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Motorboating Bros Had Their Breast Cancer Donation Rejected by 'Haters', but hey, we WANT a CURE..

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:56 PM
The self-styled pickup artists who went around motorboating women with the ostensible goal of raising money for breast cancer research had their $7,000 donation rejected by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and the bros are blaming the "haters."

In an email to Jason, Jesse, and Kong of Simple Pickup, the BCRF said it appreciated the gang's efforts, but "out of respect for the sensitivities of the community we serve we will be refunding your donation."


The very thought that money was raised for such a cause, but denied, is so preposterously ridiculous it's truly a reflection of the puritanically hypocritical society we live in today.

Breast cancer uses pink ribbons to "promote awareness" on various products. Why do products go along with this? Two reasons. First, because it's a FEEL GOOD cause. Hey, I buy these M&M's, and I'm help saving tha boobies.... Second, because from a purely marketing standpoint, it's genius. M&M's are for kids, right? Put a punk ribbon on there that associates it with two things, breast cancer awareness and the color pink. BREASTS and PINK. Guess what pink is used for? Painting the lips and highlighting the cheekbones in a fair amount of makeup routines. Why? Because it reminds the opposite sex of slightly inflamed genitalia. And, well, BREASTS. Might as just say SEX on each and every M&M. It's there. On the bag. It's called subliminal advertising, and it works. Associate an anal wart creme with SEX in some way shape or form, and suddenly there will be a noticeable increase in sales.

But hey, two guys, sad as they are, or as cool as they are, go about and raise $7K to freely donate to Breast Cancer research. Oh, sorry, we couldn't begin to accept that.

Well, you know what, this just supports the idea in my head that we're not REALLY working on a cure. That people love the IDEA of "working" for a cure, but not actually obtaining one. It's all about emotion, about FEELING GOOD about walk athons, and marches, and wearing pink. But beyond that, it's 100% BS.

All these years and not a single step closer towards truly finding a cure? ALLL of the money thrown at this, and we don't have a cure?

Give me those boobs, errr, those M&Ms....

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

You should watch the documentary "Pink Ribbons, Inc."

The whole cancer business is just that, a business. The associations and organizations have no financial incentive to research possible cures. Researching more radiation techniques and chemo is where the money is at. Chronic diseases are big business these days.

Any researchers that accept all money, and research anything to do with apoptosis or sugar reception are actually looking for a cure. All other types of research are grade A bologna.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Money is money so long as nobody is hurt. So why turn away such a donation for a worthy cause? Reminds me of this story from a couple weeks ago.
OK teen sent home for breast cancer awareness shirt

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:10 PM
Great. So the uptight, morally superior crowd wins again.
These guys did this to women who VOLUNTEERED to have it done. Consenting adults.

They did nothing illegal to raise this money, and the charity turned it down. That is just stupid.

At least the guys are still looking to donate the money to another charity. Good for them.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:14 PM
There will NEVER be a cure for cancer. Too much money to be made. And these so called charities are jokes. Damn....I wish I had the info on my phone but the percentages of money these charities actually use to fund research is pathetic. The cancer fund being the worst. When I get home later I will post some links.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:14 PM
That says it right there that no cure is being worked on. They might as well have raised a sign and shouted from the rooftops that the whole organization isn't actually serious about its cause.
It's funny, though... even if it's all just a business, you'd think they'd lap up any amount of money that was freely available to them. Profit-makers, concerned about sensibilities? That sounds like an excuse for something deeper.

And so I finish the first of my talking-out-of-butt session for today...

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:25 PM
Now, let me try to get this straight. Some guys make a video showing "motorboating" women, which is the act of placing one's head between two breasts and yelling, thus creating a "motorboat" sound. The resulting page views bring in money. The fellow says $2,000 was rejected and that IF the video had remained up it WOULD have been an additional $5K, which is where the $7K figure comes from.

Now the promoters claim "haters" protested and were offended, and that's why their donation was returned. On the other hand, the "haters" claim this is an example of sexual harassment at worst, demeans women as sex objects, and, besides, it may be "titillating" for the boys to watch, but it isn't even funny.

As rightly noted above, this "pink ribbon" awareness campaign is a bunch of BS. My favorite example is the Yoplait yogurt containers with pink caps. You're supposed to save the pink caps, wash them off, stick them in an envelope, and mail them to the company, whereupon the company will donate a nickel for each cap. How stupid is that?

But is this any different? $2K, assuming the entire amount ever reaches a research facility at all, won't do diddly for breast cancer research. It may make these guys feel good, that playing with random breasts has some sort of "serious" side to it, but it has as much effect as Yoplait Yogurt caps. It's as much a scam as all the others. Everyone is already "aware" of breast cancer. This kind of trick is not suddenly going to make more people "aware."

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:31 PM

That says it right there that no cure is being worked on. They might as well have raised a sign and shouted from the rooftops that the whole organization isn't actually serious about its cause.
It's funny, though... even if it's all just a business, you'd think they'd lap up any amount of money that was freely available to them. Profit-makers, concerned about sensibilities? That sounds like an excuse for something deeper.


If you Google "suppressed cancer cures" you'll find several that were successful but harassed by the government until they shut down to moved to Canada or Mexico.

I've used the Rife technology for about seven years and can attest to the effectiveness against cancer.

These organizations collecting money for cancer are just ripoffs, so are the so called research businesses.

The above is my opinion.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:37 PM

But is this any different? $2K, assuming the entire amount ever reaches a research facility at all, won't do diddly for breast cancer research. It may make these guys feel good, that playing with random breasts has some sort of "serious" side to it, but it has as much effect as Yoplait Yogurt caps. It's as much a scam as all the others. Everyone is already "aware" of breast cancer. This kind of trick is not suddenly going to make more people "aware."

$2K is still $2K....less than $7K, sure...but either would only "help"...wouldn't they ?

Why not jsut accept it and add it to the other "donations" and continue "working towards a cure" ?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:47 PM
I just read the article's comments. It dismayed me to read so many people going beyond agreeing with the rejection, and demonizing the men themselves. One commenter implied that the men had been doing the equivalent of molesting children. Can you say overreaction?

Tell me this is just an American thing...

edit on 24-10-2013 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

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