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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:40 AM
Nordics also known as Pleiadians are a highly advanced alien species, who watches over humans across the universe. They do not interfere with the humans evolution, that is the "law." The Pleiadians work with another more highly advanced alien race called the DAL, which is the name of the universe they came from. The DAL Universe is supposedly a parallel universe to ours. These Pleiadians have sent some of their own on Earth, and they blend in with us. These "cells" are used to retrieve information and give information. After they die and "reincarnate" they forget of their past, but still have some of it lodged in the back of their mind. A book was published by a researcher who recovered documents of an interview between a german man named Meier and the Pleiadians and the DAL's. He was put into a beamship and they flew across the universe, to view other civilizations like us. Some of the civilizations were going through their atomic stage, just like the cold war. The DAL had told Meier that there were many more just like him being contacted at that time. The information in this posting was reference to the book "UFO Contact From the Pleiades."

I know it sounds crazy but its not

Read the book it's good but can get kind of confusing

I have a link to the book but I dont know if it violates the copyright rules, the websites seems to be a well organized, law abiding site. They might have the copyright to it, but i dont know.

[Edited on 14-07-2003 by soulproductions]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:59 AM
so you believe Meier despite the glarying holes in his stories? He may well of been in contact with something at one time but I believe he has embellished his story outrageously. I don`t believe putting a link to another site contravenes copyright but if you are worried send me a link via u2u and I`ll check the site.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:05 AM
have you read the book? or are you referring to my post? And can you point out the flaws in his story, I found it believable. But im not really the one who understands a lot about these things.

[Edited on 14-07-2003 by soulproductions]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:05 AM
I think i read part of that book online. If it is real the part i read was amazing. If it is real i also want to be one of those people the aliens contact. I know that if there are aliens like the ones in the book then they must be reading this post or reading my mind. I really want you to contact me.

Do not contact me during the times of big brother or the amazing race 4 though. Those times are tuesday, wednesday, and friday and 7PM arizona time. Also 8PM thursday arizona time.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:52 AM
lol ilovepizza...To comment on cassini, these type of reports of interviews with these Pleiadians have been reported across the world, so you dont have to believe in Meier but theres got to be one in that group whos telling the truth

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:11 AM
The link refered to

I`m not talking about the book specifically rather what he has said over the course of many years. I`m sure I`ll get down to specifics later but since this has been linked I`m gonna check the rest of the forum before going further.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:30 AM
There was a small attempt to discuss the Meier case earlier,

ilovepizza, one appeal for the aliens to contact you is really sufficient and off topic.


posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 04:25 PM
i do find Meier's story interesting. but i would agree it is flawed. from just reading what soulproductions wrote/quoted. it says the Pleadians have a law where they would not interfere with human evolution. yet it goes on to say that some people were being contacted by them. that seems to contradict there law a bit.

but it's still a neat story. it would make for some good sci fi. and like ilovepizza said, if it is real i'd like to be contacted as well

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 12:50 PM
In the story they talk about how they will not interfere with the evolution of humans, that means they will not assist the humans in providing information like technology. They contact these humans to learn more about them.

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 01:37 PM
"They contact these humans to learn more about them"

Does that not strike you as strange. These guys are supposed to be extremely well advanced technologically they are also supposed to look very similiar to ourselves. Why do they need to contact any individuals at all, just pop down, talk, soak up the atmosphere and then off again surely be better. Why contact individuals in a highly secretive manner when there are a myriad of different options to learn of humans?


posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 02:00 PM
yeah i think just sitting some place and just observing would be a good way to learn more about humans. that and the fact that we have more then enough research on ourselves and studies of our society and human nature, so they should be able to go to a book store or library and pick up a bunch of books.

to me contacting people would still effect our evolution... perhaps not as much as just giving us some nice hightech gadgets. if aliens have been in contact with our governments and they are wanting to keep it secret from everyone, then why would the aliens go around talking to people? sure they are trying to do it secretively, but people like billy meier just go around and blab about it (assuming anything he says is even true).

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by soulproductions
After they die and "reincarnate" they forget of their past, but still have some of it lodged in the back of their mind.

I believe that that is the case with normal humans as well

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 05:21 PM
"to me contacting people would still effect our evolution"

I`d agree really its a type of contamination in my opinion. It could have many subtle and untold effects which we are unaware of. I`m sur they could achieve the knowledge gathering they wanted to without going near someone like Meier.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 11:04 AM
the aliens in contact with the government are of another race not from pleiades they are interfering with our development that is why some of the alien races are joining this "legion" of alien races to help with earth. I do see some flaws in this story and somethings that are really stretching the truth but the story might contain some truth nonetheless. I do recommend that you read this story, because you might have mistaken my intent on some of the comments.

Good Day fellow alien enthusiasts

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