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We are the victims of the victims.

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posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 05:55 AM
Suad Amiry gave the following interview for the national Portuguese television.
Note: Language in English, translation in Portuguese; all the video is interesting and important, but if you’re in a hurry, start at 8minutes 40 seconds.


Some quotes by Suad Amiry:

“The wall it’s such a tragic; such a harsh reality. Such a barrier.”

“If you ask the Palestinians to give two or three dates or events in their lives, certainly they will gone a tell you 1948, because an all society was dismantled to other society flourish; everybody probably would tell you 1967. But I’m sure, everybody would tell you the wall. That concrete wall that separate Palestinians from Israelis, supposedly for “security reasons”. – I will tell you that as nothing to do with security reasons.”

“What the western world do if it was us Palestinians or Arabs building this wall around Israeli state? Let’s look at this from the other side… Somebody come and asks: who built this monstrous thing? And if you said: We the Palestinians. I’m sure the NATO would be bombarding us!”


“Even though the idea of having a Jewish state was there since the 19 century. They contemplated a Jewish state in different parts of the world; Palestine was one of them…”

“I think it became a reality at the second WW. The second WW made it a reality and also made us the Palestinians became the victims. I always say: We are the victims of the victims.”

“That gave Israelis an edge over us, because of the “understandable” sympathy that happened. A terrible chapter of the history of Europe, not only for the Jews but also to many others…”

“We Palestinians were not part of that (war). All the sudden we were receiving, we were at the receiving end. And don’t forget the British mandate that gave them a promise to help them in Palestine.”

“So here we are a simple nation (..) A society, that had a city called Jaffa, a city called Haifa, a city called Lydda, a city called Ramla.. There were peasants working in their lands, and then the Jews came here... How can you create a Jewish state inside an Arab state? (..)
Unfortunately that created a racist country from the very beginning.”

“ Israel was based in one thing: In not seeing the Palestinians, refusing to see the Palestinians. Unfortunately what happened 1948 happens today(..) In two months, april and may, they kicked 1 million Palestinians.”

“That was the history. But if you ask me what is the reason of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians today? I will say it one word: LAND. It’s not culture and it’s not religious (..) it’s made to be religious. Because I always say if a Jewish state is ok, why is a Muslim state not ok? – I’m against both of them.
But we have to be consistent about things. Land is the only issue.”

“I want the Israelis to stop seizing our land.”

“People don’t realize the kind of concessions Palestinians had made to the Israelis. That really hurts me.”

“Many people don’t realize that we recognized the state of Israel in 1988.(..) Nobody realizes that is time to Israelis to recognize us.”

“We have accepted to live in a state that is 22% of historical Palestine and the Israel that we had recognized is on 78% of our homeland.
And what the Israelis do? No! We Want more of yours 22%. Every single day they build more settlements and they put more people here. They create facts on the ground.”

“So what started in 1882 is going on until now; is an ongoing tragedy. This is the problem.”

“If you want my opinion, we Palestinians haven’t resisted the occupation enough. I’m surprised how tolerant we are.”

I will leave it here for you guys to think about this.
edit on 5/8/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: voyger2

I appreciate hearing the perspective of an actual Palestinian.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:49 PM
Based on the outcry of this lady, I will ask these simple basic questions?

1 - Why after seizing 78% of Palestinian homeland Israelis failed to recognize Palestinian state?

2 - Who gave Israelis the right to occupy more of the land defined on the UN partition plan at 1947?

3 - Who gave Israelis the right imprison behind concrete wall's (open air prison, by land, sea and air) the Palestinians?

4 - Who gave Israelis the right to control the Food that one "nation" needs for them self?

5 - Who gave Israelis the right to control the medical supplies of one "nation" ?

6 - Who gave Israelis the right to destroy the only electrical power plant of the Palestinians?

7 - Who gave Israelis the right to destroy the water and swear systems?

8 - Who gave Israelis the right to plan a genocide?

9 - Who gave Israelis the right to bomb 7 UN protection refugees camp / facility's / schools?

10 - If someone occupied your home / land imposing you the rules and committing the crimes referred from 1 to 9 above, what would you do?
edit on 5/8/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:20 PM
The Balfour Declaration should be addressed also here to understand with more precision the basis of this conflict.

His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country

published in Times 9 of November 1917:

On November 1918 the large group of Palestinian Arab dignitaries and representatives of political associations addressed a petition to the British authorities in which they denounced the declaration.

...we always sympathized profoundly with the persecuted Jews and their misfortunes in other countries... but there is wide difference between such sympathy and the acceptance of such a nation...ruling over us and disposing of our affairs

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: voyger2

1 - Why after seizing 78% of Palestinian homeland Israelis failed to recognize Palestinian state?

Palestine didn't even recognize Palestine as a state.
Until 1988, and Israel saw it only as an attack on them, so they refused to recognize it.

2 - Who gave Israelis the right to occupy more of the land defined on the UN partition plan at 1947?

Israel gave themselves that right, perhaps you're asking what.

Now this is touchy, but I'd say the 1948 Arab-Israeli war

3 - Who gave Israelis the right imprison behind concrete wall's (open air prison, by land, sea and air) the Palestinians?

If you're referring to the Israeli Security Barrier
Technically, the Israelis "Imprisoned" themselves with the wall. I mean, they built the wall around Israel. They did this because they believed it would keep Israel safe.

4 - Who gave Israelis the right to control the Food that one "nation" needs for them self? 5 - Who gave Israelis the right to control the medical supplies of one "nation" ? 7 - Who gave Israelis the right to destroy the water and swear systems?

I see a reoccurring theme. Israel did. There is a lot of tension between the two
plaves, both sides are trying to gain leverage when possible

8 - Who gave Israelis the right to plan a genocide?

Now that wouldn't be acceptable. Fortunately it isn't happening.
"Plan" a genocide
Those are just empty threats. They get thrown around all the time

9 - Who gave Israelis the right to bomb 7 UN protection refugees camp / facility's / schools?

Nobody. It's completely horrible. But it was not intentional.

10 - If someone occupied your home / land imposing you the rules and committing the crimes referred from 1 to 9 above, what would you do?

I would be incredibly angry and want to fight back.
But the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a lot more complicated than that, and it's important to understand all the facts before one makes a judgement.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: RationalHuman

1 - Why after seizing 78% of Palestinian homeland Israelis failed to recognize Palestinian state?
Reply: Palestine didn't even recognize Palestine as a state. Until 1988, and Israel saw it only as an attack on them, so they refused to recognize it.


In February 1989 at the United Nations Security Council, the PLO representative acknowledged that 94 states had recognised the new Palestinian state. It subsequently attempted to gain membership as a state in several agencies connected to the United Nations, but its efforts were thwarted by U.S. threats to withhold funding from any organisation that admitted Palestine.

Consequently,in November 1989, the Arab League proposed a General Assembly resolution to formally recognise the PLO as the government of an independent Palestinian state. The draft, however, was abandoned when the U.S. again threatened to cut off its financing for the United Nations should the vote go ahead.


Attack!?!? From whom? This is very clear, Zionists and US!!

2 - Who gave Israelis the right to occupy more of the land defined on the UN partition plan at 1947?
Reply: Israel gave themselves that right, perhaps you're asking what. Now this is touchy, but I'd say the 1948 Arab-Israeli war

British civil administration in Palestine operated from 1920 until 1948.

Prior to that War, there was a revolt by the Palestinians, as a consequence of the injustice created in the very beginning by the The Balfour Declaration posted above.

The revolt in Palestine was unsuccessful, and its consequences affected the outcome of the 1948 Palestine war. It caused the British Mandate to give crucial support to pre-state Zionist militias like the Haganah whereas on the Palestinian Arab side, the revolt forced the fleeing into exile of the main Palestinian Arab leader of the period, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini.


As a result of the war the State of Israel retained the area that the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 had recommended for the proposed Jewish state and also took control of almost 60% of the area allocated for the proposed Arab state.

You were not satisfied with the firs land theft and went on robbing more 60%. Today the Theft still goes one,as so as the annihilation of a ethnic group, with international support of US, EU and Britain.

Now, just for curiosity who were the Haganah?

Haganah was a Jewish paramilitary organization (..) which later became the core of the Israel Defense Forces.(..)
In 1931, the more militant elements of the Haganah splintered off and formed the Irgun Tsva'i-Leumi, better known as "Irgun"

Oh, wait! And the Irgun? Who were they after all?

The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts. In particular the Irgun was branded a terrorist organisation by Britain, the 1946 Zionist Congress[6] and the Jewish Agency. The Irgun believed that any means necessary to establish the Jewish State of Israel, including terrorism, was justifiable.

The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party. Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.

ooh, now I see...Terrorists...hum.. So we now can all understand where this Genocide BS comes from.. ok, Sir!

3 - Who gave Israelis the right imprison behind concrete wall's (open air prison, by land, sea and air) the Palestinians?

Reply: If you're referring to the israeli security barrier Technically, the Israelis "Imprisoned" themselves with the wall. I mean, they built the wall around Israel. They did this because they believed it would keep Israel safe.

Resulting from a Palestinian-initiated U.N. resolution, the International Court of Justice considered that "Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defence or on a state of necessity in order to preclude the wrongfulness of the construction of the wall". The Court asserted that "the construction of the wall, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law".

The Court found both the barrier and the associated regime that had been imposed on the Palestinian inhabitants is illegal, and said that an occupying power cannot claim that the lawful inhabitants of the occupied territory constitute a "foreign" threat for the purposes of Article 51 of the UN Charter.

The Court cited illegal interference by the government of Israel with the Palestinian's national right to self-determination; and land confiscations, house demolitions, the creation of enclaves, and restrictions on movement and access to water, food, education, health care, work, and an adequate standard of living in violation of Israel's obligations under international law.

The Court also said that Israeli settlements had been established and that Palestinians had been displaced in violation of Article 49, paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention. (..) The UN Fact Finding Mission and several UN Rapporteurs subsequently said that in the movement and access policy there has been a violation of the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of race or national origin.

Wow! So many many violations to the International Law.

4 - Who gave Israelis the right to control the Food that one "nation" needs for them self? 5 - Who gave Israelis the right to control the medical supplies of one "nation" ? 7 - Who gave Israelis the right to destroy the water and swear systems?
Reply: I see a reoccurring theme. Israel did. There is a lot of tension between the two plaves, both sides are trying to gain leverage when possible

No. Wrong again. This is violation of International Law in purpose and intention, to suffocate an ethnic group as very well verifiable on latest news about genocide.

8 - Who gave Israelis the right to plan a genocide?
Reply: Now that wouldn't be acceptable. Fortunately it isn't happening. "Plan" a genocide Those are just empty threats. They get thrown around all the time

Of course is happening, since 1948 and on the latest public information published here.

9 - Who gave Israelis the right to bomb 7 UN protection refugees camp / facility's / schools?
Reply: Nobody. It's completely horrible. But it was not intentional.

Of course we should believe “it was not intentional”, based in all the proof stated already here and just as an example, the bombing of those kids playing soccer on the beach.

edit on 6/8/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: RationalHuman

Continuation to previous post:

10 - If someone occupied your home / land imposing you the rules and committing the crimes referred from 1 to 9 above, what would you do?

Reply: I would be incredibly angry and want to fight back. But the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a lot more complicated than that, and it's important to understand all the facts before one makes a judgement.

Ok. So you agree in the right of Palestinians Fighting back…

You people occupy the land of other people, take them every right they can possible have, you persecute them, torture them, enslave them and then you kill them. Then you say it’s complicated!!

You Sir, try to pick every one of your answers and invert the positions.

What I think: You people should be ashamed of your self’s, more ever because you are the victims in the first time and know you are oppressors.

By the history we have now, more than ever The International community haves the obligation to concede the same rights and support to Palestinians People has once was given to the Israelis. That's an Justice Demand.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 11:14 AM
I will leave this here for later analysis.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 01:35 PM
How can the US deny to others what he want's for himself. there's no sense in this.

In February 1989 at the United Nations Security Council, the PLO representative acknowledged that 94 states had recognised the new Palestinian state. It subsequently attempted to gain membership as a state in several agencies connected to the United Nations, but its efforts were thwarted by U.S. threats to withhold funding from any organisation that admitted Palestine.

Consequently,in November 1989, the Arab League proposed a General Assembly resolution to formally recognise the PLO as the government of an independent Palestinian state. The draft, however, was abandoned when the U.S. again threatened to cut off its financing for the United Nations should the vote go ahead.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: voyger2


Well no, I'm not saying its morally right, but thats what happened. Palestine declared statehood like 40 years after Israel. Most land was claimed while Palestine was not a state. Now, that reason alone doesn't make it ok, but its how it happened.
The west, US specifically, would like to recognize Palestine as a state, but doesn't feel it should due to its current government. And Israel wont, for similar reasons, in addition to high tensions.

Prior to that War, there was a revolt by the Palestinians, as a consequence of the injustice created in the very beginning by the The Balfour Declaration posted above.

Yes, similar to revolts in India and everywhere else that was imperialized. But this was against British rule, not Israel. Which is the reason I put it on the 1948 arab Israeli war.
But that's just the start, there were many more times of conflict, involving many outside nations.

now I see...Terrorists...hum..

And so is Hamas.
I'm not saying Israel is perfect and not at fault, but neither is the other side.

Wow! So many many violations to the International Law.

Yes, according to the ICJ

No. Wrong again. This is violation of International Law in purpose and intention, to suffocate an ethnic group as very well verifiable on latest news about genocide.

It might be. Israel just wants to win this conflict, there's no genocide. They aren't killing them because they're born in Palestine, they're killing them because they view them as a threat. Not every war is a genocide, just a war.

Of course (A genocide) is happening, since 1948

No its not. Its a conflict, and people are dying, innocent people are. Look at any war, you'll find this.
Its even worse because the places border each other.

Of course we should believe “it was not intentional”, based in all the proof stated already here and just as an example, the bombing of those kids playing soccer on the beach.

Israel has no reason to do this. Not a single one. They need public support, they don't want to lose it.What's their motive? They don't have one.

Hamas on the other hand, would love if the world hated Israel.
There's a motive.

So you agree in the right of Palestinians Fighting back

At certain points in history. I don't support everything Israel has done, but I also support them at certain times as well.

more than ever The International community haves the obligation to concede the same rights and support to Palestinians People has once was given to the Israelis. That's an Justice Demand.

And I completely agree with that. I can't speak for Israel, but the United states has been continuously focused on creating peace, and stabilizing the region.

As for the Reagan video,

We do want people to be free. We could care less if somewhere became a state. But we don't want to allow the creation of a state that wold destabilize the region, think of 1990's Afghanistan.
And it's a lot easier to prevent something, than to have to deal with it later.

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