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War with Iran, First steps towards global massacre to save earth

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posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:29 AM
Well it looks like that wonderful time is upon us - nuclear war time! yay! Its my opinion that the escalating pressures in Iran is nothing more than a catalyst for the US government to begin its plans of population extermination in an effort to save the planet from being destroyed by overpopulation and pollution. Radical idea you say? too bad scientists have already discussed and supported such ideas in order to save our dying planet.

This is a tricky argument because noone is in the position to exterminate 90 percent of our population but neither is anyone in the position to watch the world die. Its all a matter of who is on the surviving side (and my hopes point towards america). Maybe this whole conspiracy for war is just to save our asses before the world dies.

The United States government along with GB HAVE BEEN PLANNING FOR A GLOBAL WAR for some time now. The united states knows the repercussions of attacking Iran and they have no problem with them.

The war in Iran will cause a domino effect that will trigger attacks from China Russia and NK in an all out war between the coalitions of the east and west. In my opinion this will be a war against the common man and not so much directly targeted at government alone. The probability for such an outcome has been increasing on a day to day basis and im just biding my time before I can hear the sounds of nukes detonating on the horizon.

How do we, as everyday citizens plan for such a war? Hide from the threats of draft? Build our own bunkers? I dunno Im up for opinions. What countries would be safe to hide in? Canada? Mexico? As far as the government being prepared I dont think they could be Anymore prepared! The British have actually developed forcefield technologies for their tanks and our starwars program is installed and operational.

Did I say forcefield technology? THATS RIGHT i did!

Obviously the technology has shady origins, possibly ET origins but thats just speculation. Anyway get ready for the fireworks because i think it will be quite a show. I think its important to look at the potentially positive reasons for this war and how it could help America survive as a rogue nation. Once again, how do we prepare in the event of such a war, and does anyone think this war could also be motivated by the US trying to de-populate the worlds population for the survival of earth?

[edit on 10-4-2006 by nephyx]

[edit on 10-4-2006 by nephyx]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 05:58 AM
The Bush administration is already downplaying that thing from the New Yorker and IAEA weapons inspectors are back at the Natanz facility so the Iran thing isn't happeneing anytimes soon.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 06:57 AM
No, I don’t think that war with Iran is the first step; the first steps where taken years ago. Probably 911 was the major visible step towards ‘global massacre to save the earth’ as you say.

Iran is the stand off; between the east and the west, possibly between 2 factions with the European N W O, between good and evil, between an expansive future and mass destruction…

Occult Opposition for the New World Order'

As far as I’m concerned, the war with Iran is on, it’s just hidden from view!

Could these be Israeli/US retaliatory gestures?'

Where do I think you could hide? Certainly not in Canada. Try South America!


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