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helmet blocking alien telepathy and mind control

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posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 07:44 PM
I am interested in your opinion here. Government mind control does not scare me. It's the alien mind control thing. If that is what you wish to call it. It has been reported by some others and I myself have also experienced it. Just before an abduction (I've had only one), there are seen black helicopters. While seeing the black helicopters there are some extremely evil sounding voices that can be heard in the head. What can block this? My home is shielded with velostat made by the 3M company which is supposed to block microwaves. Cell phones do not work in my house but I don't know if they wouldn't be working anyway even without the velostat. What else is required to turn my house into a faraday cage? It is made with aluminum siding already. Except for the floor it is wrapped in aluminum and on the inside is the velostat covered with 51 percent metalllic cloth that is grounded to grounding rods. I tried putting velostat on the floor but that was a mistake as it created ground currents. I'd have to do it from under the house somehow. What is your opinion here?

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Originally posted by Lysergic
Who is to say this helmet doesnt amplify mind control?

CURSES! ! ! "foiled" again. And by Lysergic, too!


Actually, who is to say that telepathy is electro-magnetic by nature at all?

Sorry to dissillusion y'all "aluminatti," but try the following experiment:

1. wrap your cell phone in one layer of aluminum foil.

2. call it from another phone.

3. If it rings, add a layer of foil.

4. go back to number one.

Seriously. You'll be surpised at just how many inches of foil it takes to hide a phone from a cell-tower. You start to realize what a waste it is to try and make a foil helmet.

honestly. A faraday cage is the only answer.


[edited for kindergarten-level spelling errors.]

[edit on 26-2-2006 by dr_strangecraft]

[edit on 26-2-2006 by grasshopper]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by ReginalBigsby
Honest question. Do some of you guys actualy believe this stuff? Do some of you guys actualy contemplate building a faraday cage? The only type of person I can picture wearing a 'mindcontrol blocking device' , would be a 30-40 something year old living in thier mom's basement. No offense...

Actually believe?

How sure are you of you're own take on reality, bub.?

Contemplate? heh.

I built my first Faraday cage almost twenty years ago. And I wasn't living with mom at the time either. Of course, that cage wasn't primarily to deflect thought-control. More of a fringe benefit.

5 milimeter mesh from the home supply warehouse is cheap and pliable and you can cut it with tin-snips. Unroll it, staple it to frames, and you can even make it so that it is collapsable and fairly portable. And it defeats just about everything, including cellphones indoors. Two layers, offset, and a quarter inch apart will x out all signals. Now, just ground it to your water heater, and you're starting to talk about EMP survivability.

My friend's landlord saw the set-up in his apartment, and my friend said he was watching his brother's pet ferret. No more questions from the lan'lo'.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by grasshopper
I am interested in your opinion here. Government mind control does not scare me. It's the alien mind control thing. . . Just before an abduction (I've had only one), there are seen black helicopters. While seeing the black helicopters there are some extremely evil sounding voices that can be heard in the head. . . . . I'd have to do it from under the house somehow. What is your opinion here?

[edit on 26-2-2006 by grasshopper]

Honestly, I don't think technology is going to offer much hope if you can hear it in your head.

What you need is a meme strong enough to counteract the interface/programming you've already recieved. Seriously. Regardless of what other people on this thread may say, my advice to you is to turn to faith. I wrote a thread here about how some people plagued by alien abduction have found relief in religion. Now, if you're not religious, I'm not trying to convert you or anything. I'm saying that there are people who have looked a non-ordinary entity squarely in the eye and said, "Depart and never come to me again--the power of the blood of Christ compels you."

Now, regardless of what you think of the content of their faith, an open-minded investigator must conclude that they found relief this way. If you don't want to participate in Christianity, then I would suggest the religion of your parents or their parents. Theoretically, I suppose you could invent a synthetic religion for the purpose, but as long as you "knew" it was a myth, I suspect it wouldn't work.

You can also find a therapist from whatever tradition you espouse, and talk with them about finding relief, even if they don't believe you. A good priest or rabbi (I know several) would be willing to work with you in what is called "solution focused therapy." That's where the therapist helps you achieve your goal (living abduction-free), even if he doesn't believe your problem is objectively "real."

Frankly, most therapists, of any stripe, are going to say that you need medication. This is where you bargain with them. You agree to submit to some tests, and possible medication, if they will agree to help you solve the problem you present for treatment,

They may claim to help you deal with your fear of abduction, rather than abduction itself; but what's the difference if you get relief from an oppressed life?

I don't know if you're pulling our leg or not. But my advice is sound, I believe, for anyone who is suffering from the things you describe.

All the best.


posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:35 AM
Well, I suppose I asked for it. Thanks for the advice. But actually, I don't agree with hardly anything that you said. But thanks anyway and I did ask for it. By the way, what is a meme?

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by grasshopper
Well, I suppose I asked for it. Thanks for the advice. But actually, I don't agree with hardly anything that you said. But thanks anyway and I did ask for it. By the way, what is a meme?

"meme" from wikipedia

Sorry if you didn't get what was wanted. You already pointed out that RF-proofing your house didn't do the job, and I was suggesting an "outside-the-box" solution.

If you do find a workable solution, I'd love to know about it.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 11:59 AM
The best kind of alien mind control ray blocking helmet is a nice, carbon fiber Garneau bicycle helmet that has a clip you can attach to your skin as a ground. Along with blocking NWO/alien rays, they're lightweight, stylish, and protect you in a fall. What more could you want?

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by kalkiYou are mind controlled bro..

wow, I totally made you say that. I guess it does work.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 03:18 PM
The purpose in asking for your advice was because you sounded like you knew a lot about faraday cages. I didn't point out that RF-proofing didn't work. If I did, it was to try to get you to tell me how you would have done it. That was the topic, not religion. The most mind controlled period of my life was when I was controlled by religous spirits.

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft[/

Sorry if you didn't get what was wanted. You already pointed out that RF-proofing your house didn't do the job, and I was suggesting an "outside-the-box" solution.

If you do find a workable solution, I'd love to know about it.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:28 PM
This is so stupid, Tin foil was proven to actually increase the signals or something by MIT so it does more harm than good.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by grasshopper
That was the topic, not religion.

Well, to use an analogy from computer security, the problem of keeping hackers out of your PC is ultimately a software, rather than a hardware issue. How do you keep hackers out? By installing software that denies them decision-making capability over your system.

If you want to stick with hardware, I guess the first question is what kind of mind-control you are concerned with countervening. The two kinds I'm think of are a) where you have received an implant that is used to control you, or b) where you think potential controllers have device that will work on any human subject, without prior preparation.

If you think you have a chip, then the next question is whether it is RF active or not; whether it is sending signals back to the controllers, or is entirely passive from an RF standpoint.

If is sending information back electronically, then it could be detected just like a surveilance "bug" that records sound or images. These active RF devices could be located by using a shortwave radio, police scanner, and a TV set with a UHF/VHF antenna. The process would probably require a friend to run up and down the bands looking for a locally strong signal. moving the antenna around your head ought to pick it up.

If the chip is passive you should still be able to detect for it by using an RF source; a tesla coil would be an extremely broad-spectrum RF source, and with the proper field strength, should interrupt the chip's reception, perhaps permanently. The trouble, of course, is that it would interfere with EVERY rf receiver within the field. The FCC (US radio cop) is extremley intolerant of high-power tesla coils; but the fact is, the EMP effect from a strong coil should destroy any microchip in you without doing any biological damage. Building such a transmitter is no small task, and would also put any computer equipment in your home at risk, so you'd need to educate yourself before going down that route.

Now, if you think that the controllers have equipment capable of controlling any human, without any prior surgical prep, you have a much more subtle problem on your hands. The question in that case is whether the mind-control beam is radio-electronic by nature. If it is, then the set-up you described should be effective in shielding your home.

Basically, if I were building a faraday cage, I'd try to figure out the smallest size I could work with, and still expect protection. If you had a single room that would go unnoticed, you could build the one I described; 5 mm mesh from the hardware superstore, usually comes in rolls of like 15 ft. A cage 8ft long by 5 ft wide by 5ft high would give you room to sit up or lie down in. You just staple the material to a 2 x 2 framework, attaching wires to each section of screen so that each face is electrostatically linked. you can even check it with a multimeter to make sure the connections are secure. That's about all there is to it.

Here's a survivalist website ("end times" worldview) telling how to build faraday cages
All about disabling RFID's, privacy protection, etc

Tutorial on RFID in the modern world

The problem is, you cannot really live in a cage. Even more, if your controllers are serious, they are probably monitering your movements, certainly your purchases. I would think such a 'building program' might drive them to more desperate measures. Still, you could at least verify that you were "control-free" when in your cage.

Now there's a deeper problem of, what if the mind control-beam isn't even electromagnetic in nature??? Things like remote viewing, etc., might not even be affected.

The ultimate question is, how will your controllers respond if you are successful? Before disabling their technology, you will want to be able to make things appear that you are still a pliant subject. Otherwise, they'll come for you, right?

Again, this is why I come back to thinking that mind-control is ultimately a "soft-ware" problem.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 07:56 AM
I definately misjudged you. This is very good advice. Most of the time the people who are talking about privacy issues are the very people who are invading your privacy. And they will be the one who will swear that you are crazy for thinking someone is invading your privacy. They will attack you and say that you are a nobody and nobody would be interested in you. I am in a position to know quite a bit about what is "really" going on. I can tell you the people who you think are fighting for your privacy, for the most part, are the very ones in on the eavesdropping that is going on. I have no doubt about the survellience and the eavesdropping. I am not afraid of "government" attempts at mind control. I haven't seen anything yet that suggests that they have it. I am very afraid of "alien" mind control. There is no resistance to it. They can make you do anything they want you to. There is no real resistance to aliens unless another species or group of aliens is helping you against another that attempts to control you. I have not seen any evidence yet for remote viewing. They all appear to be frauds to me. Yet, there is a kind of mind reading capability that is out there. I have experienced it being done on me and I myself have done it on others. I think it is absolutely wrong to read people's minds and then let them know that you have done so. In one of the wars, either world war II or maybe vietnam. There was a lady who would use the radio airwaves to try to psychologically torment the G.I.'s. I forgert what her name was. She knew the G.I. were listening to her and she would direct her whole program at them. I am not crazy. I am telling you that that same kind of psychological warfare is today being used in our own media. The media is up to their eyebrows in eavesdropping and in psychological warfare. RFID tags don't worry me too much. I will tell you that some of the radio talk show hosts that you believe are on your side and are fighting for your privacy and are putting people on the air who talk about these things like RFID tags are not really your friends. The far left liberals and the far right patriots are banding together but they are absolutely no different than the eavesdroppers in power now. Nothing is going to change no matter who gets elected and you are best off trying to gain your privacy on your own without these people.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
This is so stupid, Tin foil was proven to actually increase the signals or something by MIT so it does more harm than good.

Talking about tinfoil hats, with the new tinwiki and all , i was curious to see what wiki had to say

I have to try this damn hat

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 10:00 PM
I find mind control silly... The only way I can be mind controlled is to talk to me while im sleeping and tell me what to do...


Tell me some awesomely convincing story with very well and expensive to hoax evidence and tell me that I will be payed to help with the situation
Good luck on any of that since I am known to be a light sleeper and I dont know of a reason to spend money on makin me do somethin

Yes people have tryed to shock me and prod my memory.. just some of my smarter group of friends experimenting.. its never worked just put a nice burn mark and smell of burning wherever they poke.. hurts like hell to

[edit on 21-5-2006 by The Bear Man]

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Project is a complete success. The test subject, ATS subscriber "the bear man" disavows any belief in mind control. That the implant continues to function is attested to by subjects repeated references to 'voices in one's sleep' giving commands, and the word "prodding."

Begin phase 23


posted on May, 21 2006 @ 11:44 PM
use a wet towl
total recall style

also love the mad max gear vanishing point

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:01 AM
I always imagined if I saw lights in the sky or got extremely weird vibes in the atmosphere the first thing I'd do is pop out my MP3 or CD player and crank up the volume with some really killer music playing. Id hide my headphones with my hoodie so they don't catch on to my possible counter. Stash a few throwing stars in my jacket pouch just in case I feel there presence is hostile.

Now all I gotta do is decide if I'm gonna relax and let them come to me or charge outside and go hunting!!

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