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What About Other Vaccinations? Will You Get Those Now?

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posted on May, 27 2021 @ 03:39 AM

Why is it okay to push your agenda on my body?


Your body your choice. If you have a problem with that, it's your problem, not mine.

The difficulty come when you, an unvaxed person, hide your unvaxed status. When you do that you take away other people's choices.

Other people should be able to make an informed choice as to where they want to be near to you or if they want to socially distance.

If you want to be unvaxed then you should be honest about it, not be a transvaxxer and hide it.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
regardless of the potential repercussions.

Which are few and far between.

The risk of disease is greater than the risk of vaccination by a wide margin

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 03:50 AM
Never had the flu vaccine crew.

You know you have an immune system that you can boost? Maybe stop eating all your processed crap they call food and you won't get blown over by a little sniffle.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: Analbumcover
Never had the flu vaccine crew.

You know you have an immune system that you can boost? Maybe stop eating all your processed crap they call food and you won't get blown over by a little sniffle.

There are quite a few current or former commuters here who have spent hour each week crammed nose to nose in poorly ventilated trains with people who look like they have the plague, who cough and sneeze without covering their mouth, or who wipe their noses on their hands and then wipe their hands on the seats or grab handholds without wiping them on a tissue first.

When you spend your first flu season in the disease factory that is the mass transit system you will be demanding masks and flu shots in short order. Or possibly a flame thrower.

Forget covid, have you been vaccinated against TB?

I think that guy over there has Wildfire, or maybe rabies, and I'm pretty sure that lady died a couple of stops back.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 05:23 AM
Had my second AZ jab yesterday, zero side-effects this time (last time had a mild hungover feeling for an hour the next morning). Without the vax I was at 35% risk of death if I was hospitalised with Covid due to uncontrolled epillepsy which means vents can't be used as treatment.

Never had a flu jab and doubt I'd ever get one as not in the high risk group and there have been extremely rare years where the vax has caused more harm than good (2015) as diferent flu strains became dominant than the one that years vaccine was developed for.

I trust my immune system to fight flu as I've had proper flu once before around 25 years ago but nothing since. Due to Covid being novel there in't the background immunity or any telling how someone will react to it. I know a couple of dozen people very fit and healthy in their 20s and 30s who were on ventilators for a month due to Covid. I was at far higher

I'm completely opposed to any forced/mandatory vaccination policies though; they're unscientific attempts to remove rights by exploiting the situation and I'm a firm believer in the 'slippery slope' argument. They also have the effect of reducing the number of people who do get vaccinated as people are naturally skeptical of the while thing.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:28 AM
I have no issues taking any vaccines. None of them are worse than the diseases itself.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Quit anti-vax shaming people, this is getting old. I don't take the flu shot because I don't have to, and I seen what the side effects are, you get the flu! I am not taking the Covid shot because, i don't want to die, it' experimental, and the side effects from it are extremely bad! I will risk getting Covid over taking this so called vaccine! Besides i don't want to join your Covid vaccine cult!

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

But if you're vaxxed,why should you have to worry about whether I am or not? Don't have faith in the vax?
Vaxxed people pose more of a threat to the unvaxxed. You could transmit it without even knowing you have it.

I remember when Fauxci told us wearing a mask was to protect others not ourselves and said they didn't really help the person wearing them. Save grandma and all that. But now they're dangling the "don't have to wear a mask if vaxxed" carrot to encourage *cough* bribe *cough* people to take it.

Saw an IG post where the OP nailed it..."I know people who will spend an hour reading reviews for face cream FFS but won't spend a minute researching this vax." Just line up and take it, despite not knowing any long term effects it may have.

I have a friend who said she's scared to wear an Apple watch for fear it will give her cancer, but was first in line for the vax. Just makes no damn sense to me.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:13 AM

How synthetic biology could wipe out humanity -- and how we can stop it

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: Blue Shift
I'm not anti vax at all, but I never get the flu shot, I probably never will. Polio, all the other childhood jabs, I take no issue with. I have gotten the 1st jab about 6 weeks ago, #2 is a couple months away still. I don't plan on any booster shots either..just the 2 initial ones.

You will have to get booster shots. Read the animal trials.

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I have not had any form of vaccination since leaving the Military 25 years ago in 1996.
Both my wife and I practice Holistic Health.

Thankfully some people are smart enough to research the results of Holistic Health vs Modern Medicine.

It's getting to the point it's almost hard to read how some people think.

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

It seems the plan is t have an Annual COVID/CV 'BoosterShot' available or else required ;
(i think the choice is determined by Authorities, /not the individuals)

I will still be allergic to 'Eggs' which are used to grow annual Flu cultures
I will still be allergic to PEG (Poly Ethylene Glycol) used for extending the useful life of the 'vaccines' by mega-pharma's

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Okay, you got the vaccine and you had a stroke. You're bed ridden and angry , I get it. But get help.

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: HUSARIA

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: Blue Shift
I'm not anti vax at all, but I never get the flu shot, I probably never will. Polio, all the other childhood jabs, I take no issue with. I have gotten the 1st jab about 6 weeks ago, #2 is a couple months away still. I don't plan on any booster shots either..just the 2 initial ones.

You will have to get booster shots. Read the animal trials.

But I'm not going to..I don't have to do anything. I've complied with what they wanted, I'm not going any further, past the 2nd jab.

posted on May, 29 2021 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

You don't know crap about modern medicine. There are literally dozens of treatments that are being used around the world, once the disinformation people like you believed was debunked, and these treatments don't have the serious side effects from the experimental vaccines.

Here is a DEMOCRAT doctor talking about how successful he and his team have been treating infected people with Ivermectin.

As for the flu shots?... Vitamin C, taking moderate amounts of sunshine, breathing fresh air, doing some exercise, and eating healthy will help you a lot more than a flu vaccine will. I haven't gotten sick in years, and when I used to start feeling the first stages of the flu, I would just increase my intake of vitamin C and in about 2 days I would be back to normal with no signs of having the flu.

So go tell your lies somewhere else.

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