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Universal Hologram - Must read, deeep stuff this!

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posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 01:10 PM
This is one interesting website!

Encoding and decoding frequencies is precisely what a hologram does best. Just as a hologram functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through the senses into the inner world of our perceptions.

An impressive body of evidence suggests that the brain uses holographic principles to perform its operations. Pribram's theory, in fact, has gained increasing support among neurophysiologists.

Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli recently extended the holographic model into the world of acoustic phenomena. Puzzled by the fact that humans can locate the source of sounds without moving their heads, even if they only possess hearing in one ear, Zucarelli discovered that holographic principles can explain this ability.

Alot of people have a hard time believing what the Bible states about
God instantly creating things. Like for example:

"And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under
the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament:and it was so."
"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together
unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so."

Also a thing that struck me when i was reading this website is the fact
that a hologram is an IMAGE.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of
the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. "

In light of holograms it is very much possible to create things instantly
by just adding them. The first word was sound the bible says, sound is
a frequency or a wave..

A Soul is said to be "Light", in light of how holographs function it could
very well be that electromagnetics and soundwaves for example are
the carriers of the source and the light of ones Soul is what manifests
the image and the brain realises it as "reality". Or better put:
The human senses sense the waves and frequencies, they stream into the
brain and the Light of ones Soul creates the final image.

More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature. Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm.

Interesting brainfood this

[edit on 19-8-2006 by zren]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 01:26 PM
Just wondering, if this holographic "reality" is actually true. How does time fit
into it? How would one be able to visualize time inside a hologram ?


posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 02:44 PM
I like the way u put that in our image and likeness bit. I feel this is the right direction, the way u can break a mirror into a billion bits and the whole image will be on each bit.. macrocosm / microcosm / -- same as ive heard the universe is all in our DNA. .... i was havin this discussion on here before about the HOLODECK on startrek havin some great food for thout... for some reason he knew too much on how holodecks worked! but couldnt disprove my point the whole universe could be some big biological hologram..

I duno about picturing time anywhere, nevermind in a hologram, but this bit i copied from ur weblink if thats ok..... >

Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to ''instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart''. ( sounds like radionics? ) Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier,....... <

Einstein was good yeh but he is ancient, new things always being found.

When u figured out the time dilemma have a think on paralell worlds ;-)

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 08:12 AM
Hi syber, where is that topic of yours about the Holodeck stuff? I want to read it

Anyone else got something interesting to add here ?

Also, the Bible speaks of "our image, after our likeness"
Who are the "our" ? O.O

[edit on 20-8-2006 by zren]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 08:37 AM
In light of holograms it is very much possible to create things instantly
by just adding them...

You could "create" something from a Hologram "Instantly" if you apply the correct Reference Vibration to the Hologram.

If reality were a Hologram, then every thing that is manifest is so because the correct reference vibration is being applied.

If you want a certain "effect" to manifest its self locally, you must initiate (word carefully chosen) the correct Reference Vibration.

Think Mantra.
Think Visualization of Symbolism.
Think Ritual.

P.S. Shhhhh! Not so loud. There are people and organizations that would prefer you not stumble upon this by accident.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:25 AM
Came accross another forum just now where i read this peace of text, very

One of the first reports of the Intellect, concerning the Absolute, is that it must have existed forever, and must continue to exist forever. There is no escape from this conclusion, whether one view the matter from the viewpoint of the materialist, philosopher, occultist, or theologian. The Absolute could not have sprung from Nothing [no-thing], and there was no other cause outside of itself from which it could have emanated. And there can be no cause outside of itself which can terminate its being. And we cannot conceive of Infinite Life, or Absolute Life, dying. So the Absolute must be Eternal--such is the report of the Intellect.

This idea of the Eternal is practically unthinkable to the human mind,although it is forced to believe that it must be a quality of the Absolute. The trouble arises from the fact that the Intellect is compelled to see everything through the veil of Time, and Cause and Effect. Now, Cause and Effect, and Time, are merely phenomena or appearances of the relative world, and have no place in the Absolute and Real. Let us see if we can understand this.

Reflection will show you that the only reason that you are unable to think of or picture a Causeless Cause, is because everything that you have experienced in this relative world of the senses has had a cause--something from which it sprung. You have seen Cause and Effect in full operation all about you, and quite naturally your Intellect has taken it for granted that there can be nothing uncaused--nothing without a preceding cause. And the Intellect is perfectly right, so far as Things are concerned, for all Things are relative and are therefore caused. But back of the caused things must lie THAT which is the Great Causer of Things, and which, not being a Thing itself, cannot have been caused--cannot be the effect of a cause. Your minds reel when you try to form a mental image of That which has had no cause, because you have had no experience in the sense world of such a thing, and there fail to form the image. It is out of your experience, and you cannot form the mental picture. But yet your mind is compelled to believe that there must have been an Original One, that can have had no cause. This is a hard task for the Intellect, but in time it comes to see just where the trouble lies, and ceases to interpose objections to the voice of the higher regions of the self.

And, the Intellect experiences a similar difficulty when it tries to think of an Eternal--a That which is above and outside of Time. We see Time in operation everywhere, and take it for granted that Time is a reality--an actual thing. But this is a mistake of the senses. There is no such thing as Time, in reality. Time exists solely in our minds. It is merely a form of perception by which we express our consciousness of the Change in Things.

We cannot think of Time except in connection with a succession of changes of things in our consciousness--either things of the outer world, or the passing of thought-things through our mind. A day is merely the consciousness of the passing of the sun--an hour or minute merely the subdivision of the day, or else the consciousness of the movement of the hands of the clock--merely the consciousness of the movement of Things--the symbols of changes in Things. In a world without changes in Things, there would be no such thing as Time. Time is but a mental invention. Such is the report of the Intellect.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:25 AM

And, besides the conclusions of pure abstract reasoning about Time, we may see many instances of the relativity of Time in our everyday experiences. We all know that when we are interested Time seems to pass rapidly, and when we are bored it drags along in a shameful manner. We know that when we are happy, Time develops the speed of a meteor, while when we are unhappy it crawls like a tortoise. When we are interested or happy our attention is largely diverted from the changes occurring in things--because we do not notice the Things so closely. And while we are miserable or bored, we notice the details in Things, and their changes, until the length of time seems interminable. A tiny insect mite may, and does, live a lifetime of birth, growth, marriage, reproduction, old age, and death, in a few minutes, and no doubt its life seems as full as does that of the elephant with his hundred years. Why? _Because so many things haze happened!_ When we are conscious of many things happening, we get the impression and sensation of the length of time. The greater the consciousness of things, the greater the sensation of Time. When we are so interested in talking to a loved one that we forget all that is occurring about us, then the hours fly by unheeded, while the same hours seem like days to one in the same place who is not interested or occupied with some task.

Men have nodded, and in the second before awakening they have dreamed of events that seemed to have required the passage of years. Many of you have had experiences of this kind, and many such cases have been recorded by science. On the other hand, one may fall asleep and remain unconscious, but without dreams, for hours, and upon awakening will insist that he has merely nodded. Time belongs to the relative mind, and has no place in the Eternal or Absolute.

Next, the Intellect informs us that it must think of the Absolute as Infinite in Space--present everywhere--Omnipresent. It cannot be limited, for there is nothing outside of itself to limit it. There is no such place as Nowhere. Every place is in the Everywhere. And Everywhere is filled with the All--the Infinite Reality--the Absolute.

And, just as was the case with the idea of Time, we find it most difficult--if not indeed impossible--to form an idea of an Omnipresent--of That which occupies Infinite Space. This because verything that our minds have experienced has had dimensions and limits. The secret lies in the fact that Space, like Time, has no real existence outside of our perception of consciousness of the relative position of Things--material objects. We see this thing here, and that thing there. Between them is Nothingness. We take another object, say a yard-stick, and measure off this Nothingness between the two objects, and we call this measure of Nothingness by the term Distance. And yet we cannot have measured Nothingness--that is impossible. What have we really done? Simply this, determined how many lengths of yard-stick could be laid between the other two objects.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:26 AM

We call this process measuring Space, but Space is Nothing, and we have merely determined the relative position of objects. To "measure Space" we must have three Things or objects, _i.e._, (l) The object from which we start the measure; (2) The object with which we measure; and (3) The object with which we end our measurement. We are unable to conceive of Infinite Space, because we lack the third object in the measuring process--the ending object. We may use ourselves as a starting point, and the mental yard-stick is always at hand, but where is the object at the other side of Infinity of Space by which the measurement may be ended? It is not there, and we cannot think of the end without it.

Let us start with ourselves, and try to imagine a million million miles, and then multiply them by another million million miles, a million million times. What have we done? Simply extended our mental yard-stick a certain number of times to an imaginary point in the Nothingness that we call Space. So far so good, but the mind intuitively recognizes that beyond that imaginary point at the end of the last yard-stick, there is a capacity for an infinite extension of yard-sticks--an infinite capacity for such extension. Extension of what? Space? No! Yard-sticks! Objects! Things! Without material objects Space is unthinkable. It has no existence outside of our consciousness of Things. There is no such thing as Real Space. Space is merely an infinite capacity for extending objects. Space itself is merely a name for Nothingness. If you can form an idea of an object swept out of existence, and nothing to take its place, that Nothing would be called Space, the term implying the possibility of placing something there without displacing anything else.

Size, of course, is but another form of speaking of Distance. And in this connection let us not forget that just as one may think of Space being infinite in the direction of largeness, so may we think of it as being infinite in the sense of smallness. No matter how small may be an object thought of, we are still able to think of it as being capable of subdivision, and so on infinitely. There is no limit in this direction either. As Jakob has said: "The conception of the infinitely minute is as little capable of being grasped by us, as is that of the infinitely great. Despite this, the admission of the reality of the infinitude, both in the direction of greatness and of minuteness, is inevitable."

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:26 AM

And, as Radenhausen has said: "The idea of Space is only an unavoidable illusion of our Consciousness, or of our finite nature, and does not exist outside of ourselves; the universe is infinitely small and infinitely great."

The telescope has opened to us ideas of magnificent vastness and greatness, and the perfected microscope has opened to us a world of magnificent smallness and minuteness. The latter has shown us that a drop of water is a world of minute living forms who live, eat, fight, reproduce, and die. The mind is capable of imagining a universe occupying no more space than one million-millionth of the tiniest speck visible under the strongest microscope--and then imagining such a universe containing millions of suns and worlds similar to our own, and inhabited by living forms akin to ours--living, thinking men and women, identical in every respect to ourselves. Indeed, as some philosophers have said, if our Universe were suddenly reduced to such a size--the relative proportions of everything being preserved, of course--then we would not be conscious of any change, and life would go on the same, and we would be of the same importance to ourselves and to the Absolute as we are this moment. And the same would be true were the Universe suddenly enlarged a million-million times. These changes would make no difference in reality. Compared with each other, the tiniest speck and the largest sun are practically the same size when viewed from the Absolute.

We have dwelt upon these things so that you would be able to better realize the relativity of Space and Time, and perceive that they are merely symbols of Things used by the mind in dealing with finite objects, and have no place in reality. When this is realized, then the idea of Infinity in Time and Space is more readily grasped.

As Radenhausen says: "Beyond the range of human reason there is neither Space nor Time; they are arbitrary conceptions of man, at which he has arrived by the comparison and arrangement of different impressions which he has received from the outside world. The conception of Space arises from the sequence of the various forms which fill Space, by which the external world appears to the individual man. The conception of Time arises from the sequence of the various forms which change in space (motion), by which the external world acts on the individual man, and so on. But externally to ourselves, the distinction between repletion of Space and mutation of Space does not exist, for each is in constant transmutation, whatever is is filling and changing at the same time--nothing is at a standstill," and to quote Ruckert: "The world has neither beginning nor end, in space nor in time. Everywhere is center and turning-point, and in a moment is eternity."

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 10:49 PM
wow.. gota come back to this ive not read any... jus saw the who was the OUR bit......

i always thought that was anunaki territory but i duno wat to believe of them now...... (i jus wana know!! not believe anything) i presumed there was at least a few beings and thats what they meant by us and our........ or else ''GOD'' was skitzoid.

I cant remember that thread dude it was under another name too but il point it out if i find it again.

cya soon.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 01:24 AM
I love it, I love it, I love it!!!
Excellent find. Mindblowing and yet so true.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 01:59 AM
very very interesting. mind blowing indeed.

zren from where did you get that write up of space and time?

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 02:50 AM
There was a movie about this theory called 'The Matrix'.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 10:18 AM
To believe in a God is to efface our imminent Godhood's which we can and act with so much relish, the idiomata of the Universal Hologram seems to merit at the same pegging and level with the idea of the Enneagram, just Yidam's which the Tibetan Spiritist knows so well.

I believe we live within a Multi Dimenensional Reality, where the frequencies interact at different resonances, now the essence of God is an Old One, basically under Pratyahara you can sense that God exists everywhere, God is just our synonym for Matter and Anti-Matter (if it exists), i.e. the nanon, the atom, etc.

Radionics is a wonderful creation guaranteed to heal those in plight, but I tend to think that the praxis of healing can also counteract the Process of Anti-Healing that the Mappa Mundi promotes to Control its Populace effectively.

They say time seems abstract purely because you can dilate time as much as possible, matter can get created and destroyed just like that. I believe in the speculative theses of Worm Hole's for Time Travel but on a Practical Basis time travel is possible througth Time Lining and Time Tracking, as in Retroactive Enchantment's.

Before 1999 there was reams of data about the Fifth Dimension melding with the 4 Dimension's - has it happened or is Dimension's symptomatic of Delusion's and Illusion's as in Mayadhyahana Indian Theory - the casting of Indra's Net, check out Deepak Chopra.

God is the breath of life which is the DNA - RNA atom, full stop. Anything else is manufactured by Religious or Occult Intent.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 12:19 PM
Got to love Circles, Fractals, and the Holographic universes.

I wish I could bring something new to this topic. For me, I think yes we are living in a matrix. Matrix of God, His creation, His Holographic universe. I agree that this world is an illusion, however it is the realest thing I or you will ever experience. (to date)

Sentiments I have:
The more things change the more they stay the same.

The more complex things get the more basic they become.

We are all connect…

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 12:54 PM
Great stuff.
Ive always been interested in this stuff, in the movie "What the bleep do we know" they try to convey this theory as well. However in the movie they fail to make a connection for some reason, in this article it completly fills in the dots. And it also makes perfect sense. Being this is a reality, or in the article's case not, we are currently locked in our minds and must look to break free from this. I think if we do then well, reality is ours for the taking.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by zren

And, besides the conclusions of pure abstract reasoning about Time, we may see many instances of the relativity of Time in our everyday experiences. We all know that when we are interested Time seems to pass rapidly, and when we are bored it drags along in a shameful manner. We know that when we are happy, Time develops the speed of a meteor, while when we are unhappy it crawls like a tortoise. When we are interested or happy our attention is largely diverted from the changes occurring in things--because we do not notice the Things so closely. And while we are miserable or bored, we notice the details in Things, and their changes, until the length of time seems interminable. A tiny insect mite may, and does, live a lifetime of birth, growth, marriage, reproduction, old age, and death, in a few minutes, and no doubt its life seems as full as does that of the elephant with his hundred years. Why? _Because so many things haze happened!_ When we are conscious of many things happening, we get the impression and sensation of the length of time. The greater the consciousness of things, the greater the sensation of Time. When we are so interested in talking to a loved one that we forget all that is occurring about us, then the hours fly by unheeded, while the same hours seem like days to one in the same place who is not interested or occupied with some task.

Men have nodded, and in the second before awakening they have dreamed of events that seemed to have required the passage of years. Many of you have had experiences of this kind, and many such cases have been recorded by science. On the other hand, one may fall asleep and remain unconscious, but without dreams, for hours, and upon awakening will insist that he has merely nodded. Time belongs to the relative mind, and has no place in the Eternal or Absolute.

While an interesting theory, I think this idea is inherently flawed. It speaks of the relativity of time, that time is a human invention. When we are interested, time moves more quickly, when we are bored, time moves more slowly.

I do not think this is so much a reflection on time, as the writer posits, but more a reflection on the human mind and our perception of time. If his idea were correct, we would find ourselves unable to reconcile time. We would have our own unique time scale. For instance, my wife who as at home working on a painting, and probably enjoying herself, would be burning through the hours, while I'm at work typing on my computer bored out of my mind, so time would drage for me. When I would arrive home, according to the writer's understanding of time, sixteen of her hours would have passed to my eight hours. And yet when I do arrive home tonight, we will both know that it is just past 5:00.

So while its an interesting idea, I think it's ultimately a flawed understanding of time. If you are interested in time and understanding human perception, I would highly recommend reading Heideggar's Being and Time. It's a great read. Also, some of Peter Lynd's work on the functionality of time as it relates to Xeno's Paradox's might be of interest as well.

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