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Terfenstein 3D- the Trans Radical Activist ripoff

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posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 05:56 PM
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Recently, a transgender game developer released a PC game called Terfenstein 3D on Steam, in which players can hunt down and kill transphobes, such as anti-trans feminists and even Catholic priests, in gory first-person shooter action.

Video game that is based on the classic game against the Nazis Wolfenstein 3D and that seeks to equate the villains of the game with the Nazis of the classic, allowing the player the experience of tearing them apart on the screen. The developer of this game is Sandra Moen, a trans developer who has stated that the game is intended to “draw a comparison between gender critics and Nazi Germany.”

Disclaimer: I am transgender, but I disavow the concept of the game as well as the creator

I'm sure many of you could laugh this off as parody, but this is just another disturbing evidence of the attitude of transgender people (namely Male to Female trans) have towards biological women which we have seen time and time again. TERF, or Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, refers to women (radical feminists actually) who are vehemently opposed to biological males in their spaces, but has now become the brand to any woman who only believes in biological sex, thus being subjected to horrible harassment by these unhinged individuals.

The developer, Sandra Moen, is no saint, having claimed to have only transitioned because of pornography:

During a podcast interview with Trans Norge in March, Moen credited pornography with his decision to begin identifying as a woman full-time. Previously, Moen had considered himself a transvestic fetishist, sometimes also referred to as a cross-dresser.

“I began to understand that I was trans when I came across pornography featuring trans women,” Moen said. “I have never made the connection that ‘penis’ means ‘man.’ [The male porn actors] were women, but they had a penis.”

“I began to question – if they have a penis, how could other people know that they were girls when they were children? And of course, they wouldn’t know. So then I started questioning – what if I am one of these pretty ladies, in reality,” he added.

and then having legal issues in which they showered in a woman's locker room despite not having "bottom surgery":

While a university student, Moen became embroiled in controversy after a woman complained about his presence in the women’s locker room. Moen, who has not had “sex-reassignment surgery,” received media attention in 2017 after it came to light that he had exposed his penis to women in the SiS Sports Center on campus.

According to court records seen by Reduxx, Moen and the woman interacted for the first time in the locker room in July 2016. The woman found Moen showering there and objected to his presence. She asked him why he was in the women’s locker room, to which he replied that he was legally a woman. Moen had changed his legal documents to state that he was female only months prior.

The woman approached Sports Center management, who informed her that no one with male genitalia would be allowed in the female locker room, regardless of legal status.


Trans stuff is a touchy subject around here sometimes, but I just want the "terfs" out there know that I'm looking out for y'all and your safety.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: TheToastmanCometh

Good on you! My son is transgender and he absolutely loathes the entire attention-seeking movement that prances around in face glittered junk, trying to coerce children into joining their F'd up life style.
All he wants is to live a normal life built on moral principles that make the world a better place. He doesn't feel the need to be in a parade, receive special treatment, be chosen over others with more qualifications because of how he chooses to live his life. He's just a good, decent human being.

I don't understand the why's or how's of LGBTQ, but don't think that's necessary when determining whether a person is an asset or detriment to the world. I didn't give birth to him to disown him or stop loving him because his dreams are different than the ones I envisioned for him so long ago, and I'm proud of the man he is.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I think almost anyone can go through life and have a “normal” or positive experience from a vast majority of society.

When you ask or demand people to adjust their own daily practice, you may be met with resistance because people don’t like to be told what to do.

I frankly couldn’t care less about people’s lifestyles at work. Hell, I don’t even care how crazy they get in their extracurricular activities including drugs… so long as when they get to work they can flip the switch and be professional.

I don’t unload my personal stuff on everyone at work, and I don’t like it when people do that to me. I’m at work, and honestly, work can be an escape since I’m in a different mode.

Also, props to being a loving and accepting parent. Sounds like they turned out well with a good moral compass.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: nugget1

if he wants good role models, have him watch Blaire White or Buck Angel (maybe not his theres a lot of us who just want to live as normally as we can and not be screaming in the street how trans we are

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: TheToastmanCometh

theres a lot of us who just want to live as normally as we can and not be screaming in the street how trans we are

I really like normal people who just want to live their best life without some agenda to make them think they're somehow more special than anyone else on the planet.

My son is nearly 40 now and has carved out a great life for himself with friends who accept him and love him for the good person he is.

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