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Religion true or an option for strength in a belief system

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posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:37 PM
how many use religion as a source of strength and comfort in their beleif systems? how many "non beleivers" think of the religous as brain washed or in other less appealing unrespectful terms. how many of those assume since they think religion is a sham that prayer is also? beleif systems are a funny thing, sometimes what you beleive has consequences. you know perception can be reality, and there are many different "succesful functioning" people with different beleif systems. What am i getting at? well just because you beleive it does not make it true, but it doesn't have to be true to "work" in creating the reality you desire, you just need to believe it.

but if you beleive something to be true because it gives you comfort or that is what you have been led to believe, it may hamper you from coming to grips with truth. see somehow the saying the truth will set you free has gotten around. A more accurate statement will be the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. When the ability to beleive something anything depending on just what some are willing to beleive allows people to go through life happilly, it also allows them to be blissfully ignorant. and any threat to the beleifs that one holds and seems to work for them may instintively dismissed by people (even unconsciously!) because they know it is a threat to themselves unless they can have the flexibility to react. This is why many people are apathetic about things and ignorant. This is why they have big "egos" they are scared to admit they could be wrong, cause they can't function if they aren't absolutely sure about things. they know no better way to live. it's a weakness of the human condition for many, it works for them, and they are not willing to take chances in changing. you know the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" obviously it is an exaggeration as many people change as they go through life's lessons's and stages but often when they reach a point where there comfort zone's are pinched to levels that are unacceptable. And thus the pleasure /pain axis is tilted to push people to change

I feel like kings and queens and the knights or elite of the past were looking for better ways to control their citizens and gain power at the same time. In order to stay in a position of power and influence over a large group of people it would help to make these people ignorant of their inherent capabilities to create the life they want. On top of that SEPERATING A person from his or her capabilites and inserting a "third party" or god figure is a way to weaken a person's beleif in there own capabilities and at the same time allow them the convenience to feel less responsibility (to a degree). When these god figures come with a script and preach punishments if the scripts (provided by gov't, rulers king's what have you) this instills fear which compromises people's critical thinking and sometimes activates their survival skills. And when this all a person is told since birth, they usually don't have a reason to question the answers. because A/ this belief system works for them. see prayer works (everyone is capable of creating thru thought energy) the only difference is many give credit to a "third party" as they pray to god. this is a source of strength and it works for them , again doesn't have to be true like i mentioned at the top and
B/ the fear of change and not having the current strength that is held by the certain beleifs causes people to not give alternative beleifs the time of day for fear that they can't handle contemplating other posibilities because that would lead to the "monster of uncertainty" and thus less comfort.

unless of course they have flexible beliefs, and understand they can beleive what ever they wish and disbelive what they don't and alter their perceptions to create the resourceful "filter" for whatever they wish to perceive as well as numerous resourceful possibilities . now there are limits to this ability and when some people figure this out, they may get greedy, which again usually comes back to bite you in the butt, that is where people have to look themselves in the mirror and realize the best way to live is thru the heart and trying to perceive and determine what you want in life (at least currently) and see a perspective where your goas be it financially or relationship wise are thru the heart's intentions. this stops greed in it's tracks and usually allows you to create what ever you have the will to do.


[edit on 12-9-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 12-9-2007 by cpdaman]

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