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You are a miracle. I'm not joking. So am I.

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posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: droid56
a reply to: proob4

Come on. Come out of the closet.
You're a Christian.
Nope I am not, how can a angel be a christian? That's actually funny you would think that.
To be honest there is no such thing as a Christian. Micheal (Arch Angel) would actually have a laugh about that one.

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: droid56

The way we were created by God ( in religion) or by aliens as some say( I am one of them) it is beyond our understanding.For example:WE know only a little,little tiny part of how does our brain works.We are little "universes: walking around.It is fascinating how our cells are working,how can our heart beat for so long time and so on.
And the way we adapted to this environment,it's wonderfull !

We should enjoy the little things,because sometimes those means something more than money or anything else!


posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: droid56

it is very inspiring to think that life is miraculous. But, as it turns out, it isn't. Even in the cold depths of space, molecules tend to arrange themselves into various amino acids. The building blocks of life build themselves out of habit, not miracle. It is just the way things are designed to be.. Life is the rule, and we are just part of that rule (along with the trillions of other lifeforms on our planet).

Now, I understand the feeling of awe and just thinking about it. But inspiring a feeling of awe in a being that is only sapient of itself (and not the greater reality) is not really an achievement. I am sure we could find examples of people who were inspired to awe by something as mundane as a match. But the match isn't a miracle.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:13 AM
Life emerged from an absolute total vacuum. Nothing. No things. No where. That was a mysterious miracle. After that, physics and biology ruled.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: droid56

Except it contiues to happen. Basic building blocks of biology exist because the molecules therein are compelled to construct in such a way.

If it were miraculous, it would be far less mundane....wouldn't it?

ETA: it seems to me that the real miracle is that you and I can attempt to comprehend this using the great human tools of context and discussion.

On a related note, corn is a miracle. Just look at its genetic code.
edit on 8/14/2014 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: droid56

Except it contiues to happen. Basic building blocks of biology exist because the molecules therein are compelled to construct in such a way.

If it were miraculous, it would be far less mundane....wouldn't it?

Please explain for me that first step. When absolutely nothing, no where existing, a complete void everywhere even though there was no where anywhere, non-atomic matter exploded into being. I'm still waiting for a good explanation for that first step from absolutely nothing during the big bang.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: droid56

neither you, I, or any expert can say for certain that there was a "big bang". Or what it would have been like. But for an example, lets take Brane Theory:

The galaxies eventually move away from each other in an inflationary universe. The further they get from each other, the less stability space time has, as it no longer has mass or energy with which to provide context. As the void progresses, spacetime begins to lose stability. Sans mass, it is prone to perturbations and disruptions.

Meanwhile, in an alternate Brane (read: universe) a similar thing is happening. As these perturbations increase, the two verses "touch" and give off an enormous burst of energy. So much so that it eventually accretes and creates what we call "matter".

This is an "as below, so above' type scenario, where equilibrium is being sought on universal and multiversal scales.

So there you have it: a possible (and actually theorized) diagram of how big bangs can happen, and how they can tend to repeat. But it doesn't mean anything other than a cool story. Because we don't know. Some folks have guesses that they can support to varying degrees with mathematics. If that provides any solace.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan
Still not satisfied. But thank you.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: droid56

if you ever are, please come back and share.
because I don't think I am satisfied either. Other than being satisfied admitting my own ignorance.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 08:17 AM
Not really a miracle. Animals were created from the energy fields of microbes and plants. This world as we know it is not created from chaos, it is created from structured energy. All life is part of this structured frequency that interacts with little circuitry called DNA. Now when this energy field changes, so does the shape and consciousness of everything. Normal frequencies of the earth itself created or allowed the bacteria and microbes to grow. The presence of these then created more complex structures because they changed the field. they expanded the word. Life forms come and go. This changes the field slightly, only a big dieoff would change the field so we could notice the difference in a lifetime or even twenty life times.

You could possibly call this a matrix because this signal connects everything alive. You could also consider this part of god if you wanted. I made reference to this being the word because I think they knew this thousands of years ago when people didn't have technology distracting them. Now the seasons and sun effect this frequency pattern or word. Everything we eat adjusts the frequency which interacts with our DNA...Everything, not just some things. This gives us different moods and times with different energy level. When we desire to do something, it changes our cravings, we consume things that increase our energy or lower it. This is all about the interaction with the frequency of life here on earth, a frequency that is dependent on life itself. We do not even understand this interaction well today.

This is just a possible interpretation of what caused life to evolve, this does not mean I believe in the theory of evolution either. I believe that this frequency is necessary for our survival to be who we are. This frequency would vary from area to area also, dependent on the earths frequency and the life around you, but you can live almost anywhere but you will adapt and your thinking will adapt most times to the change. I'm probably stretching this a little too far, but I feel it is part of us being here.

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