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BOOM! Florida passes the "STOP Woke Act" to ban CRT from schools

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posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Awesome. I was just trying to identify with how the average Joe/Flo would react to the caption "STOP Woke Act".

Maybe, this group has enough background to process it. The typical person, I doubt it. Same way with the "Rebel Flag" flying on the back of a beat-up pick-up truck. Knee-jerk reaction is ...

Do you have to care what the knee-jerk reaction is? No. Should you care? Depends on the situation. Is racism still a problem? Sometimes. I've lived it too and enough to know how deeply affected some people still are by a lifetime of racism. I also have experienced the frustration of not ever being able to do enough to overcome it. And just when you think some progress has been made, "BOOM!", something happens to wipe it all out. So, maybe the only thing to do is tell the teachers, "Leave Them Kids Alone". But, surely there was a smoother way to do it. This was not a "Class Act" (lol).

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I have a channel of insight into the "Average Joe" mentality, and yes, such a mentality does exist. We on ATS are the "wretched refugees," the ones who see beyond the veil of ordinary life. So your reference is certainly appropriate.

My best friend for... oh God... 45 years or better now... anyway, he is that "Average Joe." He goes to work every day, comes home, watches a little TV, and repeats day after day after day. He isn't big into conspiracies and spends most of his time worrying about his daily life and the things that affect him specifically.

Mention CRT to him, and you better be ready to defend yourself. He will fly into a RAGE! It does affect him and his life; he has grandchildren in school.

I think the Average Joe has realized, at least a large majority which is growing every day, exactly what CRT is and how bad it is. Like most programs that buck traditional values, it couldn't last long... but it did do some damage to cultural norms in the short time it has been in existence. Let me give you another bit of anecdotal evidence to that:

I have a good friend, "Pete," who lives down the road from me, maybe 3/4 mile (yes, that's a close neighbor out here... 5th house from mine). Pete is black, about my age, and retired. Pete is also the kind of guy who will give you the shirt off his back if he thinks you need help. There's very little I wouldn't do for the boy.

Recently, Pete had a stroke. I was sitting here, well after dark, when the dog alerted... something or someone was outside. My wife went out to see what was going on, and then yelled for me to come quick. When I did, there was Pete, sitting on our front steps where he had collapsed.

I got him up and helped him inside. Just as he made it in, he fell sideways on the couch and stayed slumped sideways. He was alert but confused, so I called 911. The ambulance came and took him away, and the hospital said he had had a major stroke. Well, we didn't really know the rest of his family *except his brother, who he had just had a fight with and who wasn't coming around), so we had no way to get in touch with them. The hospital tried, but it seems the number they had on file for Pete's daughter was one digit off. Finally, after a few days, we managed to get word to his daughter through another friend. Until then we visited Pete in the hospital, acted as a temporary emergency contact, and did whatever we could do to make sure he was receiving the treatment he needed.

She was shocked that we would help Pete. Why? Because we're white and Pete is black.

I keep tabs on Pete still; he's recovering quite well and expects to be able to move back into his house soon. That means that I have come to know his family a lot better. Without exception, every single one has acted suspicious of us until they found out who we were. That's the damage CRT has done: it has created this belief that the races cannot co-exist peacefully, because one is said to always be the aggressor and the other always the victim.

It is that belief, that suspicion based on nothing but skin color, that has set race relations back 60 years. I don't consider Pete or his family as anything less than human beings. But his family thought I would, based only on the fact I am white.

Back when I was young, Pete would likely have died alone and confused. Whites and blacks didn't mingle back then. It just wasn't done. Pete would not have become a friend and he would not have had me to turn to when he was in distress. Racism would have killed him. Today, he is alive and recovering because we put all that behind us, but CRT wants to reinforce and continue that distrust and segregation, because some people cannot let go of the past and see the present.

When the day comes that Pete moves back into his house, I will be stopping by on a regular basis to check on him and see if he needs anything. So will several other neighbors; we've discussed it. His son-in-law is a cool dude; we'll likely get to know each other better. His daughter's best friend is cool as well and is helping take care of Pete (I met him the other day when I saw Pete out and about and stopped to say hello); I look forward to getting to know him. His daughter is sweet as can be; I'm sure we will be a bit closer after this. The first time she came to my house, would you believe she was afraid to come to my front door? I think I got that concern nipped in the bud.

That's how one fights racism: treat all men equally. Pete has had a hard life, and yes, he has been taken advantage of... I would be insincere if I claimed some of that wasn't because he is black. But I'm not looking to take advantage of him; none of my friends want to take advantage of him; none of our neighbors want to take advantage of him. Most of the people I mentioned are white, and any of them would help him if he needed something. All of us would be disgusted at the people who have taken advantage of him in the past, because all of us have been taken advantage of as well. It's not about black or white... it's about good and bad.

If we allow those who want racism to continue to divide us, racism will continue forever. United, no one can separate us.

Damn, I get long-winded sometimes! Sorry...


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

For Pete's sake, I wouldn't give that much credit to CRT. It mainly served to open up old scars, it didn't create those scars, that was done by old school racism not the new school.

And, what will they replace CRT with? Hopefully, not something just as hurtful. I'm not opposed to the idea of being "woke", but the term is rapidly taking on the meaning of moving from one pathetic state of deception to another. Today is another day.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I wouldn't give that much credit to CRT.

You might want to dig a little deeper into what CRT actually is. It is officially indoctrinated, institutionalized racism. The primary message is that if one is white, one is responsible for all the ills suffered by others... if one is black, one is hopelessly oppressed and unable to function without assistance.

Yes, I give it that much credit. It deserves more credit than I give, but that's all the credit I have to give.

what will they replace CRT with?

Math? Science? History? Reading?

CRT has replaced those things already. Those are the subjects that will help our children succeed in life.

Teaching them they are either eternal oppressors or eternal victims, which is CRT, will help no one.


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Not sure what we are debating. Agree CRT needs to go.

School is just something we all have to overcome on our way to real learning (lol).

I'm just imagining what the school kids might be thinking right now.

Kid: I just got "woke" and I'm totally stoked. Woke is still good, right?
Governor: No, kid, "woke" is real bad.
Kid: Huh?

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I'm sure some kids who were in the middle of the indoctrination might be a bit confused. But I think it's better to let them be confused for a while than to keep indoctrinating them. Who knows? A few may actually realize that what they heard before was indoctrination.

Future ATS members.

Not to mention, with all that time that is no longer spent on racial indoctrination, they might become engineers, doctors, technicians...

Future intelligent ATS members!


posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Klassified


posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:40 PM
We're trying like Hell. Growing up we were solid blue. Around 1977 I noticed something wrong when I checked out a book from rhe library about Space Travel and at the end of the novel, the hero skips off hand-in-hand with his newly "out of the closet" best friend, sealing it with a kiss. Right there. Then. I saw how my "gifted" teacher was indoctrinating her students. I raised the subject and was promptly dropped from the class and ostracized by my fellow classmates... at the age of 12.
a reply to: Gothmog

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 04:05 PM
Our generation will be the first to realize that ideology and religion are the same thing.

A religion is just an ideology that is supposedly endorsed by an invisible man in the sky. The church organization exists in order to spread that ideology. Any wars that get fought are fought for the ideology, not the invisible man in the sky.

(He's supposed to be infinitely powerful. He could just snap his fingers and win a war if it were him that was under attack.)

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 03:55 PM

edit on 11-6-2022 by Ahabstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Good for Florida, solving non problems. Most people use terms like Marxist, communist, socialist and can't define them. This should help. LOL.

You mean they can candy them up with a nice sugar coating?

originally posted by: CharlesNPope
a reply to: TheRedneck

Do you have to care what the knee-jerk reaction is? No. Should you care? Depends on the situation. Is racism still a problem? Sometimes. I've lived it too and enough to know how deeply affected some people still are by a lifetime of racism. I also have experienced the frustration of not ever being able to do enough to overcome it. And just when you think some progress has been made, "BOOM!", something happens to wipe it all out. So, maybe the only thing to do is tell the teachers, "Leave Them Kids Alone". But, surely there was a smoother way to do it. This was not a "Class Act" (lol).

It would be better to make a law against teaching any and all ideologies in school. Ideology is not education.

People within an ideology often think they are "educating" others when they teach or spread it. But really ideologies are just religions that don't have an invisible man.

Everything religious people have done wrong in history, idealistic zealots have also done.

edit on 12-6-2022 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Klassified

the dem ones better get over their TDS, cause DDS is gonna kick their a@@ bad.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 06:24 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Good for Florida, solving non problems. Most people use terms like Marxist, communist, socialist and can't define them. This should help. LOL.

I lived under a communist government, most people on this forum use them incorrectly.

In fact most people in the US who call themselves Marxist are not even close.

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