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Michael Bay Melts When Autocue Goes Wrong

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:11 PM
Michael Bay melts down during Samsung CES press briefing

Director Michael Bay turned into his own kind of transformer Monday during Samsung’s news conference at CES 2014—the embarrassing kind. While appearing on stage with Samsung Executive Vice President Joe Stinziano to tout the company’s new 105-inch curved UHD TV, Bay and his teleprompter just did not go well together. After a few awkward seconds of fumbling that must’ve felt like hours to Bay, the Transformers director walked off stage.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:13 PM
Now I know Michael Bay is a pretty strong communicator of ideas...but when autocue doesn't work and in his busy schedule he doesn't have time to prepare, you cannot simply "wing it"

It doesn't work. Your ideas aren't clear, you may say something the wrong way, and most importantly you will make errors and people will laugh at/with you when you do make them.

Good for him to walk off. Whoever did the work for him on those autocues I bet you he/she doesn't have a job anymore.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

Couldn't have said it better. I felt bad seeing that, it's naturally awkward being on stage in front of people let alone having technical difficulties.

I will say that once the camera panned out, all I could think about was HOLY S*$# LOOK AT THAT TV!!!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by iamhobo

Agreed...that tv is BOSS status

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:53 PM
So at the electronics show, displaying your electronics, your electronics fail....

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:57 PM
Hopefully Samsung didn't manufacture that teleprompter!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:03 PM
Here is an update from MB's homepage explaining the situation:

Wow! I just embarrassed myself at CES – I was about to speak for Samsung for this awesome Curved 105-inch UHD TV. I rarely lend my name to any products, but this one is just stellar.

I got so excited to talk, that I skipped over the Exec VP’s intro line and then the teleprompter got lost. Then the prompter went up and down – then I walked off. I guess live shows aren’t my thing.

But I’m doing a special curved screen experience with Samsung and Transformers 4 footage that will be traveling around the world.


So there you have it...he wanted to be perfect, but his timing was off, he choked, lost his train of thought, felt the audience was judging his performance, and his speech was no longer a blockbuster, so he busted off stage

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:06 PM

Now I know Michael Bay is a pretty strong communicator of ideas...but when autocue doesn't work and in his busy schedule he doesn't have time to prepare, you cannot simply "wing it"

It doesn't work. Your ideas aren't clear, you may say something the wrong way, and most importantly you will make errors and people will laugh at/with you when you do make them.

Good for him to walk off. Whoever did the work for him on those autocues I bet you he/she doesn't have a job anymore.

Huh? Reminds me of Obama during a teleprompter fail.

If you know the source material in and out he should have been able to recover and actually "wing it", not say "wing it" then continue to read from the broken autocue.

"Im a director, I make xyz."

"Challenging aspects about bringing this to screen is xyz."

"This is why product xyz will make it so much better."

Draw on experience. You're Michael Bay. You make blockbusters. Spend 20 mins talking about your dog and people will be riveted. Who gives a _____.

Actually makes me think much less of him and his no substance, big production, massive budget product placement movies.

Here's an example of Peter Schiff talking out his ass. No teleprompter needed. He's just familiar with the source material and has conviction. Good speaker.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by boncho

Sometimes when people are a lot under stress (making a huge movie) they don't really have time to relax and focus on something new (especially the promotion of a product they have no clue about).

Even when I make presentations in front of an audience, I have to use cues as well as there is so much I can talk about yet it is a timed performance so you have to be watchful of this. The first 15 seconds of any presentation are crucial...if you F---- this up, it will affect the rest of the presentation as well. And to MB, it completely derailed him.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:45 PM

reply to post by boncho

Sometimes when people are a lot under stress (making a huge movie) they don't really have time to relax and focus on something new (especially the promotion of a product they have no clue about).

Even when I make presentations in front of an audience, I have to use cues as well as there is so much I can talk about yet it is a timed performance so you have to be watchful of this. The first 15 seconds of any presentation are crucial...if you F---- this up, it will affect the rest of the presentation as well. And to MB, it completely derailed him.

That's just the difference between someone like MB and James Cameron. Michael Bay puts as many product placements as he can into his films. Hes pimped out He pumps out whatever the studios ask him to.

He shows up to a samsung debut because he's probably contracted or paid to.

Cameron on the other hand, develops his own technology because it doesn't exist. He fights for his films, got rejected many times, then when he could he bankrolled his own productions, or put enough into them to get funded but also maintain creative control.

Both are good directors, one has more character than the other, one makes better films.

Some other people in the same league as JC: Peter Jackson, Spielberg, and one of my favourite up and coming ones, Neill Blomkamp.

edit on 7-1-2014 by boncho because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-1-2014 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by boncho

Yea... but one can completely lose the focus of a tragedy like Titanic in favor of a fantasy romance. Wait more than 1500 ppl died? No way... but damn she lost her boyfriend

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:27 AM

reply to post by boncho

Yea... but one can completely lose the focus of a tragedy like Titanic in favor of a fantasy romance. Wait more than 1500 ppl died? No way... but damn she lost her boyfriend

As opposed to Pearl Harbour?

As least Titanic was entertaining for the god knows how long I had to sit beside my girlfriend. Pearl Harbour on the other hand, I was wishing the Japs just killed off the rest of the island so I could go home…

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

if you ever done presentations you have cue cards ready if you power point fails. He had no back up, he Failed and deserves the consequences.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by boncho

Its Michael Bay's?

Didnt know that...

Point taken sir, point taken!

Damn that was a terrible movie... I completely agree with you.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 08:38 PM

reply to post by boncho

Yea... but one can completely lose the focus of a tragedy like Titanic in favor of a fantasy romance. Wait more than 1500 ppl died? No way... but damn she lost her boyfriend

Without a couple to focus on the film would have lost any impact it had. This is the same reason in the Lord of the Rings films there were various distinctive "commander" type orc characters introduced, to give the audience a focal point. So yeah many people died in Titanic and it was tragic, but it doesn't resonate without the audience having characters to connect to and take them there. I now officially hate you for making me defend that film

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:39 PM
Kinda worked out well for Samsung. I wouldn't have even heard of these TVs if Bay hadn't gotten flustered. A link to a new TV isn't as interesting as a famous person losing it, I wouldn't have clicked otherwise. I don't think it was purposeful, just beneficial in the long run.


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