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No Assisted Suicide In Germany Unless Vaccinated For Covid

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posted on Dec, 2 2021 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Signals

“assisted suicide and the preliminary examination of a patient’s ability to make decisions freely implies physical closeness between people. However, that is precisely the precondition for the spread of Covid.”

I think what they're saying is, "If you want to die because you're afraid of COVID, or because you feel alone and alienated because of COVID lockdowns and closures, take the vaccine first, and see if being able to be around people again changes your inclination."

"If you want to participate in society...,
If you want to preserve your mental health....
If you want to avoid lockdowns....
If you want to continue patronizing restaurants....
If you want to want to keep your job...
Just roll up your sleeve and take this one shot...
...and the next...
...and the next...
...and the next...
ad infinitum"

All of that is essentially a long-winded way of rephrasing what we've learned is essentially a global, government-sanctioned program of medical blackmail.

posted on Dec, 2 2021 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Signals

This is proof of just how far "the stupid" has penetrated society.

Now I really have heard everything.

posted on Dec, 2 2021 @ 09:59 AM
Umm.. if your goal is to end your human existence, why would you mind getting a vaccine that may prevent you from taking a few more with you to the afterlife? Can't be that you are afraid the vaccine is harmful...

posted on Dec, 2 2021 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
Umm.. if your goal is to end your human existence, why would you mind getting a vaccine that may prevent you from taking a few more with you to the afterlife? Can't be that you are afraid the vaccine is harmful...

That is the logic that is the outside wrapping of this mandate. 1.) Why should you be afraid of the potential harm from the "vaccine" if you are going to die anyway?

2.) You have to understand that you may have applied to legally end your own life by euthanasia, but those health workers who have to assist you to do so, have not.

One translation: It doesn't matter whether you live or die - your duty to the welfare of the collective is the only important consideration.

Translation #2: "Alive or dead, you're coming with me! (Robocop)

I don't think that the goal of people who apply for legal euthanasia is to end their human existence. They really want to end their physical suffering. They don't know of any other solution.

...unknown to them an imposter came on the scene to pretend he was their God. And his name was Satan.

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