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Democrats and gun control

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posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 07:48 PM
Well there was this You Tube debate, I didn't see it. I would rather have nails hammered into my feet. So I did a little checking and here is what I found.

Cooper rescued Richardson by turning to The Smirk from Delaware. "Senator Biden, are you going to be able to keep his 'baby' safe?" Snide Joe grabbed his opening: "I'll tell you what, if that is his baby, he needs help."

Biden threw red meat to the blue audience. He was richly rewarded with loud applause. Biden showed off his lawyerly credentials and continued to wallop the YouTube gun owner: "I think he just made an admission against self-interest. I don't know that he is mentally qualified to own that gun." Why? Because he showed affection for his possession? Because he's an enthusiastic hobbyist? Because he talked about his gun the way Paris Hilton talks about her Chihuahua or Brad Pitt talks about his Ducati or Al Gore talks about his Priuses and compact fluorescent light bulbs?

I do hope Biden stays in the race at least to the Okla. Primary just so I can vote for some one else.


[edit on 26-7-2007 by Roper]

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 01:44 AM
I think, that it's because showing affection for a deadly device is not exactly
seen as psychologically healthy.

Personally I support, well I have my own views in regards to guns that don't fit with
either party, but lets just say I support gun rights, but I have to say, I agree with Biden,
showing that level of affection for a gun really is'nt healthy.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 07:09 AM
The male of the human species has a habit of showing a longing for abjects such as automobiles, motorcycles, boats and fine hand tools, this is nothing new.

I to a proud owner of an AR-15, Rock River National Match, but I don't sleep with it, I sleep with my Glock.

I made this thread to show the stripes of the Democrat's that are running for President and the fact that they don't get it. The Constitution is the law of the land.


posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 07:51 AM
Gun Control one of the reasons 90% of democrats will not get my vote.
If a Democrat wants my vote they need to do 2 things

1 Come up with a sensible policy on abortion.( I am not looking to get into an abortion debate in this thread)
2 Leave my guns alone.

My right of self defense is just as important to me as any other rights listed in the Bill of Rights, it is the right that preserves all other rights.

The above firearm is mine I legally purchased it, and legally obtained a license to carry said firearm. The government took 122 days to issue me a carry permit. So for 122 days I was denied my right to carry for the puposes of self defense. If it took 122 days to get a drivers license or you had to get a permit to speak publicly and it took 122 days what would you reaction be.

My permit is only good in a certain number of states. Why? The background check is more strenuous than for a drivers license and my drivers license is good throughout the country. Why does my right to self defense end when I enter California or Colorado?

The Police can not be everywhere at once, I cannot sue the police for failure to stop a crime taking place against my person. The Supreme Court has decided this the law of the land. In the end the responsibilty for my protection of me and my family is mine.

I carry the above firearm everyday, if you pass me on the street you will not see it, you wont know that it is there. The only way you will see that firearm is if my life is in jeopardy or I am at risk of serious permanent bodily injury. So how does my carrying affect you? It doesnt at all, taking away the firearms of law abiding citizens only punishes the law abiding for the crimes of criminals.

Is society safer if I am defenseless and I am injured or killed as opposed to being able to defend myself? Keep in mind that in this day and age you can fully cooperate with a criminals demands and still end up dead, this is the case more often than not.

For some folks having a gun is like having any other object. I take care of my firearms as I would take care of my truck or my computer. Do I have affection for it? Yes, but no more than any other object. Will I be upset if I lose it? Yes because I dont buy junk and that firearm is expensive. I highly doubt that any gun buyback program will give me full value cash for that firearm. I would be upset if I had to replace my truck or computer also.

So my question to Mr Biden would be , "Will you protect my second amendment rights as vigorously as you protect my first amendment rights."

I already know the answer which is why a Democrat will 90% of the time not get my vote.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:37 PM
In most circumstances I call myself a democrat. But this is one area where they most certainly do not have my support. I've never understood how anyone could not support people's right to defend themselves. My hubby and I have two guns in our house, both pistols, and both for our protection. Bought the first one right before he left to go overseas so that I wouldn't be home alone with our child with no way to protect us. I made sure to learn how to use the safety, how to aim, etc. so that if anyone ever tries to force their way into my home to cause harm to myself or my child, I can stop them. We keep it out of our sons reach, and honestly I don't think he even knows we have one.

What drives me nuts though, is the democratic view that if you want to have a gun in your possession, you must be planning to do something illegal with it. Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow

The Police can not be everywhere at once, I cannot sue the police for failure to stop a crime taking place against my person. The Supreme Court has decided this the law of the land. In the end the responsibility for my protection of me and my family is mine.

This quote is extremely correct. Dial 911 and die. ( there is a book by that title)


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
I think, that it's because showing affection for a deadly device is not exactly
seen as psychologically healthy.

Personally I support, well I have my own views in regards to guns that don't fit with
either party, but lets just say I support gun rights, but I have to say, I agree with Biden,
showing that level of affection for a gun really is'nt healthy.

Is the irrational fear of an inanimate object shown by anti gunners healthy?

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:03 AM
I dont get it? Whats so bad about loving your fancy car or Harley or your premium gaming rig or your 62" TV or any other object in your life?

Im sure any one of the persons involed in nearly 1.5 million times a firearm is used for self defence each year has an "unhealthy" affection for their firearm.

I never thought growing up that a simple thing as being left alone in "the land of the free" would be met with so much opposition from all over the place.

Youre afraid of guns, ban them. Youre afraid of big black dogs, ban them. Maybe youre afraid of big black people? Ban them?

Just stop trying to tell everyone how to live their lives.

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