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How to tell non-smokers to butt out about your smoking...

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posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:13 AM
Tired of reasoning with people that tell you what to do with your life? Tired of arguing? Tired of... the discussion?

End it now. I've found the sure fire conversation killer that allows you to actually enjoy your cigarette in peace.

Next time someone asks why? Implores you to stop? Explains the health risks in grueling monotonous detail....

Tell 'em you smoke to look cool.

That's it. I'm telling you. No reason. No rationale. No speech. End it.

I smoke because it makes me look cool.

I just tried it, and I assure you the frustrated expression of a concerned citizen faced with an altogether uncool middle aged man smoking for the sheer charm of it, is priceless.

No I don't remember what Brooke Shields said...

Why? Because she's not cool. She never was. (Though she kind of is now.)

But I'm cool... because I smoke. It's why I smoke. And it's why I'm cool. I don't expect you to understand. Because you're not cool. I am.

I endorse this stop annoying me while I smoke program wholeheartedly.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:24 AM
I've found threats of physical violence if they do not mind their own business to be highly effective in these situations.

Maybe it's just me, though.


posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:24 AM

I always used to like:
    Because it makes look big and clever
    Because it makes me feel like a big man

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:32 AM
Now that could work too Banshee.

And I have to say JAK, I'm as fond of looking big and clever as I am cool. I may try that just to mix it up a bit in the future.

I'll keep the folding chair handy though.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:32 AM
I'm a non smoker, used to smoke....for about 15 years. I don't care if people smoke or not other than my family or loved friends because I worry about only concern is that since I have developed an allergy to it and my Granddaughter has Mastocytosis and "can not be around it" or she'll have an outbreak, I hate to go out in public and have some idiot smoking where they aren't supposed to be smoking, many are so very uncourteous. When I smoked, I was always conscious of those around me that were not, I understood that they had as much right not to breath it in as I did to smoke....I've never understood those that don't see that...seems very spoiled and selfish to me, but that's just me.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:37 AM
It's funny all the wannabe tough guy kids at my school smoke and stare at you in a menacing way when you walk past, as if to say 'look I'm tough I smoke', I then think 'ha, you won't be thinking that when your lungs are full of rubbish'.

Don't hurt me smoking peopel

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:40 AM
The other night I was out at the bar enjoying several drinks when I happen to run out of cigarettes.

Of course some obnoxious woman had to be standing in front of the cig machine. No, I couldn't just pop in my 5.25, get my pack of Cowboy Killers and be done with it.

Her: "No. Smoking is bad for you."

Me: "So is drinking."

Her: "No, I mean it's really bad for you."

Me: "You can barely stand and you're worried about my lungs?"

Her: "Well # you then."

I guess she understood reason after a while.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
I'm a non smoker, used to smoke....for about 15 years. I don't care if people smoke or not other than my family or loved friends because I worry about only concern is that since I have developed an allergy to it and my Granddaughter has Mastocytosis and "can not be around it" or she'll have an outbreak, I hate to go out in public and have some idiot smoking where they aren't supposed to be smoking, many are so very uncourteous. When I smoked, I was always conscious of those around me that were not, I understood that they had as much right not to breath it in as I did to smoke....I've never understood those that don't see that...seems very spoiled and selfish to me, but that's just me.

You're right LadyV. Smoking is cool.


posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:46 AM
Umm... fill, fill, fill....

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:50 AM
Dear RANT,

I just wanted to thank you for your rant about smoking and it being cool. I too am a smoker. I love to puffpuffpuff. I use this line as well and it does give the effect that use described. Of course people don't usually have to nerve to speak to me in the first place, of which I have no idea why?(ummm sarcasm)

Of course being a 6', shaved headed, earring wearing, tat sporty SOB tends to help me out a bit. Now all I need it to become a wrassler and people will never bother me again.

(sorry Banshee)

It's funny people have the nerve to approach a complete stranger about smoking, yet I do not approach a complete stranger about them being an A-hole? Oops, that wasn't supposed to be out loud...

Well, I need more nicotine after this. Nothing like smoking a fresh fag in the afternoon. #27 baby all the way...:bnghd:

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:52 AM
I never smoked, however I don't have a problem with anyone smoking. Supposed to be a free country, right? So now they are trying to ban smoking in clubs, bars, etc... where normally I'd be ticked off simply for the intrusion on the right of the club/bar owner to have a smoke/smoke free environment of his/her choice, I'm beginning not to care because of the lack of club/bar smoking etiquette of a lot of smokers out there. Where the respectful smokers will cup their cigarettes in a crowd, i've seen way too many waving their cigarette around, not caring about what it comes in contact with.
IMO, these idiots will ruin the sympathy for the respectful smokers.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by RANT

You're right LadyV. Smoking is cool.

No, it's not "cool" Doesn't make one look anything other than addicted, at least I always thought of it this way when I was a smoker. But I do believe everyone can do what they want to....I have no wishes to ban it, my hubby smokes....if someone wants to kill themselves with it, that's their business, just like someone that over eats, or anything else that is harmful to the body. As I said, the only concern from "me" is my allergy and my granddaughters Mastocytosis.....however, I see no reason what so ever for others to be considerate of each other...what's the problem with that?
When I smoked, I would of never lit up around other's children, or in a car with people I knew didn't smoke......I was brought up to be considerate though...I also don't yell and make a lot of noise when I know others a re sleeping and similar considerate incidences...but, each their own...

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
When I smoked, I would of never lit up around other's children

Here is a question for you then. What do you think about a smoker sitting in the smoking section where the next family over is smoking and has a kid with them?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Jonna

Here is a question for you then. What do you think about a smoker sitting in the smoking section where the next family over is smoking and has a kid with them?

I don't know, for me personally......I'd manage if their ventilation system was good...but I would not take my granddaughter to a restaurant where they were not divided well, with a good ventilations system also as it could result in her being put on meds and possibly missing school due to an outbreak

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 02:35 PM
I get pissed everytime someone next to me at the bar lights up, the ventilation systems are crap, if they were good I doubt the smoke would billow over my way. So I get up and move down the bar.

If i've had alot to drink i'll buy a cigarette or two at the bar, but in the morning I get the hoarse feeling in my throat, the nasty after taste of it, but I don't have to worry about smelling because I make sure I have a shower before I put my head down on my pillow.

When I did smoke (as a teenager) I'd get mad sore throats all the time. I couldn't go a full year without getting a sore throat.
Now, I haven't been sick in over 3 years.

except for the flu i got when i visited my nephews. (unrelated to smoking)

Even the non smoking sections in bars and restaurants are pointless, who the hell are they trying pull one over on? It's kind of funny when you see booths with the non smoking sign and then right next to that one you see "smoking"


posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:07 PM
usually, when somebody tells me to put out my cigarette, I simply prod them with it.

that shuts them up.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:11 PM
Smoking doesn't bother me as long as I don't have to breathe in the seconhand smoke. That's the only thing that bothers me about it. You can smoke all you want but just keep the seconhand smoke away from me.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Odd
usually, when somebody tells me to put out my cigarette, I simply prod them with it.

that shuts them up.


posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 01:37 AM
I just say

'Well we gotta die of something, at least this way i know what it is'


'My vital organs had a wager to see which one would fail first... my lungs bribed me so i'm giving them a hand'


'Well what doesnt kill you these days anyways'

On that note i've just quit smoking, but i always hate it when non-smokers try to act all high and mighty to smokers.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Tired of reasoning with people that tell you what to do with your life? Tired of arguing? Tired of... the discussion?

End it now. I've found the sure fire conversation killer that allows you to actually enjoy your cigarette in peace.

Next time someone asks why? Implores you to stop? Explains the health risks in grueling monotonous detail....

The best thing to do is listen and just quit-
Like everyone in this thread I used to make excuses for a terrible habit. Sure, to each his own- but the people only say something because they care. And, when you do quit (you will one day, regardless) if you are still alive, you will realize how much better you feel, how much money you save, and how much your family and friends will respect you for kicking the habit. I quit, after making excuses for better than 20 yrs. Quitting wasn't all that bad...the first 3 days were a bummer but after that I began to feel better. Much better. Today, I realize how stupid I was for making excuses all those years, and trying to justify a disgusting and deadly habit that benefitted nobody but big tobacco. Smoking is not cool. Smoking is not hip.
Smoking is a display of personal weakness and willingness to feed all that money to big tobbacco. They got all ya'll right where they want you- defending and justifying their deadly product that you are addicted to.
Wisen up, people- how many of ya'll in this thread smoke around your kids?
I used to- and feel bad that I once did. If you have a family, quit for your kids-
I have read this thread and some of the excuses are just outright, well, idiotic. May all ya'll have the courage and guts to just quit.
Peoples words in this thread may encourage some young kids (of many are here) to pick up the habit, and I dislike hearing these ill placed justifications for a stupid habit to be placed before them, especially by moderators. I do not respect that at all- bash me, whatever I do not care. I speak the truth- quit for a month and then tell me you do not feel better. And so willl everyone else around you.

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