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Trump in Waukesha Wisconsin LIVE 28SEP16

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posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:36 PM
My guess is that he was under strict orders by his handlers to tone it down during the first debate- since he has a tendancy to go off.

I suspect the next one he'll go overboard. Can't wait to see the ATS reaction.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: JacKatMtn

OK..I just turned on the sound and put the headphones on. I've never listened to a Trump rally before.

So what did you think?

Donald Trump is best when he's relaxed and doesn't have to operate within 2 minute response windows. This was my first time watching ANY kind of political rally. I learned a lot about what Donald Trump plans to do, and details about how bad many aspects of things are under Obama-Hillary. During the debates, Donald always uses wide-ranging generalities, such as the military being "in bad shape" internally. Tonight, I learned some of the details. The energy and stamina of Donald Trump is AMAZING.

I learned today that he didn't practice for debating Hillary. Not one bit. But still performed decently against one of the smoothest liars around. She's even a better liar than Obama. He stutters and pauses a bit. Hillary doesn't. Ice-lady could order a "hit" on someone, and do it with a genuine smile on her face.

Since Clinton News Network is hosting the next debate, and Anderson Pooper is the moderator, you just know that Donald Trump will be treated worse than MoLester Holt treated him. For that reason, Donald needs to have a little notepad that contain the same points he made in tonight's Wisconsin rally. Get every one of those points out, and ask Hillary to respond. If Anderson asks about his taxes, tell Anderson, "I'm glad you ask that question Anderson, I'll address it in a minute. But first I want to ask Hillary about her ______________."

edit on 9/28/2016 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:44 PM
His energy level compared to Clinton's is stunning. His style does not speak to me at all, but the energy level is far more convincing that Clinton's usual skirting along the edges of catatonia.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: Kapriti
His energy level compared to Clinton's is stunning. His style does not speak to me at all, but the energy level is far more convincing that Clinton's usual skirting along the edges of catatonia.

Yep..his style takes some getting used to. Becoming a Billionaire is not something that a gentle, soft-spoken person can accomplish.. for the most part. But, he is the type of no-nonsense fighter that America needs right now.

Re-directing Billions of dollars back to America for Modernizing our country will generate millions of good-paying jobs. To me, that's so exciting! Hillary doesn't care about that..and has no clue how to accomplish modernizing, even if she wanted to. She's all about influence, meetings, voting, dinners,.... just a lot of "busy work", like a freakin queen or something.

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