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Will Gores sons arrest impact his chance to run?

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posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Now that Al Gores son was arrested with weed and a bunch of perscription drugs Will it lesson his will and fire for the battle it would take to win the Democratic primaries if he would chose to run? I think hes out now.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 05:04 PM
I'll stand up for ALGORE, on this one!

His son is a grown man driving a Prius
His actions as an adult shouldn't have an effect.

George W. Bush had some wild-child daughters when they were growing up. It didn't effect him. He won 2 terms!

If ALGORE decides to run, will lose because he is ALGORE, not because of his son.

ALGORE should be smart enough to know he can't win. You don't run for President again after losing your home state. BTW ALGOE did not lose the Presidency because of Florida, he lost because he lost Tennessee (his home state).

[edit on 4-7-2007 by RRconservative]

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
His son is a grown man driving a Prius
His actions as an adult shouldn't have an effect.

George W. Bush had some wild-child daughters when they were growing up. It didn't effect him. He won 2 terms!

Al Gore III's actions shouldn't influence voter opinion on his father if he does declare his candidacy, but let's be honest. It's one more log on the fire as far as his opponents are concerned, and it isn't going to help sway any undecided voters to his side.

Originally posted by RRconservative
ALGORE should be smart enough to know he can't win. You don't run for President again after losing your home state. BTW ALGOE did not lose the Presidency because of Florida, he lost because he lost Tennessee (his home state).

I agree, Al Gore lost because he is Al Gore. That's why he didn't make it out of the '88 primaries and lost to Dukakis.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:07 AM
No it won't hurt his chances of running and in fact I bet he announces in the next 10 days. I started a thread in Politics about Gore recently canceling everything for the next 6 months. All his speeches and appearances have been canceled,,, WHY???

It is my contention he is runing and will beat Hillary.

Gore Thread

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Ya know what? The only thing regarding this story that I've heard anyone say is "who knew a Prius could go 100 mi./hr!"

Really, with the mountain of scandals BushCo. is laboring under, nobody gives a flying f-k about this. It's nothing (beyond a private family matter). Its funny, the Republicans have hurt themselves so badly with the myriad scandals, they don't even have the time or inclination to go after Gore on this. Normally, they'd be all over it.

They can't say squat, tho. Their cup runeth over with corruption.

And for the record, I would vote for AL GORE in a heartbeat. He puts everyone else to shame in the wisdom and experience departments.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 05:29 PM
Forget about ALGORE's son!

ALGORE just ruined his chances with the pathetic showing at the Global Warming Concert.

All I'm hearing is how bad of a joke this thing was.

ALGORE is now a cartoon character, trying to defeat "ManBearPig"!

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Forget about ALGORE's son!

Simmer down, Dittohead!

Do us a favor and come up with a better name for Gore, like say, the GORACLE.

ALGORE is so 1994. YAWN.

I can't for the life of me understand anyone hating on the concert this past weekend. Its for a good cause for all of us. Those who criticize it are only hurting themselves whether they know it or not.:shk:

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 06:46 PM
I hope Al Gore (space between) wins. I think he will make a good president and no, his sons actions dont matter-
His son is an adult and is responsible for himself.

He's the only one i like at this point and if he runs, he will win (wont that be fun)!!!

Will it be alright to bash Gore??? Of course it will. It will be open season on Gore and you know what? It will be like old times and Gore bashing will be a welcome relief from the canonized Bush almighty, who you must watch what you say or you could be labeled a terrorist.

Bring back the good old days!!!

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 08:58 PM
I honestly think this is Al Gore's race to win or lose.

He is absolutely the best candidate out there from either side.

If he ran with Obama they would kick A double S.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 10:46 PM
If Gore chooses to run, his son's actions should have no bearing on his candidacy.

Honestly, why should it? *Everybody* has a relative or two that we're not proud of. A person is responsible for his own actions, period. It's time to stop this guilt-by-association bullcrap.

OTOH, if Gore runs, he will get his butt handed to him, and not because of his son.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

OTOH, if Gore runs, he will get his butt handed to him, and not because of his son.

and what do you base that belief on?

A New Hampshire poll recently revealed that if Al Gore ran, he would win the vote handily. HIllary lost 25% support immediately.

In 2000, he won the popular vote. That is undisputed. Now, he is far more popular than he was then.

If he ran, he would win.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 06:41 AM
I just don't think that most people take him seriously any more. Other than those who are acolytes of his global warming campaign. Seriously, what else does he have going for himself?

New Hampshire Democrats are mainly immigrants from Massachusetts. Fringe elements. They have made Mass. too expensive to live in, so they had to move to NH. They are now trying to turn NH into another socialist state like Mass. They are not representative of true Democrats.

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