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The last thing they did.

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 08:42 AM
Famous people, either world famous or famous in their own country. The last thing they recorded, audio/video, before their unexpected departure from the planet.

John Lennon
I'll start with what must be the most shocking example - shocking in terms of the world famous status of the person, and also the brevity of the interlude between the end of the recording and their death.

Strangely, this is one of the best radio interviews of anyone ever...something like 3 hours long, very thorough, very detailed. A mere 7 hours later, John's lifeless body was lying on a mortuary table. He was just 40.

I've never listened to it. It's way beyond eerie.

Adam Faith
This guy had a successful pop career in 1960s Britain; when it began to dry up, he turned to acting. Later in life, he got involved in a financial adventure that went horribly wrong and, sadly, declared himself bankrupt in 2002, owing a reported £32 million. He got acting work again but it was pretty much game over for him financially. Doubtless, this is what contributed to his untimely demise...well, that as well as known heart problems.

In 2003, he appeared in an episode of Murder in Mind. It's a fine episode, one of the best of the series. It aired on April 3 2003, but Faith never got to see it. He died of a heart attack on March 8. It was the last thing he recorded and, clearly, must have been a short time before his death. He was 62.

Harry H Corbett
This man was a well known and much loved British TV personality in the 1960s/70s, mainly for his appearance in the sitcom Steptoe and Son, though he appeared in over 30 movies between 1952 and 1980.

In 1982 he appeared in an episode of Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected.

Bizarrely, he fakes collapsing with a heart attack in this episode.

He died shortly after filming...of a heart attack. He was 57.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 09:34 AM
The last thing I do before I die is gonn

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 06:53 PM
Dermot Morgan

You've probably never heard of this bloke - he played Father Ted in the eponymously titled sitcom.

I've never watched it and came across his wiki page by accident.

He died ONE DAY after finishing the final episode.

So, the last episode of Father Ted is the last thing he did.

Heart attack. Only 45. He died at a dinner party he was giving in his home with a houseful of guests. His sister tried to revive him.

I'd put the video up but it's not available on youtube.


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