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Racism in the Patriot movements?

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posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 01:44 PM
I've noticed in my searches and discussions that there seems to be a common belief among people that so-called Patriot movement groups from Libertarians and tax-protestors to sovereign citizens and militia groups are entrenched in racism and bigotry.

I have had run ins with white seperatists and others who seem to identify their beliefs with their skin color and can say, sure, their are racists all over the place. There may be racist Libertarians, Constitutionalists, tax protestors, sovereign citizens and the like but I dont understand why organizations immediately write off all of such groups and those with like theories as "far-right, racist, fundamentalists."

More than half of the people that share many of my beliefs are non-white. Does that make them racist? Because they think the income tax is unjust, love their rifles, and fear a police state they are automaticaly racist?

Ive heard and read that when groups like the ADL make these generalizations as an attempt to ilegitimize these groups and beliefs but then the ADL claims that these claims are themselves anti-Semetic in origin?


I know a racist Democrat, does that mean all Dems are racist? Of course not!

I get a little ticked off when I talk to someone about certain subjects and they write me off as a racist and hence, refuse to listen to anything I say. What do taxes have to do with skin color?

I dont know if this is all some big disinfo campaign or if I really am getting myself inadvertantly involved with some grand white supremacist movement thats so secret tey dont even know they are white supremacists.

As an anicdote to this, I did start reading an issue of "The Nationalist Times" after running into an advertisement. I was thinking to myself how odd it was they would identify the publication as "Nationalist" since nationalism got such a bad rap from the Nazi's. I thought, maybe its just semantics. As I got through the issue I realized it was indeed a racist publication.

So why the broad lumping of a collection of beliefs under the umbrella of racism especially when the issues at hand have nothing to do with race or ethnicity? Its quite confusing. Unless the ADL is itself racist?

Anybody read "Them" by Jon Ronson? I got the impression from that book that the ADL was just as crazy as the groups it was calling crazy.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:06 PM
You know, I also find it highly offensive when people start throwing the 'racism' card around, just because some of us like the idea of our border being 'secure'. I cannot say how sick I am of being called a racist because I think the open border policy is a huge security threat to us all.

There are some that will claim til their death that this current war against 'terrorism' is a war against Muslims. Why not put credit where credit is due? It doesn't matter what colour skin a person has, this war is about profit.

For the most part, I think the issues you have specified.. Rifle lovers, those who fear a police state, etc.. These are simply people who want to protect their rights that we as Americans expect to have. This is pride, not racism. We speak out about these issues because we do not want to lose them, afterall isn't that what being an American is about?
I think racial groups who get offended by this need to step back and think about where they live, the concepts under which this country was founded, and perhaps move to England where citizens cannot have guns, are taxxed to no end because of socialized services, and are on constant surveillance by their government. Then they have nothing left to complain about, right?

Sorry if this was off-topic.. Stupid rant.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Hey, imagine how I feel! I'm a republican! LOL. I might as well be wearing a white robe as far as some are concerned. Despite the fact that a republican president freed the slaves. Despite the fact that a republican-controlled congress passed the first major civil rights legislation. And despite the fact that the most senior democrat in congress is a former card-carrying, cloke-wearing member of the KKK, it's the republicans and those on the right that are always assumed to be racists and bigots by many.

These kind of labels and accusations are thrown out there because those using them know that most of us are too stupid to seek the truth. We just take their word for it. And what better way to marginalize your opponents than to accuse them of being one of the most inhumane things on earth- a racist. Everyone from politicians to defendents use the "race card" to better their own personal position. They don't care about the damage that it does to the accused, or to the American society as a whole. As long as it gets them elected, gets them aquitted or puts money in their pockets, then they could care less whether its true or not.

As for these groups such as militias and anti-tax folks being called racists, I believe it is because those groups that are in fact racist are the ones who get the most press. It's no different than people believing that most blacks are criminals, because when they turn on the evening news the lead story is almost always a young black male shooting someone. They don't want to report on the young black man who is volunteering and helping his community, because that doesn't get them the ratings. And we as a public are partially responsible because we watch the stuff and we read the stuff. We don't stand up and ask better of our media. We allow them to feed us the news as they see fit, and as it fits their own individual agendas. I think that is part of the reason why we are seeing a surge in the alternate media sources, such as blogs, websites, radio programs, etc. People are tired of hearing the same old propaganda from the major American media sources. We're tired of having the media's liberal or conservative agendas crammed down our throats. We want the news, not opinion. And if a newspaper has a liberal or conservative agenda then we want them to at least admit it. At least then we know what we're getting into and can keep an open mind as to where they are really coming from.

I also think that when it comes to militia and anti-government groups being called racists, the government itself is playing a major hand in this. They want to undermine these groups more than anyone as they present the greatest internal threat to their power. But we should also not kid ourselves. There really are a lot of militias and groups out there that are motivated by hatred, whether they be Neo-Nazis or Islamic Radicals. And I think that we have a right to know if they are or not. But just assuming that all or most of them are isn't fair either.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:26 PM
When all else fails, call someone a bigot. That's the tactic used to derail having people listen to the message.

I live in the South, therefore I must be a bigot. I own a pickup truck, therefore I must be a redneck. I own a gun, therefore I must be dangerous.

It's word association. And if you repeat the same phrase enough times, the words start to group in the minds of many people. Media advertisers have used these tactics for so long we scarcely notice them anymore.

And the leadership in this nation wants it that way. Anything that binds the people into a more solid unit is a threat to those who wield great power. And this is echoed by those seeking power. They say that they want everyone to get along, all the differing segments of our society, and then they subtly undermine that .

Racial harmony was not progressed by Affirmative Action. The few who benefited were far outnumbered by the many who were hurt, black and white. It was promoted as helping, when it really served the purpose of drawing attention to race.

To call patriots racist sets up disharmony, for then people of color will be wary of these types. And their wariness will make the neophyte patriot wonder why they wouldn't value freedom. In this way a wedge can be driven to insure that groups fail to meet on common ground because each is subtly influenced to think that the other has an unknown agenda that is not for the overall good.

Control 101.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Everything comes down to one thing, divisions.

When you have divisions in popular believes, ideas and opinion is easier to steer the population and keep them apart.

Be with racism, ideologies, religious believes or social imbalance, this plays perfectly to the system of government we have right now.

A divided population do not have the time to sit together to understand the true intentions of our government agendas.

A divided nation poses no treat to anybody but itself.

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