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The Belief-System Conspiracy

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 05:34 PM
In my opinion one of the most overlooked and therefore most powerful conspiracies is the Belief-System-Conspiracy.

We are born here without any memory of who we are and where we came from. That in itself makes me suspicious. From then on we have a bunch of people...parents, school, media...competing for our attention, trying to hook our attention to a certain view of reality, certain beliefs-about-reality. Whats worse is, that the beliefs offered to us are rarely offered AS Beliefs, they are offered as "facts" or "truth". Once we buy into them, we start viewing the world from these "pre-sets", and start amassing a bunch of secondary beliefs around those core-concepts.

Heres how to hook someone to a belief-system:

1. Offer a belief-system without mentioning alternatives.
2. Say that this belief-system will help you feel better and solve your problems or connect it to goals a person has.
3. Offer a few somewhat valid tools and viewpoints so that all the invalid and detrimental things go unnoticed.
4. Polarize by saying that this belief-system is right while others are wrong.
5. Have the person believe he has to become a "follower" of that.

The whole point is to fix someone to one viewpoint. Being fixed to one viewpoint has the advantage of feeling stable, secure, comfortable, on familiar terrain. And it has the disadvantage of perceiving only a tiny part of all-that-is and becoming blind to anything that contradicts that viewpoint.

I am not saying that one shouldnt have any fixed opinions and beliefs...but at least they could be beliefs of ones own choosing, rather than beliefs enforced upon me by society. Also one might maintain the ability to otherwise remain flexible and open-minded. To neither be the automatic yay-sayer nor the automatic nay-sayer. To not be a searcher, but a player. To not be a follower/consumer but a creator.

The Belief-System-Conspiracy can be seen on a daily basis, nearly everywhere...even on this Forum. The purpose of the belief-system-conspiracy is to keep people fixed, hooked, dumb, docile, unflexible, unmoving. The more fixed, the more limited. The less fixed, the less limited. Someone able to examine, shift, occupy, de-occupy an unlimited number of beliefs and viewpoints is truly free.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Hello. Nice old thread that no body could comment on?

1. I agree.

2. Do you still today think it is a conspiracy or more of a nurture/growing-up-environment dilemma? Our parents betow their beliefs upon us from birth till departure from the household.

3. Personally, I hate saying I believe in anything. Why? Well, you probably already know but will say because it seems to lead to categorization and segregation. "I believe in Universal Health Care" for instance. People deem you as democrat right?


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