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The Nature of God

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posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:19 PM
I liked this reply I posted to a thread and decided to share. Enjoy!

The following is my opinion. However throughout the rest of this thread I will speak as if my opinion were fact. It's simply easier to get my point of view across this way.

God is an impersonal conciousness that permeates and flows through all of existance. We could be thought of as children of God, or as cells in a body. However you care to interpret it.

I believe in Causality. Those familiar with my threads know I quote it regularly. However, universal laws exist in an attempt to explain an unexplainable knowledge. For example, the Law As Above So Below, has been split up into something like 3 dozens lesser "laws" among these is the famous "Law of Attraction." However, all of these laws exist simply to help teach us how to apply the greater law As Above so Below.

So too, the "greater laws" or "Universal Laws" such as Causality are not 100% true. They are simply trying to explain a truth. God is the truth that exists beyond these laws. God is the existance that the laws are attempting to explain. You can think of God as an ocean, and we are the droplets that make up that ocean.

The difference between us and God is that we are not fully concious of the fact that we too, are God. All of us perform our various roles in the interconnection of all. We are a part of God, a part of the interconnection, however we are not the whole.

The greater the level of conciousness of the individual, the greater their influence over the rest of existance. However, as the mind expands to percieve more, so too does existance expand. The essence of God is creation. Therefore it is constantly expanding, and -changing-. Will there be a limit of expansion? Yes, but then the form simply changes into something else.

I have a theory that time and space all exist at one single point. However, our minds, our perception, in an effort to put order to this chaos applies time and space to give us a sequence that we can comprehend and make sense of. Past and future are null concepts that exist to help us learn. Everything exists only in the present. But that is not to say what has already happened has never occured. form has just changed.

This seems to be contradictory. Form, change, this would seem to indicate time, a change over time. This is decsribed by my inability to comprehend the absolute truth, and my efforts to explain in a reasonable manner what I am concious of.

When people think of God, some picture Jesus. Some see The Self. Some see nothingness. Some see everything. Some see an old man on a chair. When interacting with the primal force that makes up and flows through all that exists, our minds give shape to this force so that we can take more from the experience.

In 'theory' when one becomes enlightened they would then comprehend everything, and would be God. This is not quite true, in my perception. They simply enter a state from which they are conciously aware of their true nature and the roles they play. There are indeed stages of conciousness. The first stage, I believe at this moment to be "no-thought." This is similar to becoming a mirror of "God" and reflecting everything.

As this conciousness evolves, one may become like a "little God" as they then fully rule over the microcosm, whereas the full God reigns over the Macrocosm of existance. God is the greater, I am the lesser.

At this high level, compassion, or an knowing that compassion is closest to representing for our current understanding. We'll call this Compassion, with the big C. However it is not compassion, as we know it currently. Compassion will drive you to wish to share this conciousness with others. However, if you could truely become the True God, you could in theory, awaken everyone. This is not possible however. Even God doesn't have the power to force his will on us. We're currently in a state that obscures true realization of conciousness. In a way, this obscurity is our will. No one can force their will upon you. Now, you can be fooled and manipulated into changing your own will, but you cannot force your will on others.

As far as getting bored from "knowing everything" that does not exist at this level. No longer being ruled by the false concepts of time and space, things do not become tedious. You enter into a phase of observing everlasting change.

We currently exist in a divided state, in which we percieve mainly the physical and the emotional. There exists on another level of the veil, mind and soul, and conciousness of spirit. As we climb the evolutionary ladder, we pull down another veil that is keeping us from observing the truth, and our awareness of true existance becomes greater. When we become fully concious as we are meant to be, body, emotion, mind, and soul are all united in full. At this point then, we are free of reincarnation. At this point however, we do not become "everlasting" in the Judeo Christian sense. Every now and then in order to keep existance fresh, we are reborn, yet in this rebirth we retain our skills and conciousness from the previous rebirth, and do not forget or lose what we had previously attained.

The way reincarnation works, we lose a lot of what we gain each reincarnation, how much is lost is determined by by how concious we are.

God is a force that exists everywhere, all the time, in a "present" state of mind. For time and space are not true concepts, the exist simply to aid our minds as they are now in comprehending nature. As we're behind these veils, we are less capable of percieving the full truth. The fewer veils block our path the more concious we are.

It is our goal to become like God. To become like our true nature and comprehend things as they were intended to. God does not use us to learn or experience life, God knows all, and is all of life, and everything else. As we become more concious, we gain greater access to the infinate.

God is a force that in our current form we cannot comprehend. The more of the obscuring veils that shelter us from the truth, the Light, the Creative Power, the less powerful we are. As our minds expand, we tear down these veils, and gain a more full access to our truth. I hope that this makes sense.

Thank you for tolerating the arrogance of this speech. I hope it helps someone move forward in understanding.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Thats a nice way of explaining the existence of God,i enjoyed the read.

Just a few questions.

How do you explain God as explained in the Bible? Is he really able to take some sort of form as and when he wants to?

Also do you think we as people will gain our Godlike conciousness related to the mayan prophecies,indigo children etc.

Will there be a mass shift in conciousness from now until 2012?

I have my own answers to these questions but i would like to know your perspective on this.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 03:32 PM
A simple question or two to whoever posted this - coz I don't think it was you, GreySwordsman, not meant in an arrogant or offensive way or anything like.
Please define a law, and explain where these 'laws' come from.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson
Thats a nice way of explaining the existence of God,i enjoyed the read.

Just a few questions.

How do you explain God as explained in the Bible? Is he really able to take some sort of form as and when he wants to?

Also do you think we as people will gain our Godlike conciousness related to the mayan prophecies,indigo children etc.

Will there be a mass shift in conciousness from now until 2012?

I have my own answers to these questions but i would like to know your perspective on this.

God does not interact as the bible states. God is nonpersonal and doesn't play favorites as the one described in the bible does. Most of the miracles I could explain as having occured due to an individual's conciousness being applied, and speaking to a divine being I would take as someone percieving their version of God, or adding their personal bias to an experience. Bias being a thing that obscures truth.

As for 2012, I don't have an answer for you. I have a lot of sources that are claiming something will happen, but I personally am not so positive.

I never gave the indigo children too much credence. There have been people with their said qualities long before their generation ever occured. Secondly, I don't view spiritual evolution as something that is determined by when you were born. People born in a technology filled age, where so many are disconnected with nature in comparison with times passed when people relied on nature more? I view this as new age fantasy where people try to explain their experiences and make themselves feel more special due to their experience. I do not relate the mayan prophecy to this in general, and as I touched on earlier, do not feel that 2012 will bring an enhanced global conciousness reaching Godly levels.

Hope that answered your question

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by more_serotonin_pls
A simple question or two to whoever posted this - coz I don't think it was you, GreySwordsman, not meant in an arrogant or offensive way or anything like.
Please define a law, and explain where these 'laws' come from.

You don't have to believe it was me.
maybe I copied it there, too.

To me, laws are attempts to explain the unexplainable truth. In general, I use Hermes' list of 7 principles. However, the various concepts are decsribed in Shamanism, Kabbalah, Yoga, Buddhism, etc.

I believe they came from people who reached a much higher state of conciousness than I have reached, and were used in an attempt to explain things to people who have not reached their level of understanding. These laws are not absolutely true. They are true in the sense that they come as close as possible to explaining a percieved truth. The idea behind them is through contemplation of these "Laws" a person could reach a deeper, more accurate understanding of them.

As far as the 3 dozen or so laws that were created to divide As Above So Below, they are making the issue bigger in an attempt for us to understand how to apply the knowledge.

Look at it this way. When we learned to write, we were given a sheet of paper with 3 lines. We would write the "A" real large over three lines. As we became more coordinated, the "A" became more smoothe. Eventually, we could write an A on a very small line and it would be very easy to read, quite legible, wheras if we atatmpted to write the "A" before practice, we would not be able to keep it legible at that size, until our skills caught up.

In a sense, dividing a "Law" into many "Laws" is making the letter bigger. As our understanding of how to apply the law becomes more smoothe, we no longer need "3 lines" or 36 laws to explain a concept. Just one.

Now, the 7 "Laws" that make up the 7 basic principles that I am talking about, are also not absolutely true. They are still attempting to explain what cannot be explained. These laws can further be refined into a single unknow-able truth.

I hope that makes sense.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Yeah that answers my question thanks.

I always percieved God as you do but i think that there are divine beings that have Godlike conciousness,in as they have reached a level of conciousness that they can harness the source of all that is and appear to be God's.

So there should be two explanations first being a divine being that roams about the planets and another supreme entity that permeates through all that exists etc.

But thats just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson
Yeah that answers my question thanks.

I always percieved God as you do but i think that there are divine beings that have Godlike conciousness,in as they have reached a level of conciousness that they can harness the source of all that is and appear to be God's.

So there should be two explanations first being a divine being that roams about the planets and another supreme entity that permeates through all that exists etc.

But thats just my opinion.

If that's what you believe that's perfectly ok with me! I do not believe that a person who has reached a higher state on conciousness deserves Godlike reverance. They have simply reached their potential. Some people pray to Gods and Buddhas, or Ascended Masters, but I do not. I look for God within, and not within others. They have done quite well to go so far, and have accomplished much, but I will not worship, pray to, or pay homage to these entities.

But if you choose to create a "Pantheon" of sorts, to each their own.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
But if you choose to create a "Pantheon" of sorts, to each their own.

Are you opposed to a GreySwordsman Pantheon? I've got a great design all worked out.

Seriously, for someone so young, I like the way you think. Your description of God is similar to the one I've been dancing around with for years now. It has also taken me years to overcome my own cultural and religious conditioning, to strip away the dogma and laws, until what was left was something as simple "As above So it is below".

The attainment of levels of consciousness which are higher and more in tune with creation makes perfect sense to me. It helps explain many of the "prophets", these enlightened individuals must have achieved a state of divine consciousness which was a visible gift to those who were still looking and climbing that ladder. They would have stood out like bright beacons in the ancient world. Today, those kinds of people often get the wrong kind of attention, from the wrong people.

What you state is a simple truth, and that's what makes it more true than something that is complicated. I'm of the opinion that; `if it's complicated, it's probably wrong'. The truth in anything is always very simple.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by Red_Dog_BOM]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Red_Dog_BOM Are you opposed to a GreySwordsman Pantheon? I've got a great design all worked out.

I am just happy that you enjoy my rantings. You're a faithful viewer of my threads, and it means a lot to me for the time I put into these threads to be appreciated. Thanks for the support.

Fixing quote

[edit on 27-6-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

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