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Study shows Guanafacine and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may help those with long-covid brain fog

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posted on Dec, 30 2022 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
And it is supposed to treat 5g exposure also that has the same symptoms as cv.
Makes you wonder why nicotine vape products got banned just months before cv19 broke out and 5g got turned on.
I suspect long COVID is long term 5g exposure.
The same symptoms

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
What are the symptoms of 5g?
Tell the long "COVID"sufferers to smoke tobacco

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: RickyD

I just talked to someone about a week ago that I know when we were out at the store and the person said they have not been able to taste much or even shell much after they had the covid almost a year ago. I wonder how that could be fixed? Must be that either the taste and smell receptors got damaged or the nerves going to the brain...could also be the infection got into the area of the brain that deciphers that stuff and killed some cells. Speculating what could cause it is fun, but without actual research speculation is just an idea.

The person I talked to said that their response to texture of food got a lot stronger when the taste reception went away. Has that happened with you?

Are you implying the same thing as this scientific article implies?

Yeah, the Biden administration is presently trying to reduce the nicotine in cigarettes...probably so the Pharma companies will have more nicotine to make medicines out of. I know which foods contain acetylcholine and I know of which foods and meds block acetylcholine. I also know alternate sources of nicotinic acid to fire up those same nicotine recptors and nicotinic acid supplements are out there to buy to treat some conditions. The niacin flush does occur with nicotinic acid supplements, so too big a supplement can cause some problems in people, but a smaller dose will work to fix deficiencies.

The Niacin flush is not damaging or bad, just uncomfortable for a few minutes. It's actually nicotinic acid dilating all possible capilieries. This is why niacin helps high cholesterol, as it basically cleans out the arteries/veins down to the smallest ones.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 05:49 PM
I just went to a dr yday that did a chest X-ray and found what’s called “glass lungs” pretty bad in me, my husband and my 7 year old son. We had Covid right after having the flu in October. Literally on top of each other.

I got knocked down from the flu but the only symptom I had from Covid was my eye swelled up and my blood vessels burst inside it and it left a blister that burned with drops or water touching it for weeks.

So then the husband and kid have problems and so do I ,

There’s lots of stuff that’s popped up in me over the last couple of years. I’ve had Covid several times but it was always mild.

Developed TMJ and a burn down my neck in the same side of my face. My premature baby who was born during the pandemic was born with bulging eye vessels (I had a Covid infection prior to getting pregnant and I had placenta previa, gestational diabetes and a preterm birth at 29 weeks) my older son was found to also have bulging vessels in his eye during his first eye exam.

I’m rambling and disconnected bc I also have cognitive brain fog like something crazy.

I haven’t been on this site in a while

Was given supplements to try and this in the title is one of them. Awaiting blood results to see if I have micro clotting amongst other things. I feel like I’m looking at an underlying cardiac issue having been activated.

I’m not vaxxed.

Long Covid- in my opinion- is genetic activation of underlying conditions were predisposed for… for some that’s autoimmune other cardiac and so on and so forth.

I’ve also done way too much digging into Covid as a mechanism activating ancient endogenous retroviruses for anyone looking for a new keyword /rabbit hole.

Yes I said ancient. A portion of our “junk dna” is retroviruses of the past. There’s some stuff out there about it I was searching through even before Covid bc I’ve always suffered from some complex immunity issues.

The dr when going over the supplements said the one mentioned in the title of the thread (NAC) may be something that could help alot of the issues I’d had prior to this. But pending blood results this dr is suggesting a plavix/eloquel/the name escapes me convo therapy to target the micro clotting and damaged endothelial lining of the blood vessels.

I do not know if I used correct terminology here. Hope it translates.

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 06:13 PM
Anybody trying the supplements and improving?Brain fog and body fatigue are my symptoms for 12 months.

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