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posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:18 PM
I hear more Migrants from the Middle east/Africa are waiting to come to Europe.

i do believe Europe should allow open borders.

edit on 12-10-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
I hear more Migrants from the Middle east/Africa are waiting to come to Europe.

i do believe Europe should allow open borders.

So what................ Your country is full of central asian muslims from the FSU doing the dirty work and getting their hands dirty where Russian's won't. Seems to be the norm these days.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I am not even Russian.

Seems to be the norm these days.

Italians just supposedly voted in a supposed "Democratic, Free Society" where they truly believe that the right wingers are going to do something about this migration/immigration and economic crisis..

They will eventually find out that they arent going to do anything much as the old bosses.

edit on 12-10-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The Italian tourism although during the past few years had being boosted by Chinese/Russian tourists.

‘Their absence will be felt’: Italy fears economic hit as Russians stay away
edit on 12-10-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I am not even Russian.

Where then? It was suggested earlier you were from China? Living next to a mine?

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Tarantula777

What's even funnier is the fact, all the blood banks are running out of blood. This crisis has gone world wide, so it makes you wonder.

If you go to war, and lose blood even to a simple wound. You will probably be drained and left for dead, or someone else will be to "treat you".

If you don't believe that stocks have ran out and are often worse then reported do a Google search. So it begs to question where is all the blood going?

Well most of it is unusable due to covid vaccines. So any normal blood got mixed with the clot shot went down the drain like the raw milk a few years back.

To Europe:

This is a crisis being escalated by the insane to kill people off faster then the vaccines can thanks to supply issues like energy. There is a reason why Truss doesn't give a crap about you affording your house. Because she is saving money by not paying those insane energy costs on a dwindling supply.

The way they intend to make plenty of energy supply to support her bill is to kill off people in a war. If you send 10-20% of the population to war, that's 10-20% that is no longer consuming energy needs.

If you have 1 pizza, and 30 mouths to feed that pizza slices becomes smaller does it not? Less filling, that pizza is feeding 30 people. But no matter how you look at it it's still 1 pizza. So if you say, we are going to limit said pizza to one bite per person. You can probably stretch it to 60 people. But again it is still 1 pizza.

You can't secure anything for an entire population when there is a limited supply without a serious cost. So to ensure people keep an energy cap on a dwindling supply. That means a lot of you will need to die to ensure that the cost doesn't increase. Because it wouldn't be increasing if the supply was already there.

To the US:
Your worried about keeping your house, your job, putting food on the table. That's not enough pain for you for letting Trump get I to office, it is going to cost the world it's lives for allowing him to heckle the elite.

Surprised? Well Biden said the world was in for one when he got elected. So don't be, anyone with a brain saw this crap coming and voted trump the first time.

Trump - self preservation
Hillary - war with Russia

Trump - self preservation
Biden - war with Russia

Republican - self preservation
Democrat - war with Russia and death to everyone.

As bad as you think republicans are remember this come voting.

Republicans will milk a cow, and breed it for more milk and then scrape the meat off the dead beast for extra gain, but at least they feed it and continue the line even if the line is #.

Democrats will milk said cow, starve it, then butcher it the second the meat value is higher then the milk, even if said cow has another 12 years of dairy production because the cost of feeding it takes away from their profits. They care not for the future. Only immediately gains.

That cow = America

To the world:
Democrats are bears they hide when crap is good, and come out on a rampage to make things bad, when crap don't go their way - especially when they have the power they do. They thrive off of the negative and chaos.

Republicans are bulls - they rather make money then lose money so an econ that is down is zero benefit to them..

As long as the markets go down Democrats are winning. This is a clear cut sign, as you will notice futures for the people always looked better in a Republican market. People wonder how gen x and baby boomers let what we once had disappear. It was easy:

The promise of free crap for today, and ious for tomorrow. .

How many ppl voted for "free money" 82 million? Well apparently they just didn't read the fine print. But they should of known nothing in life is "free".

After all look how many people voted for Biden in hopes of stimulus that barely covered a months rent, while they still tell you "Americans have to much money because of the stimulus". So prices need to sky rocket. I don't know about you, but that stimulus was gone the same month it came out. But your being punished for years over that free money, and now it will cost blood because the debt levels are to high.

This is how they make their money through loss and crisis. Why else do you think Biden is happy your future is going down the drain. Because they ALL bet against you, and your future. If you thrive it means they have to give their wealth and power back, or it equals less then what they had because you have "options" you have a "say".

So you want to see where we are headed, keep watching the markets. All that money from the drops is lining their pockets and fueling the war because they bet against our country and it's progress(it's what bears do by definition). They can hide amist the chaos and embezzle your money elsewhere as they push further agendas to rob the world blind, and democrats haven't had this much power in decades. To the point they control the supreme court thanks to the idiots who bombed their cars and houses.

Manipulation, stirring trouble and building bunker's and securing their own future on private islands - none of you see it coming. You mean nothing to the war mongering party, except cannon fodder and less mouths to feed. Your nations debt has become due. The cost is paid in blood.

if you want to know why they say the EU isn't investible; it's because you are all the first line in the war against Russia. To invest in the EU, is financial suicide since you guys will probably be the first target when this escalates further.

Your politicians sold Europe out, just like ours sold America out.
edit on bWednesdaypm2022-10-12T18:02:36-05:00kpmWed, 12 Oct 2022 18:02:36 -0500Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:02:36 -050020223 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: Tarantula777
a reply to: vNex92

We have to support Ukraine because they voted for what they voted for.

Unfortunately there is no way out of the Ukraine conflict. They voted democratically and we as democratic states have no choice but to defend them.

OK if this is your stance then you should be on Russias side. Ukraine had a democratically elected government already in 2014, a government the Ukrainians voted for and put in power, a fair government, a government that was fair to the Western Ukrainians and the Eastern Ukrainians. The Ukrainian Nationalist Nazis while being backed by the USA staged a coup d'état of this democratically elected Ukrainian government and overthrew it and an anti Russian government got put on place. This is one of the main reasons we are at where we are at now. This new Ukrainian government was against the ethnic Russian Ukrainians in the east.

If what is quoted above is really how you feel well then you should be mad not at Russia but at all the Ukrainian Nationalists and the US government led by John McCain, Victoria Nuland and  Lindsey Graham who helped overthrow a democratic government.

This was Russia and Ukraine before the Nationalists and the US government tampered and overthrew a democracy.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: starviego
I miss the days when all they had to scare us with were Africanized killer bees.

Ah yes , the Good Old Days...............

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 03:33 AM

originally posted by: Tarantula777
It will be a huge nuclear exchange..

It will not be a nuclear exchange. That is impossible in 2022. Don't believe the hype. No opposing nuclear capable country will get the chance.

Look at China and Russia's economy. What makes you think they've kept up with a legit and adequate nuclear weapons program? Especially when they've already shown greatly how much corners they cut in every aspect of their basic military?

If those huge "missiles" they parade around could actually do as their leaders claim... they wouldn't show the world (by world I mean... The U.S.). The surveillance tech today is far too advanced. There would be satellites locked on those hunks of tin til Jesus comes back to impersonate Elvis.

If I can recall correct... Within the past year or two, I remember a short article with limited info on some satellites being sent up. Folks speculated it is probably "5G Verizon 1984 again!!! Oh no, they can see my pubes!" Besides conspiracies... It is far more likely to be so insanely Hi-Tech military surveillance they wouldn't even allow Area 51 to molest.

They can now actually tell you what color thong Putin wears for taco Tuesday.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: TheWhiteKnight
There's a lot of Halloween decorations being put up around here.
It starts October 1, earlier with the places which usually have placards reading
'In this house SCIENCE IS REAL', 'Whatever You Say' or
'We Support Ukraine' aka 'Sons of DNC Oligarchs'

Idk why they change anything for Halloween, they should just leave it exactly
as it was when they gleefully stole an election, and doubled down,
for all apparent intents and purposes,
to eliminate future elections.

I can't think of anything scarier than what they prompted with their signaling.

# 1632

Yes, science is real. But Covid was definitely a psyop to get us to take the jabs.

It is going to be like the Shark joke on Saturday Night Live show.
"Telegram ma'am., You can't come in here there is a shark eating people in this building....... Candy gram ma'am.... Oh ok.. click I will let you in..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

They keep looking for the lie that you will let sink in and do what they need you to do to yourself.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Mahogany

I think we can deduce that the weapon will be EMPs.

Reasoning principally is the efforts the federal govt has taken to secure "certain" infrastructure and "certain" locales.

Those certainly arent anything you or I can lay claim to even though our dollars floated its evolution and implementation.

I think we own UAP's out our wazzooo here in the Western nations. The Shock and Awe of a war machine that can't be taken out accept by another one of their own is going to be tremendous. The reason they aren't using it now? Saving it for the right moment of Shock and Awe for something very important that the Cabal/DS cannot chance losing.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

Ukraine as a nation start as a nation started appearing in 1926 in older classic maps of Euporean during the middle ages you would find no such country that exists "Ukraine"

Only Rus Kiev. Or Rus.

Stalin declared it Ukraine IIRC. The Marxist need controllable sections that have their own politburo setup. They set up vassal states within their old borders of the era of the Russian Czar. He would have deemed the edge of Poland to the Pacific was all Russian land. Including Alaska.

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