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US food sources declining becoming non edible .

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posted on May, 10 2024 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher


you are paying $100.00 for a GALLON OF WATER!

consider you are buying cured roast beef at $11.99 per pound
you are ALSO CHARGED for the water weight from enhancement

so..... At $11.99 per pound, (water is 8 lbs per gallon)
11.99 x 8 = $95.92 PER GALLON

to determine how much water they add to your meats
JUST FREEZE IT, then thaw in fridge be a whole corner full in baggie

maybe not so much in lunchmeat, but used at walmarts fresh meats
i found it in turkey and beef.. look for rows of holes or flavor enhanced

they make more money from that than selling meat

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 01:46 PM
I've been doing the carnivore diet lately to help me lose some weight I gained after my SO got cancer. I used to buy prepackaged precut meat and noticed some quality issues, but I found a place I can get whole slabs of beef for 1/3 the price of the prepackaged stuff and I break it down myself and since I've started doing that I've noticed no issues with quality.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 01:52 PM
Lot's of food's quality has tanked.
Finding edible bread or meat that hasn't been "meat glued" is a adventure for those of us on a budget. Cheese is waxy now, butter is mostly water, frozen veggies have quite a bit of stem's still attached, package of chicken looks OK but get it home an the underside is all gray-ish & stringy.

It gives the phrase "culinary adventures" a whole new dimention!

Going by responses it's probably a regional issue. Altho it's always been true some locations just have better access than others to quality products. Wasn't looking to switch to mostly fresh veggies VS meat but got tired of wasting $$$ on items I had to toss out. First world problems & learning curve always brings me a smile tho!

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