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Creating a Mini-Universe, amazing stuff...

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posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 11:44 PM

"A radical new project could permit human beings to create a "baby universe" in a laboratory in Japan. While it sounds like a dangerous undertaking, the physicists involved believe that if the project is successful, the space-time around a tiny point within our universe will be distorted in such a way that it will begin to form a new superfluid space, and eventually break off, separate in all respects from our experience of space and time, causing no harm to the fabric of our universe.

The project takes as its starting point two basic theories about the foundations of our universe: the big bang and inflation theory. The big bang theory, as many readers are well aware, observes that all objects in the known universe appear to be moving away from one another, suggesting that the universe was jump-started when all matter and energy were concentrated in an inconceivably tiny space, allowing them to overcome binding forces and causing a cosmic explosion.

It is well-tested and consistent with all currently accepted models for general cosmology, as tested against advanced theoretical and observational physics. But it is only one piece of the puzzle. Inflation is a key theory, developed in 1981, when MIT physicist Alan Guth observed that there appeared to have been a period immediately following the big bang when the universe "inflated" rapidly, allowing distinct regions of matter and energy to function comfortably free from any forces that might cause them to collapse against each other or disrupt each other's evolution.

This project is not exactly theoretical physics at work. It is closer to a physical application of observed phenomena, in combination, with the aim of achieving an as yet untested physical effect. Inflation theory helps provide the means of understanding how that effect might be brought about.

As reported by the New Scientist: "Inflation theory, subsequently modified by Linde, relies on the fact that the 'vacuum' of empty space-time is not a boring, static place. Instead, it is subject to quantum fluctuations that cause strange bubbles to appear at random times. These bubbles of 'false vacuum' contain space-time with different —and very curious— properties."

The space-time inside these false vacuums is organized and kept constant by a phenomenon known as the 'Higgs field'. It is believed that with the constant provided by the Higgs field, these bubbles of 'false vacuum' can be induced to withstand contact with the high pressure exterior vacuum and subsequently to expand through a kind of cosmic inflation like the one which followed the big bang at the beginning of our universe.

The key is a monopole, a unique sperical particle with only a north or south pole, only one charge. Adding mass and energy to this already extremely dense particle, could cause it to expand "eternally", providing the trigger needed to make the bubble of false vacuum into an ever-expanding universe, akin to our own, but entirely separate and likely to develop its own physical properties, laws and materials.

Here is the key to the "new universe" paradigm for the project. It would not be simply an extension of our own universe, a space where strange things happen. The New Scientist reports physicist Nobuyuki Sakai's discoveries regarding this process as follows:

"[T]he baby universe has its own space-time and, as this inflates, the pressure from the true vacuum outside its walls continues to constrain it. As these forces compete, the growing baby universe is forced to bubble out from our space-time until its only connection to us is through a narrow space-time tunnel called a wormhole..."

Eventually, the "umbilical" connection between our space-time and the baby universe would be effectively cut, and the baby universe would enter into its own unique process of unending expansion. From our perspective, it would be lost inside a microscopic "black hole", which will not appear to expand into our space-time. Hawking radiation will be emitted and the tiny black hole will "evaporate", sealing the separation between the two universes.

Ultimately, this evaporation is what makes the project possible, but is also, perhaps, its most serious obstacle. It is expected that the separation between our space-time and the baby universe would occur so quickly, it might be impossible —within the limitations of our physical universe— to observe its having been created."

This is amazing... Hoping that no one backs out or get assasinated...

Talk about it...

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 11:58 PM
Perhaps some nerdy little alien dude from another universe/time/dimension in a laboratory somewhere created our universe, and we now perpetuate the cycle. Opens up a whole lot of interesting questions.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 02:12 AM
I wonder if this can actually be done. What if we could find a way to later travel through that wormhole and communicate with the beings in the universe that we created? That would be cool...

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 02:24 AM
Anyone else think this is alil dangerous to mettle with?

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:18 AM
Man i always think these things are dangerous. but exploring the new world was dangerous too...

But i dont think they would do it if it was really dangerous.

Great technical minds are behind these things.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 07:46 AM
So, essentially they're trying to make a black hole, and make the innards of this black hole expand. Also, they're using monopoles.

Hmmm... sounds like some shaky physics. I don't think it would work. First, monopoles are the dream-stuff of legends. They could do all sorts of amazing things. They're a kind of holy grail for electromagnetics. I don't think they currently exist.

Second, there was that mention of Hawking Radiation. In Mr. Hawking's own words, the radiation is like the dust off a completely burnt out matchstick. All the matter that went into the black hole does eventually come out - just in little portions that cannot be reconstructed into information about what went into the hole.

So, suffice to say, I question this article.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 08:58 AM
Wow..very interesting. I wonder if they could actually be successful. Sounds almost as if it would be impossible to accomplish.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:05 AM

Perhaps some nerdy little alien dude from another universe/time/dimension in a laboratory somewhere created our universe, and we now perpetuate the cycle. Opens up a whole lot of interesting questions

Exactly what im thinking...

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:20 AM
"A Baby Universe would, as said, have its own space-time, meaning it'd be independant of our universe completely. We would just be instigating a natural reaction, that frankly, I think that may occur all the time. Also, as it was mentioned, think of that expansion as a wormhole; as a gateway. We're seeing into a universe, expanding outwards, but inwards on itself from our perspective. Of course this happens quickly, and would take such a long time to document, or even figure out how to observe. If you're wondering how the evolution and everything would work and develop, simply look at our own evolutionary chain. After the initial bang and inflation, and after things cool down and settle, among other things. Water; a basic element, would house bacteria, or other single celled forms. They'd eventually become more complex, yadda yadda yadda.

It is possible that this universe was created, that our God was someone of equal or lesser value than us, however with a bit of knowledge of how to create us. I mean, the way the Universe turned out like it did was a really slim chance, and I think we got a pretty sweet deal. Well, what if in this chaos, we were created by a means of manipulated universe creation that we've just barely scratched the surface on?

And if we COULD find a way to see how this all works, we'd not only have a better understanding of how universes work, but how OURS works, and how we could possibly check for such a 'please remember i created you' sign, or find ways to better explore our own universe.

And still, better yet, what if one day we could create a 'perfect' universe with a longer life, larger planets, more resources, and simply moved into the universe before it closed itself out? We'd have created our own utopia where everyone would have everything, until of course we #ed it up, then we'd just do it again. Sure it's a chaotic theory right now, but eventually there'll be ways to predict it, and if you can do that then you've got order, and where you have order, you have manipulation.

It is very possible this could have happened to us, and maybe we forgot about it. So many ancient civilizations didn't keep records, got wiped out, or burned their records in a war, ritual, or some other mishap-induced destruction, and along with it may have gotten rid of this ancient knowledge of how the universe was created, and how to do it again...

The Mayans accurately predicted cosmic events down to a few minutes or hour, thousands of years in the past, that are still happening today. Perhaps they might have known? They mysteriously vanished, perhaps they created another universe and leapt through?"

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Fat chance on this one folks.

The way I read it, you gotta start with a monopole.

A monopole, as was already stated, is a purely theoretical particle. If you could gather or somehow manufacture monopoles, there is a universe (pun intended) of lucrative possibilities that you could realize, loooong before you get around to "creating" a "mini-universe" that is likely to simply pop out of our existence before you can make any measurements.

The article is just some discussion of a theoretical possibility, and not the announcement of some project to create a mini-universe.


posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Dark Abyss
I wonder if this can actually be done. What if we could find a way to later travel through that wormhole and communicate with the beings in the universe that we created? That would be cool...

Sounds strangely familiar to me

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:49 PM
I love it! Far fetched, but very fascinating. Our universe had to come from somewhere. Why not a college lab? I'm not being 100% serious here, but I love ideas/theories like this.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:00 PM
How would they know if it all worked?

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:07 PM
If they do this..create another universe and that universe eventually developes inteligent life in the evolutionary sence, then the guy who flips the switch in our universe and creates that universe is GOD.

Does this explain the disapearance and never ending quietness of the God of our universe?

Did we discover God?

Perhaps god can create us but cannot communicate.....

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Yarium
So, essentially they're trying to make a black hole, and make the innards of this black hole expand. Also, they're using monopoles.

Hmmm... sounds like some shaky physics. I don't think it would work. First, monopoles are the dream-stuff of legends. They could do all sorts of amazing things. They're a kind of holy grail for electromagnetics. I don't think they currently exist.

So, suffice to say, I question this article.

Round of applause

Monopoles are indeed the stuff of legends. Even with our current model of how the universe came into being, there could only be the possibility of a single monopole in our entire universe, and that if it did exsist would have been drawn (and probablt swallowed) to the most dense object in the universe.

I would also mention that the amount of energy required to create a black hole to begin with is so huge that even the mass hadron collider at CERN states it may not be able to produce/detect micro black holes.

We are talking about planc scales and planc time scales here!!!!
Lets just say gone even before the blinking of an eye

I would also like to state that this information has recently been published in the NEW Scientist magazine here in the UK, and I am afraid to say that the publication has been grasping for good stories recently, unfortunately it is only really good as a recruitment advertiser for the science sector.

Though their website is more interesting and definitely worth a look.

New Scientist

Create you own universe

There are sadly, very few interesting science mags available in the public domain in the uk these days.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by Neon Haze]

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