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Head/Body Transplant

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posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 12:36 AM
I recently read an article in a book written by David Southwell about a Frankenstein/Dr. Moreau-esque experiment, and I'm hoping to find more information/confirmation of the subject.

The author states that in 1970 a Dr. Robert J. White severed the head of a rhesus monkey and successfully transplanted it to "the still-living but headless body of another rhesus monkey." The author further states the Dr.White wanted "former Superman star Christopher Reeve to be among the first humans to undergo the operation."

If this topic has been discussed elsewhere, please point me to it. If not, I hope this will be a successful topic of discussion as this is my first thread. I would like to find more facts before going into more conspiratorial aspects of such bizzare science, and the implications it may have.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 02:43 AM
If this experiment was successful nearly 40 years ago, I seriously wonder what its modern equivelant would be, or even is. If you cross-reference modern surgery techniques, along with recent advances in cloning the implications are downright frightening. I am immediately reminded of the movie "The Island".

I also have trouble believing that such experiments have not been followed up on, tough never made public for obvious reasons. This could be the cure for nearly any ailment or injury, the only downside is who gets to donate the body.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 02:48 AM
Here is a link to the story. It also covers dog head transplants by Russian Vladimir Demikhov. There is actual video footage of the dogs which has been posted on ATS before.

The First Head Transplant

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:32 AM
This is going a little off topic but should show you that there is some proof that a human being could survive such a transplant and over time learn to walk again ect.

It was only her skin and muscle that kept her head in place.


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:19 AM
Oh man I remember seeing that monkey and the surgery on PBS or something several years ago. The poor monkey was paralysed and he started freaking out. I think he knew what had happened and did not like it one bit. He was screaming if I remember correctly. It was really eerie and it bothered me for quite sometime after seeing it.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by Daz3d-n-Confus3d]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 02:11 PM
This topic really brings up a whole lot of startling possibilities. Military uses, exploitation by the power elite, etc. But let me take a different track for a second. I wonder how long the brain itself can stay alive if sustained by "disposable" bodies. Could one live for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years with such a method? And let's try this on for size...

There is some good evidence that the ancients were far more advanced than is generally accepted. After all, even today we cannot duplicate the pyramids. Engineering wasn't their only field either. Surgery technique was also very advanced in many cases. Now i'm not saying I necessarily believe this, but taking all this information together leaves open the possiblilty that the "immortals" may have indeed been walking among us all throughout civilization. Not some far off alien race controlling the fate of mankind. But the very few of our very own race who have guarded their surgical secret to immortality for millenia. Hmmm...

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 03:09 PM
The experiment proved that essentially, the new body would be acceptable for the transplanted head, with one important exception...

the nerves could not be connected. so it was really only a biological "machine" that replaces artificial life support machines.

With advancments in stem cell research, nerve tissues could be repaired, and new connections formed (similiar to what christopher reeves was to undergo, if such research was allowed). The spine itself could be grafted via a fairly common spinal surgery whereby two spinal sections are bound together to prevent damage to an injured vertabrae.

sounds to me, that given enough money, and any south korean stem cell research clinic, a new experiment could succeed.

or perhaps already has...
would the controversy behind that various ethical considerations (stem cells, donor bodies, longevity for the elite) prevent this science from becoming known?

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 03:15 PM
it already has, and will continue, President Bush and Cheny anyone lol, Michael jackson is on his 5th body now, lol

Just imagine, all the detaineeses from gitmo are being decapitated and put back together in a visious cycle of torture to get the info they need. lol

Im gonna get scurd when I see a human head on a lil chow chow lol

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:21 PM
The idea of "already has..." leads me to another thought (other than immortals surviving from antiquity.)

Whatever main stream science we see performed today or ethical debates campaigned, it is probably safe to say that somewhere in some lab the radical is being performed. The funding is always there, wether private wealth, corporate trade, or national defense projects. If it can be done, it will be done. Etchics play no role in the frontiers of science when clandestine facilities operate with impunity.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:39 PM
Considering the evidence and the nature of scientific research I would say that there is a very high possibility that a successful head transplant of a human has already been accomplished now. I'd like to hear some opinions on how such technology could be used. Let's brainstorm shall we?

The richest and most powerful are probably getting in line now to get their numbers in line for when their number is up. I don't think these people who make the decisions that leave thousands dead would have any aversion to slaughtering an innocent person for their next "brain house."

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:04 PM
There was another thread recently that mentioned that "the technology was not yet available" to do this. Obviously it is, as shown here in this thread, but now I can't remember what thread this topic was mentioned in. Maybe this little bump will get me pointed back to it.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:44 PM
You know there is a book and US patent on this process... If We Can Keep a Severed Head Alive...Discorporation and U.S. Patent 4,666,425. From what I read on the subject, they can keep the head/brain alive, however spinal nerve regeneration does not occur naturally so the patient would no really benefit from a new body, other than to keep the head/brain alive. Interesting topic.

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