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White House accountability...Solved?

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posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 10:28 PM
What if the White House was ran with political duelity? Meaning, if a Republican is voted in and their administration takes over, the DEMS. are responsible for the accountability of their spending? They can still do their agendas, only the distribution of money is accounted and monitored by the opposite party? Do any of you out there in ATS land think this is a plausible idea. It could possibly keep the disception at a minimum. AAC

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 04:09 AM
IMHO, it is a terrible idea.

For instance (since this is in the Military forum) if Bush decided to use 400 bliion on the military (like he did this year) then Democrats could decide how it's used.

So they would take 350 billion dollars of "military peace keeping missions in cooperation with the UN" instead of using it to build up our technological base and numbers of arms. Then when Dems are in office, they hate the military, so they give it 30 billion, and the republicans can do virtually nothing with it.

It would become partisan politics x a million.

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