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Anachronism..stuck in a time warp

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posted on May, 13 2005 @ 05:47 PM
There is a air show going on in this town this weekend. I dont usually go to them as they are large crowd affairs and I dont particularly like large crowds.
They are however doing practice runs over my house from over at Langley Air Force Base as I type this.
Talk about a time warp.....I was just doing some yard work and looked up to see a practice formation of a F86 leading on its sides a F4 Phantom and a F15 Eagle. It looked so unusual to those of us that know the historys of those airplanes. Unusual yet beautuful at the same time.
A few years ago when I got some VIP reservations to the show ...I saw a P 51 Mustang flying formation with a F15 that was beautiful too.
When I do go I dont stay long but do like to see he olde aircraft and or vintage stuff. It is really neat to see them and talk to the crews about how much effort goes into the preservation.
Also had the privelege a couple of years ago to visit the Pima Air Museum in Arizona. Quite a museum. lots of olde vintage aircraft there and many still awaiting preservation. It was the first time I'd ever seen a SR 71 other than in Photos..the piggy back high speed drone also. Same with a B58 Hustler.
Just thought I'd share this with some of you avaition buffs...

Thanks ,

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 06:30 PM
fixing some supper ..just now...I realized that soon enough the F22 Raptors will be arriving here at Langley Air Force Base. It will be the Raptors turn to fly with the olde warbirds..that too will be a thrill to see.



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