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The Sterilization of gay and lesbian kids.

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posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: nickyw

even the guardian attacked the Iranian claims there where no homosexuals in Iran by pointing to their sex change industry..

Sex change funding undermines no gays claim

When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's combative president, provoked his latest controversy in New York this week by asserting that there were no homosexuals in his country, he may have been indulging in sophistry or just plain wishful thinking.

While Mr Ahmadinejad may want to believe that his Islamic society is exclusively non-gay, it is a belief undermined by the paradox that transsexuality and sex changes are tolerated and encouraged under Iran's theocratic system.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: paraphi

most of the indepth articles on this come from the left when same sex attraction was not considered bigotted..

the big spluge in articles came post Iran claiming there where no homosexuals in the country with left leaning media to the scale of the sex change industry as the reason they where claiming there where no homosexuals in Iran..

kinda interesting how the world still flex on these same points...

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder

originally posted by: paraphi

Yes, I forgot Iran. I was told (not sure if it's factual)

incorrect. Every place in the world where they execute gay people, they execute trans people. If anything, they execute MORE trans people, if only because it's easier in general to hide being gay. States like this make no distinction between gay and trans, they think all of it is sexual perversion of the highest order that must be stomped out for the good of the nation.

*gestures at threads like this one* Sound like anyone you know?

Have you any data on that because I've heard multiple times that that is a state sanctioned process in Iran to trans (gay men at least).

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 06:28 PM
Alternatives to spaying and neutering dogs.

I'll just drop this here ... so they are actually starting to re-think the idea that spaying and neutering your dog (and cat presumably) is the best way to avert unintended pregnancy. They have done at least one large study now showing that the negative behaviors we think early spay and neuter procedures prevent actually are more common with *less* exposure to the natural sex hormones of that animal's gender because without them, the animal is unbalanced. They also find that animal is worse off long-term when it comes to their physical health as well.

So they are now entering into the process of studying whether or not vasectomy and just hysterectomy would, in fact, be better options because they would preserve the animals' natural hormonal states and balance.

I find it interesting that at a time when we are deciding that our children need to be absolutely cut off as much as possible from their own natural sex hormones for their mental health, we are determining this is, in fact, *not* in the best interests of our pets for many reasons, mental health being one of them.
edit on 8-2-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

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