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How much effort is really put into 'fake news'?

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posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 07:30 AM
Mods: Im unsure of the proper forum to post this in, so i figured the gray area would be most appropriate. Please move if needed

Fake news this, fake news that, fake news with a wiffle ball bat. Who knows what to believe right? I read this article this morning and found it very interesting!
What goes into making 'fake news'? I, for one, always assumed the deliberately fabricated stories were probably made up on the fly. More so for filler unless they were directly propaganda related. I incorrectly assumed there wasnt much effort put into them.
Boy was I wrong!!!! We all remember this quickly debunked story during the campaign right?

In the link provided is the story of the man who concocted this bogus story. And it was far from a made up, on the fly filler material story that I incorrectly assumed it was.
This guy gets an 'A' for effort in the marketing strategy applied, but he gets a middle finger for deliberately publishing lies.

edit on 19/1/2017 by Brian4real because: Grammer

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 07:39 AM
That is funny cause in Gahanna Ohio in 2008 there were 3000 more votes for Bush than there were people in the precinct.

I think it should be illegal to lie to the public.
edit on Thu January 19th, 2017 by damwel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 08:43 AM
Yeah I remember someone here presenting it as valid news and starting a thread about it.
A couple of threads actually.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: damwel

That sounds like fake news right

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 10:36 AM
Depends on who/what is distributing it, from CIA/WaPo, to Macedonian teenagers trying to make a buck from ignorant, stupid Mericans.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 08:08 PM
Not sure on how much effort but I'll say 4% lol.

posted on Jan, 20 2017 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: gabewalker

Yeah, it looks like were doomed!

Good evening sir! Ths evening we have two specials The First is Government propaganda, mixed with fiction, and finished with a sprinkle of truth.
The second, is fiction covered in advertising, served with subliminal suggestions.

This heres MURICA!!! GIMMIE 2 OF EACH!!!
edit on 20/1/2017 by Brian4real because: Grammer

posted on Jan, 20 2017 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Brian4real

Fake news started before the election even began. It started for click bait, people realized that they can post ANYTHING and so they started posting fake stories on Facebook (the more clicks, the more $ they collected).

These fake news sites were very popular and wide spread through out the conservative Facebook readers. These are stories that have no real truth, they just look real.

Bottom line...these people who were posting these fake news stories (i.e. Michelle Obama is a man, Obama is not an American Citizen, etc) made over $10,000/mo.

I have a "fake" Facebook profile and have been following the right side news fb pages for over 5 years now. I noticed this trend in fake news before Obama spoke about it in October. It was very troublesome to see the millions of likes and shares of each of these fake stories. It spread like wild fire, even stories that were clearly proven fake if you just id a little research online. I tried to debunk them as I read them, but there were just so many. It was as if the radical right side was breathing in and out only fake news, there was no stopping it, the numbers were in the millions.

After Obama first spoke out about it, I noticed that FAcebooke took off the "share" button on many fb pages that published fake news.

That is the origin of fake news. A young liberal recent grad admitted to posting fake news sites and making over $10,000/mo. in click bait. The extreme right, self acclaimed deplorable idiocracy allowed him and others like him to do.

I have noticed other ATS posters using the "fake news" term loosely with issues such as leaving out certain information in articles and news stations. Trump uses the term all the time out of context. Its now a joke.
edit on 20-1-2017 by veracity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2017 @ 06:14 PM
But as far as "effort", it takes hardly any.

All you have to do is make a Facebook page (for example "the comical conservative").

You can pay approx. $5/wk to advertise to conservatives and get them to "click like" your page, then set up an account for click bait on all of your posts.

You can post anything..."Obama has a green penis"..."Obama is a confirmed atheist"..."Michelle is undoubtedly a man"..."Hillary behind human trafficking ring underneath pizza hut"...literrally ANYTHING to fit the idiocracy propaganda and it will get millions of clicks.

Lots of shady businesses such as home refi, face-lift creams, illegal drug sales will make a profit off of you and your idiot fb following (not necessarily your real friends).

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: veracity

Thank you for the info! This is all new and interesting to me, because I was completely ignorant to the financial motivation. Being cautious of everything I read, I always looked more at the propaganda side and never considered the financial gains. I know i know.....pretty gullible. thats why im here. To 'Deny Ignorance'

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Brian4real

It was much harder 10 years ago than it is today.

Now you can mock something up, takes 10 mins to slap some text on a funny meme and voila, now you have POTUS or whoever you want saying something, they never said.

But people will believe it. Same thing with news stories.

The more people have been using the internet and social media and basically disconnecting themselves from having to think critically - the more fake news there is.

The dumber we get, the easier it is to fool us.


posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Brian4real
a reply to: veracity

Thank you for the info! This is all new and interesting to me, because I was completely ignorant to the financial motivation. Being cautious of everything I read, I always looked more at the propaganda side and never considered the financial gains. I know i know.....pretty gullible. thats why im here. To 'Deny Ignorance'

Its not too Gullible, they are very easy to believe. Especially when you want to believe in it so bad.

Just know the respectful news sources and be very weary of the ones you've never heard of.

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