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True Religion.

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posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Not sure where to post this... but...

True Religion: A glance into Omnism.
-Brad Sullivan.

1: Brief Introduction into Omnism.
2: Brief introduction into the Origins of Religion
3: The questions:
3a) What is God?
3b) Is there a heaven?
3c) What is the Universe/Time.
3d) What are Demons?
3e) Cycles.
3f) In religion XXX, something happened. Why?
4: Omnism, greater understanding of Metaphysics.
5: Faqs

1: Brief Introduction into Omnism.

What is Omnisim?
Most people who claim to have an understanding of Omnism believe that it is a merely a 'belief in all religions'. Put simply, 'All roads lead to God', whether it be Christianity, Islamic, Hinduism, or any of the other million organized religions out there.
This common understanding of Omnism is both vague and ill-informed.
The belief that 'all roads lead to God' is Universalism. An entirely different concept to Omnism.

Omnism is not a belief system as like other religions, in that it is fueled by Faith.

Lets have an example. What makes Norse Pantheon mythology and not a religion? Most religions tend to involve worship. The Norse worshiped their gods. And yet it is still considered as nothing more than mythology. Well the answer to this is simple. The idea that giants whom weild hammers of thunder tend to make people laugh. Why? Because it has been disproved by science an logic.
Can't the same be said about modern religions?
Let's have a look at Messianic Judaism. Their religious doctrine states that Yeshua fed one-hundred men with nothing save for a fish and a piece of bread. This is not logical, nor is it scientific. Yet is still a valid religion. This event supposedly happened because of faith.

Due to science and logic, it seems that religions can be dismissed at any time, with the exception where faith is applied.
With having understood the above mentioned statement, it will now be possible to answer a question that must be asked to become a step closer to a full understanding of Omnism.
If Omnism is not fueled by faith, why can't it be dismissed by science?
The answer is simple. Omnism cannot be dismissed by science because it is fueled by it.
That's right.
A religion that corresponds with science.

Need an example?
At this point, one might ask, "Religions generally require a
God. How can a God exist in a world of science?"
Well this question is valid and cannot be dismissed when the claim of a "scientific religion" is made. The answer is not a simple concept to understand.
'God' is believed to be a concept of a conscious and omnipotent being.
Omnists beg to differ. 'God' NOT the single concept mentioned above, but rather a breakdown of the two.
These include that
a) God is a collective energy that has reached the end of it's cycle. Some of this energy is conscious, or souls if you will, via metaphysics and the understanding of the mind.
b) Intelligent Design via the chaos theory/butterfly effect.
Both of these will be examined and explained in further detail in a later chapter.

As mentioned earlier, Omnism is known commonly by the phrase "all roads lead to god." Well this judgement is made soley on an under-developed understanding of part a) of the concept of God.

2: Brief introduction into the Origins of Religion

When long since mankind developed the modern mentality, they were still an immature species.
Although they had the potential, they severely lacked any understanding of all things, besides their own survival. They did not understand the influences - or elements that was caused by power they could not explain or control.
Some of these include death, weather, health, crops, livestock, fertility etc.

Eventually, the above mentioned factors led to a need for a explanation, or at least a scapegoat for the undesired situations.
Thus the concept of a God was formed.
A being, greater than any man.
Almighty and Omnipotent.
The people prayed to this God for mercy, and good cycles.
The people cursed this God and used when their prayers went unanswered.

Soon, basic human fears set in. Death.
Humans were unwilling to welcome death.
They did not understand why their God would allow people to die? -Unless they were being punished. But why did good people die?
The people decided that the 'good people' die as a reward for their hardships, and can rest.
To the people, this did not make sense. 'Bad people' die as a punishment, yet 'Good people' die as a reward.
Finally, they concluded that there was not a single Greater Power. But two. One was Good, whom they worshiped for the good cycles.
The other was Evil, whom they feared would provide bounty less cycles.
Death was then seen as a punishment, or curse by the Evil God, or a reward from the Good God.

As time wore on, understanding of previously unknown elements were developed -ie science. New ideas were being implemented. All while this was occurring, settlements and nomads alike started to travel further apart from each other.
This caused more, and more religions to come into existence. When people from different religions met, this usually resulted in problems, with conflicting ideas.

Since then, several millennium have passed, and mankind debates over
both religious ideas and religious ideals.

Will continue this later guys.

Feel free to post in the meantime

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 12:10 PM
Do you have a link, or is this your own work?

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 12:11 PM
What if you believe in a god, but do not have any kind of organised religion in your life. To me it seems that any god would be alot more just and merciful than the Bible Koran or other holy books portray. They seem to portray a god who discriminates against certain groups such as homosexuals non-believers followers of other faiths.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 12:53 PM

Do you have a link, or is this your own work?

No Source. Only because there is little to nothing out there. This will probably be the first indepth look into Omnism.
Most of the information on Omnism that is avalibleis not Omnism at all. Its Universalism.

Ps: Thanks, didnt know where this thead would go.

what if you believe in a god, but do not have any kind of organised religion in your life. To me it seems that any god would be alot more just and merciful than the Bible Koran or other holy books portray. They seem to portray a god who discriminates against certain groups such as homosexuals non-believers followers of other faiths.

Yeah, I find alot of religions are like that. Yeah, i used to be a 'God hating Christian.' There are Millions of religions for you to look into. Most of which have massive flaws. (Way of life, facts/contradictions, lack of science).
Omnism is free from all of that, but its not an "Organised Religion," as it has no Church. (Although it IS recognized by Sensus)

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 06:33 PM
I would like to field that question on how God can Exist in a world of Science. There are some things that Science can not answer or explain, but at the same time there are beliefs that when applied reflect on what science is stating. So no matter how far into Science a person goes, there comes a point where they do believe in something greater that can not be explained. There are 2 things that Science can not either reproduce or explain ultimately. One is that we can not reproduce life. I have read the tries and attempts. Science can tell you what is required for life, break it down and put all of the elements together, but can not recreate the spark that gave life. The other is more into the realm of metaphysics. The existance of the spirit. If there is one concept that is common among all of the major religions is that man has 3 things, a soul, a spirit and consciousness. And Science can not explain or recreate those either.
But from my own experience, the further a person gets into science they tend to experience a want of something that they can not have, a discomfort. However when in the presence of something spiritual or even holy they calm down and that want goes away. Why? And more to the point what does it do for us?

Just my thoughts.

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