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UFO or What Captured on Zarqawi Airstrike Video? WARNING: Graphic Images

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posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 06:29 AM
So why would I put this in ATS Skunkworks instead of the normal Aliens and UFO forum? Because this is another one of those way out theories that may turn out to be multifaceted: UFO's, government coverups, media blackouts, and top news involving Zarqawi. But after all is said and done here it probably will turn out to be nothing more than some kind of mouse-like targeting pointer. Let's hope so... k, so here we go...

While watching the news presentation of Zaqawi's death on MSNBC, and the video of the airstrike that killed Al-Zarqawi, a few oddities stood out to me: The pictures before and after of Zarqawi didn't look like the same person at all to me, and I made a mental note at the time to look in to it further. Since the guy on the interview kind of alluded to them dressing the body up a bit, in a roundabout way, I remember wanting to see a less doctored picture. More on this in a minute...

But that wasn't the only thing that I noticed- I also happened to notice a little moving white dot on the video, and at the time just thought it was a person running along on the ground or something- no big deal. Besides, all the focus was on the explosion itself!

So then a while ago I was reading some of our threads on Zarqawi, and again I thought about seeking a better picture of the body. Thinking where I might be able to get such a picture, the thought occured to me to check a site I went to a while back for a similar venture,, thinking they might have one. Yup, they have one, and PLEASE DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE SEEING A DEAD, BRUISED FACE. Similar to the MSM's published one, but clearly before any "dressing" was added. Then I spotted the video link of the airstrike, and that's when I really noticed it: That little white dot sure ain't no person running on the ground, in fact, it, it, uhh, umm looks like damn UFO! Watched it a few more times, and holy crap! it IS a UFO! Aha, now this is where one of you military expert guys comes on and tells me that I'm dreaming: it's just some kind of targeting pointer or something.... RIGHT?

Look at it again, carefully. Follow that sucker from the moment you see it descend from the upper left into the picture, all the way till the end of the video. Forget the explosion. I mean it appears at times to get low, speed up, slow down, hover, and even at one point leave a wake near the ground and through a field!

Pretty strange huh?

Ok, so waiting on the flamers and deflamers, let's have it. Because before I put one iota more effort into this thread, I want your esteemed input, please. And check every source you got on that video, by the way, cause it appears in every one of em, ogrish logo or not.
If you all feel we should explore the conspiratorial aspect of this more, then by all means, lets do...No problem getting this mind to wander....We gots lots lots more to discuss on this one if I can't get a good crow-eating debunk here pretty soon on this. By the way, crow meat taste any good?

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 06:42 AM
I cant watch the video at work as the filters tell me this is violent lol....
Anychance of a more mainstream link??

[edit on 9-6-2006 by Denied]

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 06:45 AM
yup: click the video tab.... but it's much smaller, and hard to tell....It's the ogrish one though, in full screen, that really got me....

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
The pictures before and after of Zarqawi didn't look like the
same person at all to me,

The guy just had two 500 pound bombs dropped on him. It's amazing
that there is a body left, let alone one that in any way resembles him.
He has post mortum bloating and is banged up from being bombed.
Of course he isn't going to look the same as his terrorist promo videos.

it's just some kind of targeting pointer or something.... RIGHT?


If it were a UFO the government certaintly wouldn't have allowed it past
the censors and the government wouldn't have released it to the media.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:05 AM

jeez, try those links, you'll find it in there somewhere....

[edit on 9-6-2006 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:08 AM
Sure looks Funny!

It might be a Drone of somekind, since it looks like it is also circulating the target.

Or it is - that what I first thought of - a part of Head Up Display.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:09 AM
For a few 500 pound bombs, that guy looks pretty good. A few bruises, a scrath here and there? But no, that's not what we're talking about.

I see the puff of field dust that you mentioned, but I think that that could be a visual illusion.
What MAY NOT be a visual illusion is at the 1:37 mark. The orb cuts through a bit of smoke, right to left, and I'm pretty sure that there is a distinct wake trail behind it, a slice through the smoke, which quickly fades away. See below: (up and to the right of the centre cross)



You see?

But unfortunately, this last thing convinces me that is not a ufo, but is rather something intergral into the sighting system. At exactly the 1:43 mark the entire image flicks what would be about 15-20 metres at ground level, and does this over two frames. The orb follows exactly and remains in exact alignment with the edges of the screen during the change in angle. That means that it is somehow intergrated into the system.

This happens a few times right at the start, but it is a bit less obvious. Also, just after 2:00, the thing stays exactly next to the 'P' on the right hand side for a few seconds, further illustrating my point.

All in all, an intresting video.

edit: Bloody hell! There wasn't even a reply when I started this! Now look: I'm the 6th one down . . .

[edit on 9/6/2006 by watch_the_rocks]

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:12 AM
Looks like it is part of the "Heads Up" display, in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:15 AM
Yeah, well of course that what I mentioned.... They said it was an f-16 in the interview... so who knows and can say for sure that it is part of the targeting system?

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:23 AM
it's funny, I first saw the video and the bright dot that was moving up the screen, then back down, caught my eye and I thought "hey, the ufo crowd at ATS will be calling it a UFO"

It is probably a drone (damn you souljah, we have to stop agreeing). or some other vehicle.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Yeah, well of course that what I mentioned.... They said it was an f-16 in the interview... so who knows and can say for sure that it is part of the targeting system?

Take a look at this page, and check out the video footage of the f-16 dropping laser guided bombs

You will see similar "dots" , this leads me to think its part of the heads up display.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by melem
Take a look at this page, and check out the video footage of the f-16 dropping laser guided bombs

You will see similar "dots" , this leads me to think its part of the heads up display.

yep, that sure is convincing enough to me, thanks... This newer version looks a little less boxy, more orb-like and more fluid. Phew, now yas know why all the disclaimers in the original post.
Heh, crow don't taste that aweful

Edit: spelling

[edit on 9-6-2006 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
The pictures before and after of Zarqawi didn't look like the same person at all to me, and I made a mental note at the time to look in to it further.

You know, it always bothers me when people say things like that. Why? Well, have you ever been to a funeral or seen someone recently deceased? They really don't look like what the person did while they were alive.

Not to mention he was just in a huge bomb blast. In my opinion, it's rather foolish to think he would look just like he did while alive.

it's just some kind of targeting pointer or something.... RIGHT?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The craft circling was probably an AC-130, and that was the pointer for one of the guns. If the people in the meeting got word they were to be bombed, they would no doubt flee. They probably had a backup plan to just gun them down in that case. Afterall, notice how its general path is to circle with the plane.

I mean it appears at times to get low, speed up, slow down, hover, and even at one point leave a wake near the ground and through a field!

I watched it about a dozen times and didn't see any of that...

I really don't get your hostility towards those who would prove you wrong though. Can't help but take a little criticism, or what?

EDIT: Same thing happened here... When I started there were no replies!

[edit on 6/9/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 09:18 AM
It has probably been said already, but that white dot is part of the HUD.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 09:34 AM
Hostility, Cmdr? Where? Nope, none of that. Just askin the ATS crowd for some input, and got it. Problem solved. And glad I didn't waste my time on any further crazy thought into this whole thing, before checking here first. Ahh, the benefits of non-commitment... ATS does it again. Thanks, people.

I might also point out that until your post, I felt no friction in this thread. It was a friendly appeal, and friendly responses I got. It would be a shame for input such as yours here to inhibit those of us who just want to find out other's opinions on a matter from attempting to do so for fear of retribution. And there was none, until you showed up that is. Well, I got a little more cajones than that to be intimitated, my friend. I wanted input, and this is my favorite place to ask, regardless of whether I end up right or wrong. I took it in stride, so let me eat my crow pie in peace please, thanks.

And on your point of "don't look the same dead as alive," that totally depends. I've seen some where you couldn't discern a difference, and unfortunately seen others that were unrecognizable. But in a case where the face is relatively intact such as this, I think it is reasonable to expect a fair likeness, contrary to you trying to make me out for some fool for even contemplating it. No sir, wrongo, and in this case, must disagree. But hey, it's all good.

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