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What was i seeing???

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posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 05:02 PM
Last night while sitting among a few friends, when i just started to zone out and there were three people sitting across from me, 2 men and a woman, when all of a sudden i started seeing white around them, almost like a bright light was shinin of them. i've read about auras and all that... could i have been witnessing an aura.... what was the white color about,? the woman had a white light shinin around her........ and why am i attracted to blue the past 2 days?

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 11:04 AM
Has this only just started ?

Or have you had this before?

Explain what the light was like, Was it fully around the person or just the upper part of the body?

just a few questions to help you get some answers,


posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 02:32 PM
this could possibly be your natural aura abilitys coming out and trying to tell you that you have this ability ive read about auras alot and its very intresteing sometimes i can stare at one person and when the image of them starts getting blurry i see a colored light around them

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 03:15 PM
Were you sitting indoors, outdoors, in bright light?

What had you eaten in the past 24 hours?

Are you on any medications, legal or otherwise?

"Zoning out" meaning you were just sort of at the verge of falling asleep or something?

Our brain does funky things when we are entering / leaving the sleep state. Sometimes when I'm really tired I've had what are called hypnogogic hallicinations where I think I see things but it's sort of a dream state. When I snap to it looks normal again.

It's possible that you became temporarily hypersensitive to light. You should consider the sort of lighting that was nearby. Your eyes adjust automatically to certain lighting conditions. Could be a sudden adjustment due to your relaxed state bringing out an additional level of sensitivity.


posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 03:18 PM
no medication, perfect health, no bright lights eaten no sure was a while back umm elts see ummmmm ummmm ummmmm ground beef sprite and rice

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 12:07 PM
Well, it was outside on a porch, it was a dark day, overcast... uhhh, i wasn't passing out i was just concentrating really hard, not blinking ... they were sitting in chairs across from me at a table... i focuses my eyes on the middle of the table but they were still in my view.. and a white 'glow' was coming of thier backs... the girl had a very bright light beside her though.. that's all i can really say to describe it... a white glow.. ..... i was having a few beer at the time.. no i am not on any medications..

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 02:44 PM
Very interesting. I can remember when I was younger and getting ready to fall asleep, I would look up at the acoustic tiles in my room and let my eyes go kind of soft focus, and all the joints and lines between the tiles would disappear leaving a flat white ceiling. No glow or light to it, though.

What shade of blue is standing out to you lately?


posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 02:53 PM
even the tiniest bit of light can shine like a halogen if u had 1 beer and if u look at them blurry trust me

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 03:05 PM
Hey Fum,

can you see energy strings between the finger tops from hand to the other hand?


posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 03:10 PM
yeah i probaly can because i feel that the hands are the most energetic part of our bodys because they are always coming in contact with other objects soemthings they mgiht recive a charge of energy from that object and sometimes they mgiht give it off but yeah i sure guess if u send me a u2u picture of ur hands but make sure theres no bright light behind it

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 03:59 PM
i have tried to make a Pic of it...but nothing shows up, I can capture Orbs and ghosts on the cam...but the gold glow is not to be seen... mayB with infrared it can be seen, ill ask my uncle to take a Pic tommorow

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 10:31 PM
well actually, tonight it has been different... nothing unusual... but what i mean when i say i am attracted to blue, it means anything that resembles a blue, i look at it compulsively, like it has some sort of deeper meaning at the certain point of time; if there is such thing as time of course;, maybe something was going on in a parallel universe, which i am not seeing,? Could you guys agree with me if i said we are living in parallel universes maybe i am on the wrong path or peraps even my right path?you take the wrong path in life, which leads you to a hellish like life... perhaps maybe your good path, which you were intended to take, but depression sets in, you are blind to the world around you... do you believe maybe there is a cycle the brain takes... your life changes after a major depression...could you be entering a parallel universe during those stages... your whole universe changes right before your eyes.. right? so maybe there is a better life wating for me when i die... it's your parallel universe, the good one... where no evil corrupts your state of mind, just one big feeling of releive... and you float through your past life, looking at it swirl around you, the whole time your smiling... looking at the all the hard time, the good times... but the whole time your smiling,,,.......anyway, i'm rambling... it's a just a thoight, sorry.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:00 AM

What I think it is, basically if you look at something long enough without blinking and move your eyes just a little a small outline appears, in direct opposite to the color you are looking at. Eg - there's a small trick which is black in white. It is Jesus's profile, inverted in color so he's white and the background is black. When you stare at this long enough (say 30 seconds to 1 minute) and look at a white wall, you will see 'Jesus's profile in black. Scary huh? Not really. I think it kind of 'burns' an image onto the retina / visual cortex / area of the brain where you see images (don't know how it works) but it does

As you said it was dark, I'm sure they were also dark and when you fractionally moved yours eyes it appeared to be 'auras' of these people. Just my take on what you described.

Hope this helps, I'm sure there's links to this phononema... somewhere.

- Nazgarn

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:02 AM
Oh and on the subject of 'Blue'.

This is more of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Science kind of thing. When I was doing Kung-Fu my teacher explained the meaning of colors linked to the Chinese Sciences. Each color had an emotion, a tastes, etc attributed to it. Maybe the way you were feeling led to the blue fascination.

- Nazgarn

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 07:03 AM
In my life, blue represents courage. Perhaps your fascination with the color is a way of your parallel self encouraging you to have courage in the face of the challenges that confront you. The aura episode may be a way of your parallel self getting your attention and focusing it on having courage.


posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:23 AM
i just need a picture of ur hands no special thing and ill tell you what auras your hands give out i used to do this with members of and it was mostly correct what i told them so yeah send away

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 10:45 AM
alright, i'll see if i can get a pic of my hands


posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 12:56 PM
hey remember that 1 line psot rule yeah you loose 20 points for taht so hurry change your post because it will result in u loosing 20 points yeah send me a pic of ur hands or ur head or w/e nothing vulgar lmao

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:21 AM
ok, sorry bout that, i'm new here

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