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Alien Possibilities? I Ask You to Take Time Before You Reply.....Really!

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:48 AM
My question is really this.............What makes anybody believe in any of it (the aliens I mean of course)?

Faith is what it seems to come down to, and you know can't logically argue with somebody's faith and belief system. What you can do is question their reasons for believing in what they do. However, proof is something that is very individual.

I am a God loving and fearing man, but I respectfully listen to those people out there among you who believe in other intelligent life. Now, maybe you are a person who has had some sort of encounter, or thinks that maybe they have...I don't know because I sure am not one of them. But, if you have, well then it's all pretty darned real to you isn't it..and who among us is to say that you haven't really had that experience? The same is true of a so-called religious expreience, it's individual and nobody can tell you what you have and have not experienced.

Now, to the crux of the question above!! If you do not fall into either of the above scenarios, why and what makes you believe there is anything else out there. Oh, and please please do not use a mathematical probability question that gets us no closer to any answer at all other than being a probability. What I am really trying to do is to get people to take a few minutes before they reply out of frustration or anger, and to really ask themselves why they have come to believe what they have!
The reptilians believers are more than welcome here, but any reference to David Icke will be completely ignored as i want to know YOUR thoughts and not his (in my opinion, absurd) thoughts.

Please empower yourselves to think critically and independently on this one, don't regurgitate somebody elses beliefs. For example, I love chatting with Earthsister, she is concise and explains her position well....her own position.

I curiously await your responses and no doubt, your harsh comments as well. But, remember, I am not bashing anybody or anything, I just want to know why with some good reasons, or at least good to you.

Peace, Mondo

[edit on 6-10-2007 by Mondogiwa]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:25 AM
My belief in Aliens stems from a lot of things.

First and foremost is the basic logic behind it. There are too many stars and galaxies for earth to be the only planet harboring intelligent life. If you look at it from the God perspective, you still must feel that the vastness of the universe indicates life present in more places than one.

Secondly, after years of examining evidence and theories, I am forced to come to the conclusion that not only are Aliens real, but that they are actively visiting and watching Earth. While there exists a considerable amount of hoaxes, mistakes, and misinformation, there remains a considerable number of unexplainable cases, dating back to the existence of written history.

As far as evidence is concerned, it is out there if you look for it. People have found pieces of alien crafts. People have filmed extraordinary videos that defy all logic. Eye witnesses have made consistent reports of seeing crafts and even beings not of this origin. The most convincing thing for me though, is the whistle blowers. There are hundreds of government employees, from the CIA to the Air Force, who have openly claimed that the Government is hiding Alien technology. Certainly at least some of these people are reliable, are they not?

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:37 AM
Thank you for your response first of all!

I will not attempt to argue with what you believe, but I am going to ask again about this evidence. You mention that it is out there to those who care to look for it. I am not a believer or a non-believer, and to be honest I am or rather was a military man and have seen some things that 'defy logic' but they really are from us and not another species. With that, I tend to be very skeptical of the arguement that says that there is proof because they have seen things that are not possible.....possible is a limited term as I am sure that most people cannot understand how a cell phone really works, but it sure does and it 'defies logic'.

Videos of strange movements are just that, and debris can also be debris from a million different things!? As for your mathematical probability, I would certainly agree that it is a possibility/probability, but it is just tha,t with still NO PROOF !

Again, if it just feels right to you, well then go with it my I said, you can't argue with a gut feeling or faith. Alas, I feel that we are still at the same frustrating junction in the great debate!

Again, thanks for your input, I appreciate your thoughts....Peace, Mondo

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Mondogiwa

Videos of strange movements are just that, and debris can also be debris from a million different things!? As for your mathematical probability, I would certainly agree that it is a possibility/probability, but it is just tha,t with still NO PROOF !

I still think there is plenty of proof of an ongoing presence. The fact that it isn't all over the news is what makes people overly skeptical. If major media gave a fair analysis of some of the cases that are truly amazing and not immediately explainable, a lot more people would believe. Also don't diminish video evidence. Some videos have been shot with multiple eye witnesses, of things far and above our current technology. Even NASA has filmed things they cannot explain. And often these "things" on the videos exhibit intelligence.

And if all of this is just government technology, then we have a very serious problem. That would mean they have anti gravity and free energy devices. This is the type of stuff that could halt global warming and end poverty once and for all. The ultimate break through if you will. This is the motive for keeping it a secret, they want to make us buy every last drop of oil.

check out this thread:

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Mondogiwa
Again, if it just feels right to you, well then go with it my I said, you can't argue with a gut feeling or faith.

He/she said logic. I was just wondering what you intended to get from the feedback here. There is no proof that can be offered to you, you know that. No one will change your mind, that comes from within.

Originally posted by Mondogiwa
Alas, I feel that we are still at the same frustrating junction in the great debate!

Perhaps this is part of the problem. There really is no debate, again you already know this, you can't argue and reason from the other side of the fence on this issue and expect for either side to concede anything. That's why there is no debate (or shouldn't be) and why those who know rather than just believe really don't care much whether they are believed or not.

Seekers of knowledge don't debate, they discuss. Your OP requests why a believer believes but not to cite experience, faith or probability... interesting. Following your rules, the previous poster answered that it was logical, which I agree with but those that disagree should first consider subjectivism and their lack of knowledge of the totality of the experience of that person which may include phenomena that you don't believe in.

Your response was to draw it back to evidence. Again, even if you leave aside personal experience, I can only assume that if there is not enough evidence for someone to believe then it's probably just better to draw the line and accept that you don't believe.

My apologies if I have misunderstood.


posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 01:12 AM

Hmmm.....great movie by the way! Let's see, I am not sure that you have misunderstood as when I read your response I come to the realization that perhaps I was not clear in my opening statements. Therefore, maybe it would be best to double my efforts and try to be more clear and concise after I review what I have said and then try to restste in a more accurate way my intent!!??

I seem to sort of be confusing as to what I am looking for. And, out of fairness to all I will try to clear it up as soon as I get a chance. Unfortunatley it may have to wait a day or so, as I am way too exhausted to make a genuine attempt at the moment.

So, for the time being I shall say thanks for your constructive criticism and maybe even a 'Touche' to you!

Peace, response soon to come I hope...........Mondo


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