream of the soldiers/fights etc.

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