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paulytools: Why I am here

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posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 11:30 AM
I was meditating today, and something popped into my mind. I wanted to search about my ability of being able to summon a great amount of energy from within my body, and controlling it within my body.

So I found this:

Actually i already had something typed but I'm on mobile and I wanted to get that link so I tabbed out. Everything I typed was gone when I came back. But I found that their description of the ability sounded exactly like mine, what it feels like, how it functions, etc.

I hope this isn't an offtopic post, but I can only post the next 5 in here since it's a rule. I wanted to let them know I have this same ability! Id really like to understand what is actually physically happening in my body for this feeling, and what I'm actually doing.

But hello, I am new, but that's why I'm here. To possibly browse things about that maybe other stuff. Also have discussions too.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: paulytools
I was meditating today, and something popped into my mind. I wanted to search about my ability of being able to summon a great amount of energy from within my body, and controlling it within my body.

So I found this:

Actually i already had something typed but I'm on mobile and I wanted to get that link so I tabbed out. Everything I typed was gone when I came back. But I found that their description of the ability sounded exactly like mine, what it feels like, how it functions, etc.

I hope this isn't an offtopic post, but I can only post the next 5 in here since it's a rule. I wanted to let them know I have this same ability! Id really like to understand what is actually physically happening in my body for this feeling, and what I'm actually doing.

But hello, I am new, but that's why I'm here. To possibly browse things about that maybe other stuff. Also have discussions too.


You can post anywhere even as a new member but cannot make a thread anywhere else until you have made 5 posts.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: paulytools

welcome paulytools

edit on 25-3-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: paulytools

Welcome. You should find some worthwhile info here.

I may have the same kind of ability as you, but I have no idea as to the strength of this energy. For example, I can make goosebumps at will, once, and then I have to wait a while before it builds back up. Is this the type you speak of? I'm curious as to what you come up with.

One time, I was really deep in meditation when my phone rang right next to me. This set off a movement of Chi that loudly snapped like a humongous spark as it exited the top of my right wrist. This immediate rush outward, burned (that's what it felt like) a discolored, 1cm spot of my skin which is still here today and hair does not grow in that spot only. Weird.

I apologize for the babble. I shall await your posts - with great anticipation. Good Luck

edit on 10 27 2013 by donktheclown because: (no reason given)

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