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Boondocks Creator Taking Hiatus, Claims 'Artistic Burn-Out'

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posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:29 PM
Today, Boondocks creator, Aaron McGruder, announced that he would be taking a six- month hiatus, a sabbatical of sorts, from both the comic strip and his animated series on the Cartoon Network's 'Adult Swim.' He is claiming artistic burn-out and is declining all interviews.

It's possible that he really is burned- out... on the other hand, doesn't this all sound a little familiar? Does the 'Chappelle Theory' ring any bells? Could they have been telling the truth, masked as a lie to avoid libel suits? I don't know, but I find it very odd how all these young, black, social commentators keep quitting suddenly, right after their careers have reached new plateaux.

Here are some background links, in case you didn't catch the show which, btw, is still playing, re-runs, of course...Sunday night at 11 pm, on the Cartoon Network. [Delete that, mods, if I'm breaking some rule about advertising or something.]

Wiki's thoughts on the strip

Why do editors keep throwing “The Boondocks” off the funnies page?

'The Boondocks' taking six-month hiatus

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:32 PM
Boondocks has some of the most biting social satire since South Park. It's a real shame that its creator isn't making new ones right now. I imagine there's a lot of pressure on a young brother from both the racist white folks who'd rather not see cartoons about black people to politically correct black folk who don't want to hear the n-word except when they themselves use it.

I'm a big Boondocks fan, and I hope McGruder gets better soon.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:41 PM
Too bad it was really a top notch cartoon but it will be back . Man I love Ed Wuncler III (Charlie Murphy) and Gin Rummy (Samuel L. Jackson) in the cartoon those guys are the best.

"There Are Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns" LOL

I dont really by any 'Chappelle Theory' Chappelle is comming back and looks to be as great as ever. Aaron McGruder will no doubt come back aswell the cartoon was a huge hit.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:52 PM
I had a bad feeling about the show's chances of staying on, and this just proved me right... for now.

I really will miss it. Huey speaks for me on a lot of issues, and that's kinda sad, I guess, but it's hard being a black conspiracy theorist.

PS, My boyfriend just said he feels guilty about it, and he hopes he didn't 'talk it up'. He also reminded me that we used to break our necks to catch it every week, because, honestly, we didn't think it would be on long, for obvious reasons.

[edit on 2-3-2006 by HarlemHottie]

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:58 PM
Also, BlackGuard, I really didn't buy the Chappelle Theory in reference to Dave himself, but when people start leaving great jobs, en masse, due to 'stress,' it gets my conspiracy antennae up, and I start finding patterns.

Then, Dave Chappelle, while he's done some interviews and other stuff, like his movie, the thrid season has not yet aired. They have been playing those commercials forever, with no season three in sight. Until I see him on Comedy Central, I will continue to believe he was, in some way, scared or run off his show. The same goes for McGruder. Fine, he's stressed out, I read the article, I understand that his health is generally bad, but if September 2006 comes, and I don't see any new Boondocks, I'll know what happened... I think. These are all nasty suspicions at this point.

[edit on 2-3-2006 by HarlemHottie]

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