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Alister Crowley and Jack Parsons opened a portal to extraterrestrial intelligence (Greys)

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posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: DietJoke

Why bold that part instead of this?

There is little danger that any student, however idle or stupid, will fail to get some result; but there is great danger that he will be led astray, obsessed and overwhelmed by his results, even though it be by those which it is necessary that he should attain.

It's also important here to note what Crowley actually meant by "obsessed", because it isn't the modern understanding of the word.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Because I was specifically making a point about whether Lam really existed or not and not so much about the dangers!

And I did bold Crowley's prior earnest warning, which is basically the same equivalent thing just worded differently.

Parsons clearly ignored it!

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: DietJoke
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Because I was specifically making a point about whether Lam really existed or not and not so much about the dangers!

And I did bold Crowley's prior earnest warning, which is basically the same equivalent thing just worded differently.

Parsons clearly ignored it!

Parsons didn't ignore Crowley's warnings. He felt he was an accomplished enough practitioner of ritual magick to come out the other side unscathed. It could be debated however if Crowley himself was as accomplished as some say, since he admitted personally to being unable to complete the sacred magic of Abramelin, while simultaneously warning others of what consequences could result from such a failure.

As for whether or not any of the entities Crowley reports really exist, he seemed sincerely convinced they did (and do). What he puts open for debate is whether or not these are "archetypes" or fragments of some flowery cosmic collective conscience.

Certainly, he considered his experiences in the astral and the beings he encountered there real enough, and he reported certain physical phenomenon which the "profane" were able to observe as a result of certain magickal operations he conducted, so it was not all in his head (as those who had encounters with him or fell victim to him sometimes attested to).

The whole thing is purposely clouded in a shroud of new age hokus pokus. He couldn't have the "aeon of horus" and the OTO without such obfuscation.
edit on 8-5-2014 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

I think Parsons sudden horrible demise at the hands of one of his own rocketry experiments, when he was known to be fastidious about safety, sort of directly implies dark forces at play!

And I am not endorsing Crowley with these posts ... I am merely pointing out that we have to get into his head first and walk a mile in his shoes to see it how he saw it ... and so starting with some of his best quotes is about the best I can bring to bear at this point in time to make my case that Lam's origins don't matter when compared to what resulted from his contact by Crowley.

So lets look here at what we have .. we have a hand drawn picture that does indeed look remarkably like the grey aliens are depicted.

This 'contact' happened some 40 odd years prior to Arnold's sighting of 'flying saucers' and also far before Roswell.

And Parsons Occult dabblings also preceeded the much heralded sightings of Mr Arnold.

The OP makes a very good case and I am inclined to give it some credit and therefor some deeper thought upon the matter.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: DietJoke

Don't get me wrong, I think both you and the OP have made some great points. I'm merely suggesting that LAM isn't some altruistic lovey dubby disembodied space alien, or even a fictitious fragment of Crowley's drug addled brain. Rather, I am trying to point out that as much as "Do as thou wilt" sounds appealing to most, it is appealing for a reason, and Crowley was deeply embroiled with some very dark practices.

I've actually given considerable thought to the subject and I think to some extent, that Crowley was terribly accurate indeed, because his predictions about the Aeon of Horus are all coming to pass before our very eyes. He would be gleeful if he saw the hedonism that exists freely in todays world, and would be encouraging it to it's greatest and most profound degree.

In that respect, he certainly seems to have been in touch with something that informed him about the time that would follow his physical death. It is definitely celebrated as a liberation from the Aeon of Osiris by many, and pushed as such in the mainstream media. I leave it up to the individual to decide if that is a step in the right direction or not.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 04:33 AM

"About J.W.P. - all that I can say is that I am very sorry - I feel sure that he had fine ideas, but he was led astray firstly by Smith, then he was robbed of his last penny by a confidence man named Hubbard ... I have no further interest in Jack and his adventures; he is just a weak-minded fool, and must go to the devil in his own way..."
-A. Crowley

Whatever Jack Parsons was, he was no fool. Werner Von Braun called him "the father of American rocketry."

As opposed to the nature of either Crowley's or Parson's "work" being supernatural, from my reading, they both conceived that what they were doing was purely within the material realm (as well as the psychological). When they spoke of elementals and Moonchildren, they were talking about ideas made flesh.

Crowley was appalled at Jack's recklessness because of the psychological damage he knew first hand this could cause. But it is real damage in terms of the drugs and the meditative and physical practices that was concerning to AC.

But, I concur that Crowley would have heaped as much scorn on the Newage movement as he did on the organized religion of his day ... and that includes any idea of "friendly space brothers."

This is all just my conception from my own study of course. Your mileage may vary.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Whatever Jack Parsons was, he was no fool. Werner Von Braun called him "the father of American rocketry."

I think you could say he was no idiot. But don't confuse knowledge with wisdom.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 11:44 AM

In the same year, Crowley included the drawing as a frontispiece to his commentary on Mme Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence. The picture is entitled ‘The Way’, and it comes complete with the following inscription:

LAM is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth, the specific title of the Gods of Egypt, the Treader of the Path, in Buddhistic phraseology. Its numerical value is 71, the number of this book.

"It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory. Do you understand?"


posted on May, 8 2014 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

What Bybot is trying to say is "Vagina".

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:01 PM
Crowley and Parsons weren’t the reprobates they are often portrayed.

What hey hated, mocked, and fought against was the hypocrisy of the Christian mentality.

Crowley did often offend the sensibilities of the pious and traditional religious mentality for reasons that had to do with challenging those stiff neck hypocrites.

And often he would portray himself as some kind of devil in order to keep certain kinds away from the knowledge he was dealing with actually based on Jesus’ statement
“Cast not pearls at the feet of swine”

Crowley in castigating Parsons over the Babalon working was following the idea of skillful means, a Buddhist concept. Parsons by going headlong into this with a sinister character like Hubbard wasn’t in the least following any skillful means.

Crowley, who liked his people to do things with wisdom, denounced him for that episode. Of course one could also venture the possibility that Crowley was jealous of his disciple. But in this case I don’t think that was true.

Another thing about Parsons any might not know was that he had a relationship with Israel. In fact that caused him to loose his security clearance

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Are you trying to be funny? Or do you really think that I meant "vagina"?

edit on 8-5-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

It's certainly no skin off my nose if you did; I figured if I didn't ask I would never know, if you were cracking a joke or not.

LAM is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth, the specific title of the Gods of Egypt


"Vagina" was the furthest thing from my mind, I was thinking "sandal strap".

edit on 8-5-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: MrDesolate

I think you could say he was no idiot. But don't confuse knowledge with wisdom.

I'm not confused, but I'd be glad to hear your opinion, if it extends beyond being tersely enigmatic ...

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:29 PM
There are two forces...

take a byte of the forbidden fruit of logic and gain awareness of 1 and 0

The hyperinflationary force...White Hot light...exponential growth...Sun...Life...Dawn...Positive...Absolute 1...Top of the wave

Negative one plus positive one equals the positive zero point or neutral Grey...The infinite power line or twilight...middle of the wave.

The hyperdeflationary force Black cold dark...exponential decay...Black hole...Dusk...Negative...Absolute 0...bottom of the wave

1 = Truth = Supply of power

0 = Lie = Demand for power

Infinite Truth is the supply to the demand for power by the paradox or finite lie that wants to become infinite Truth and never die.

Singularity is the supply to the demand for power by duality that wants to become singularity and never die.

The finite and fragile lie wave has a positive or explosion/inflation/creation phase (positive visible chaos) where it appears to be infinite and indestructible Truth or absolute 1 (something) and a negative or implosion/deflation/destruction phase (negative visible chaos) where it is revealed or appears to be a finite and fragile lie or absolute 0 (nothing)

The finite and fragile lie wave is powered by and following the infinite and indestructible power line trying to catch up to the source or supply of power which is Truth.

Since the lie that wants to become Truth wave is the demand for power...and Truth is the supply of power.

Power more than previous power (hyperinflation) to maximum potential/absolute 1 or the peak of the wave is followed by power less than previous power (hyperdeflation) to maximum potential or the trough of the wave.

Where hyperinflation...positive and hyperdeflation...negative the bloch wall...the invisible barrier.

All an everything in the Universe which is a finite and fragile lie capitalizes upon truth which is infinite and indestructible to sustain the existence of all and everything in the Universe which is a finite and fragile lie which wants to become infinite and indestructible Truth.

Why post this?

Grey is white + black.

Another way to look at it is...

Absolute or negative capitalism...Takes more power than it gives to sustain existence...The path of lest effort.

It is the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence or life.

Once the demand for power becomes more than the supply at the peak or absolute 1 point...when the trees begin to run out...positive begins to transform or polarity shift into negative to the absolute 0 point where the trees run out...or eternal death....Or the secret of the Tree of death.

Responsible or positive capitalism...Shares power as equally as possible to sustain existence or life...the path of most effort.

It is the same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain existence of life.

The demand for power is always in the trees never run out...or the secret of the tree of Life.

Lies = finite/fragile...demand for power...Take more power than they give from all and everything...Looks good/positive at the start and bad/negative at the end...duality...Wave

Truth = infinite/ of power...Shares power equally with all and everything...looks bad/negative at the start and good/positive at the end of which there is no end...singularity...Particle

Why does taking more power than you give look better than sharing power as equally as possible?

split 100 atoms 3 ways...and you get 33.3333333 forever...which is impossible...irrational.

it is far easier to split 100 atoms into 34, 33, 33...which is possible...rational.

It is easy to take more power than you give than to share power equally which is is easy or possible to chop down trees faster than they regrow to power a fire with wood is hard or impossible to chop down a tree as fast as or slower than it regrows to power a fire with wood ultimately.

"but there is great danger that he will be led astray, obsessed and overwhelmed by his results"

Taking more power than you give or chopping down trees faster than they regrow has to switch to sharing power as equally as possible or chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow at some point...or you will run out of power and annihilate yourself.

I just use trees an example...since it is easy to understand.

The key problem with taking more power than you give or chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence is when you pass the point of no return...from the good or positive YES side to the dark or negative NO side.

you have two options.

Choose to stop chopping down trees before they run out NOW...At which point gradual explosion/inflation up to absolute 1 or life will polarity shift into violent implosion/deflation down to absolute 0 or death.

Or to avoid that negative fate.

Chose to continue chopping down trees until they run out later...At which point gradual explosion/inflation up to absolute 1 or life will polarity shift into violent implosion/deflation down to absolute 0 or death.

Choose to Now or be forced to later.

See Mickey overwhelmed by the magic power

edit on 8-5-2014 by HYPERTlGER because: Bad magic

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Not trying to be funny at all. Crowley was practically obsessed with sex, and practiced sex magick frequently. I've seen it suggested before that the drawing of LAM was a thinly veiled representation of vaginal penetration. If you look at his coat in the drawing, you may see what others have suggested. Combined with the ankh, I mistakenly thought you were alluding to that idea.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

If you look at his coat in the drawing, you may see what others have suggested.

Well I'll be damned, it's as plain as day.

Thanks. I think.

P.S. Dying of laughter over here. I haven't been had by Uncle Al in a long time.

I definitely got the wrong finger.

edit on 8-5-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: Bybyots

What Bybot is trying to say is "Vagina".

but he made a right cock out of it

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

I think this is a load of crap. Foo fighters were around long before 1947. Not to mention the artwork throughout history depicting flying saucers and "aliens", and the myths of creatures of the night. Im not doubting they summoned and channeled demons, but as for opening a portal that cannot be closed..... No, IMO.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 04:56 PM
This idea has been pushed the most by Grant's Typhonian OTO and their ilk. I've read a few of his books (free pdfs! cause his books are NOT worth hundreds of dollars) and it's clear to me that Grant fell into the Abyss of Da'ath. The first of his books almost makes sense. As the series progresses, his concepts become more and more muddled. Chapter titles are meaningless as his thoughts and ability to communicate rapidly decay into a mountain of unrelated gibberish.

When before his gematria was plain wrong (it's basically addition Kenneth, jeez) now he makes unexplained leaps between disparate ideas. Example (not from any book, I'm making this up, but it happens allathatime!) : "In Chaldean numerology Cthulu = 68 which is one less than Maat in Hebrew." Wherein BOTH numerical values (from two different systems) are wrong to begin with. Then he never explains why this is significant. Crowley openly expressed disappointment with this potential inheritor of the OTO.

That being said, I think there is a definite link between occulty/paranormal phenom and UFO/alien stuff. I don't think Parsons and Hubbard were very interested in UFOs, although I may be wrong. It's a fascinating story that weaves together a lot of interesting and diverse characters and lifestyles, but I kinda doubt the Babalon Working ripped open a portal to grey aliens home dimension.

As a matter of fact, being about half-way through Vallee's Forbidden Science Vol. II, I kinda doubt any occult group actually knows anything about UFOs, even the Typhonian OTO.

That Lam portrait though... I think it is both a depiction of what we now call "greys" and a coded reference to sex magick. I think he was trying to say that sex magick is a big key to dealing with these beings. They do seem pretty preoccupied with sexual fluids and organs. And I don't buy the genetic breeding program bit for a second. Abducting millions of people over decades in order to get genetic material? They can warp drive and phase through solid walls, but they can't get a DNA sample out of your trash without you knowing? You'd think that they could just teleport a garbage dump to the mother ship and clone endless humans from the genetic material available and then go back home without anyone ever noticing. Not unlike Grant's gematria, it don't add up.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: ultimafule
... I think he was trying to say that sex magick is a big key to dealing with these beings. They do seem pretty preoccupied with sexual fluids and organs. And I don't buy the genetic breeding program bit for a second. Abducting millions of people over decades in order to get genetic material? They can warp drive and phase through solid walls, but they can't get a DNA sample out of your trash without you knowing? You'd think that they could just teleport a garbage dump to the mother ship and clone endless humans from the genetic material available and then go back home without anyone ever noticing. Not unlike Grant's gematria, it don't add up.

I've often wondered about the 'genetic breeding program' stuff. Whether or not that's the purpose, sexual fluids and organs are a huge deal to these critters. But I think they are unable to get stuff out of the trash, so to speak.

Belief and permission seem to play a huge part with things outside of our perceived physical spectrum. Consider the myths of vampires, they must have permission to enter ones house. Same with a lot of accounts regarding the 'Men in Black'. It may be that the miracles Jesus performed were limited in this way also:
"And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief." - Mark 6:5-6

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