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Doug Casey-No Way Out-Stock, Bond and Real Estate Markets Will Collapse

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posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:29 PM
Here's Doug Casey saying the economic "recovery" is a band aide.

The low interest rates are just camouflage.

The banks are in trouble.

The next crash will take the cake.

What precautions are *YOU* taking right now?

(YouTube Captions)....

Doug Casey of predicts, "When interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially suppressed levels where they are now, the bond market is going to collapse, the stock market is going to collapse, and with it, the real estate market is going to collapse. These pension funds are going to be wiped out. Then what's going to happen? This is a very bad situation. The U.S. is digging itself in deeper and deeper."

"There's no way out," according to Casey. He explains, "It means, in the real world, there is cause and effect. Actions have consequences . . . . What could happen? You could have lots of bank failures. You could have a stock market crash. All this money that the government has created has bulled up the stock market to new highs. So, the next step is likely to be down."

18 minute video worth listening to....

youtube direct

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:39 PM
Gees. what does that guy know anyway. Just because he says basically the same thing as many Economists are predicting doesn't mean that it is going to happen. I can see that the Economy is a farce but most people can't. Belief is the only reason that this hasn't fallen apart already. Belief in deceit won't work long though. We moved the majority of our money out of the stock market. We can't start waiting ten years for it to recover if it crashes again.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:42 PM
Anyone can predict that these thing will happen, but when someone accurately predicts when it will happen accurately and consistently, then I will pay attention. I think by now we all know that it will happen, we are all stuck trying to figure out when.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

What precautions are *YOU* taking right now?

Anyone that even has a remote idea of how the market works has taken precautions.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:38 PM
im so tired of these guys saying a collapse is going to happen. for what 5 years on?

the markets are manipulated, commodities including gold are manipulated, real estate is manipulated via banks sitting on inventory and taking bail out money instead of being forced to sell at market value.

The "collapse" is actually slow motion, an ever tightening squeeze. just as it has been since 2008. those in control will not allow a free-for-all collapse. They want to be able to reap every little benefit on the way down.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:41 PM
We've done the best we can, but we can only do so much to cushion. And, we only have so much to cushion.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I cannot stand the ignorance when it comes to money. MONEY IS IMAGINARY!

So let the markets collapse. WE DON'T NEED THEM!

We don't need Bill Gates, and we definitely don't need Michael Bloomberg. Why do you worship them like they are gods?

What we need is ourselves. We all should be willing to work, and I'm not talking about a menial, mindless job where you rot away. My sister is an analyst. Her job contributes NOTHING to society (except to keep the rich rich).

Hey, if you people want to keep playing by the game of "money," and enjoy the headaches these "collapses" bring you, then so be it. But I have told you that we don't need them, and we would be MUCH happier without them.

It is possible. What life is is only limited by our imagination. After all, that's what money is!!!!! IMAGINARY!

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: iosolomon

I cannot stand the ignorance when it comes to money. MONEY IS IMAGINARY!

Hey, if you people want to keep playing by the game of "money," and enjoy the headaches these "collapses" bring you, then so be it. But I have told you that we don't need them, and we would be MUCH happier without them.

It is possible. What life is is only limited by our imagination. After all, that's what money is!!!!! IMAGINARY!

Well, I'll help out anyway I can. If you would send me your imaginary money, I'll buy a new imaginary set of tires.

Of course I understand your premise that money is only symbolic; what do you propose to replace "legal tender" with?
Commerce needs some type of exchange even if it is only ones and zeros in some banks data base.
edit on 8-5-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Of course I understand your premise that money is only symbolic; what do you propose to replace "legal tender" with? -

Yes, good question. I do not propose to replace money with anything. All I am saying is that money is imaginary. What is not imaginary is our time. (No, I am not proposing we replace money with "time" like the movie "In Time" lol.) But the government values a human life at $10 million, so why should any human have more than $10 million.

Although money is imaginary, the stock, bond, and real-estate markets are even more imaginary. Humans place values on these things. Someone says, "It's worth this much," and we say, "Okay." Bill Gates is worth "$76 billion," and we say, "Okay." And they say to you, "You are only worth $30,000 or $60,000 or $200,000," and you say, "Okay." But that is only imaginary...

We don't need these markets. The people who are "investing" in these markets are not doing any work. They are not adding anything to society. In fact, they are taking away from society. Instead of sharing our beach-front property, we let houses go vacant because that is what "they" tell us. Instead of having the stockholders actually stock the shelves at WalMart, we let them benefit off the hard-work of the slaves, and we say "Okay" to this.

No, money is imaginary, and these three markets are even more imaginary. So let's use our imagination, and make something better!

I dream that all humans are created equal with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and happiness. Dream this same dream with me, and it will no longer be a dream, but reality!

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