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Your Opinion: Biggest Screw Up in History

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posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Amen to that. Maybe I'm naive but I seriously don't understand why we don't just pull all our resources back stateside and announce to the world "If you attack us, we'll wipe you off of the face of the Earth." The end.

Why all the foreign 'aide' that doesn't actually help any of the actual citizens of the aided country? Why sticking our noses in other people's conflicts? ESPECIALLY the Middle East, who have been feuding since dirt was invented. And EVERY time it bites us in the ass. We arm the insurgents to overthrow the regime we don't like, then before you know it they're turning our own weapons and training on us and our allies.

Like I said, I guess I'm just naive. Globalization is the 'in' thing and I'm just too ignorant to understand it. Or....maybe I'm right, but since I'm not in control of anything it's a moot point.

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