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What do the extremist muslims really want?

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posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:07 PM
The violence and bloodshed going on in Egypt right now, over 600 dead, 4000 wounded in which the muslim brotherhood is involved.
Daily we hear of car bombings and massacres perpetrated by muslim extremists.

What do they want? really?Has anybody ever asked them? What will it take for you to stop killing?

Do they want to dominate the whole planet with their twisted religion? ( the extremists views]
and are they that stupid to think it is possible?
Are we doomed from now until the end of time to daily attacks and suicide bombings of innocent people by extremist muslims?

So I guess the big question is: has anybody asked them what they want?

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:10 PM
You are being over-simplistic. The middle eastern situation is a complicated mess.

You need to do research into the agents involved in the area.

Do not focus on religion. There will always be people who misinform easily influenced people.

The heart of islam, christianity, hinduism etc etc.. are all peace loving. the violence you are seeing is quite somethig else.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:11 PM
Suggest to an extremist that you don't believe in Allah. The reaction, if you live, will reveal the answer to your question.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by tinner07

Extremest Muslim = Islamist as far as I can tell. And yes, they appear to want the entire population of the planet to convert to Islam. A great many of them appear quite willing to kill you if you won't convert and sometimes place a mullah inspired hit on people who they believe insult their religion.

In my book these folks are as crazy as a box of frogs and about as mentally and emotionally developed as members of the old Spanish Inquisition.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by tinner07

The violence and bloodshed going on in Egypt right now, over 600 dead, 4000 wounded in which the muslim brotherhood is involved.

The Muslim Brotherhood is on the receiving end of the bloodshed. Ask yourself who has all the weapons and is doing all the killing ~ those are the extremists.

I'd speculate that most of those doing the killing are in it for the money rather than any beliefs in a higher power. If they were worried about judgment by God or Allah they'd put down the weapons that are killing unarmed men, women and children. Only in the old testament is that okay to do.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by tinner07

What do ANY extremists want? (Christian, Muslim, Baptist, Pastafarian)

What do ANY extremists want? (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic)

What do ANY extremists want? (Wealthy, Poor, Middle class)

The FIRST thing ANY extremists want is their way or the highway.







They want obedience. They want followers. NOT critical thinkers. Not people who question. They want slaves, serfs, harems, stables.

They want HATE. They want ANGER. They need an enemy to propogate. They need a target to exist. They are the antithesis of everything right and good.

(just my wee mini-rant)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by tinner07
The violence and bloodshed going on in Egypt right now, over 600 dead, 4000 wounded in which the muslim brotherhood is involved.
Daily we hear of car bombings and massacres perpetrated by muslim extremists.

What do they want? really?Has anybody ever asked them? What will it take for you to stop killing?

Do they want to dominate the whole planet with their twisted religion? ( the extremists views]
and are they that stupid to think it is possible?
Are we doomed from now until the end of time to daily attacks and suicide bombings of innocent people by extremist muslims?

So I guess the big question is: has anybody asked them what they want?

First you have to understand and separate the violence. All the bombings in Iraq for instance is Muslim on Muslim violence and is sectarian in nature. Both sides are Muslim but from different tribes in other words. This has nothing to do with religion and has been going on as long as people can remember.

This sectarian violence is all over the middle East. It was only brought into check because of the brutality of the dictators that were in power in most places. Without those dictators the tribes have returned to the fights they have been waging for hundreds of years.

Now, after that you can begin to talk about terrorist groups who are at war with anything to do with the west. Two different subjects entirely.

The Bot

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:33 PM
cars and coca cola..

better take it to them with tanks.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:37 PM
Although there are some mainly the ring leader that want islamic world domination I think the majority just want the west to stay the hell out of the middle east and to stop propping Isreal up. If we withdrew from there and left Isreal to fend for itself ( why not there big boys) then i think the real die hards will find recruitment dry up.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:40 PM

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:41 PM
Look at what happened in Benghazi. All done and told, CIA couldn't hide it anymore that there were scads of them (CIA) over there. What is it one might think they (CIA operatives) were doing? Rest assured the same critters are infesting Egypt and causing the unrest. It's what they (CIA) do.
edit on 15-8-2013 by lynxpilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by tinner07

They want 2 kill.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Of course the muslim brotherhood also has guns, automatic guns, and they are everything except peaceful let alone holy.
Don't think that the egyptian army thinks "let's kill some peaceful muslims".

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:15 PM
OK so nothing short of world domination will appease them. Which we know will never happen. So we are doomed to suicide bombings of innocent people shopping at markets and massacres of anyone that they deem an infidel.

Unless what?
I believe in Germany anything to do with the nazi is outlawed. Rightly so. They were a horrible group of people that committed horrible things. I believe at some point extreme islam is going to have to be outlawed in the western countries.
I dont like the fact that innocent people in the middle east are victims of suicide bombers but dont bring it here.
I think if somebody starts spewing their mouth about killing another race of people or religion they should be locked up.
You want to cry "freedom of speech"??? tell that to the guy wearing the Obama mask.
Freedom of religion? I think your religion ends when you strap a dynamite laden vest on a child or drive an explosives filled car into a crowded public market.

Charles Manson didnt kill anybody but is in prison for life because he ordered his followers to kill. I think same standards should apply to anybody that preaches hate and killing of another group of people that has sufficient dedicated followers to carry out his wishes.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by earthling42
reply to post by frazzle

Of course the muslim brotherhood also has guns, automatic guns, and they are everything except peaceful let alone holy.
Don't think that the egyptian army thinks "let's kill some peaceful muslims".

I have no idea what they're thinking, let's talk about what they're DOING.

That vid is worthless. Show me the MB with guns. Show me the suicide vests.

BTW, there is no such thing as a wahabbi Morsi supporter.

Saudi political activist, known as Mujtahidd, has revealed that Al Saud government has helped Egyptian defense minister with one billion dollars to topple former president Mohamed Morsi.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Cedik
You are being over-simplistic. The middle eastern situation is a complicated mess.

You need to do research into the agents involved in the area.

Do not focus on religion. There will always be people who misinform easily influenced people.

The heart of islam, christianity, hinduism etc etc.. are all peace loving. the violence you are seeing is quite somethig else.

Bull# the way they interpret the Quran is the problem.

I have seen the war mongering republican Christians in the US that are so brainwashed by politicians that all you need to say is USA for them to attack a new country so do not tell me Christianity is as a norm used in a open minded way in the US.

The Salafism is a intolerant school of Islam that preaches old time literal interpretation where equality between the sexes is not allowed and very dualistic in it's way of thinking where only Salafism are ok and all others view are wrong. This is like westboro baptist church was the normal church for the majority of Christians.

You would not have this mess if the Muslim where influenced by Sufi thinking instead of a view that came from Wahhabism from Saudi Arabia.

And I know there are a lot of muslim on this forum that preaches intolerance so do not tell me that it is a few rotten eggs when it seem to be very few eggs in the basket that seem to be totally tolerant and non judging.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by frazzle

Of course those 14/16 million people in Tahrir square has nothing to do with ousting Morsi.

It was 1 billion according to hear say, that led to the ousting of Morsi

And the attacks on churches and police stations are just a lie, MB are only peaceful right?

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by earthling42
reply to post by frazzle

Of course those 14/16 million people in Tahrir square has nothing to do with ousting Morsi.

It was 1 billion according to hear say, that led to the ousting of Morsi

Again: "Saudi political activist, known as Mujtahidd, has revealed that Al Saud government has helped Egyptian defense minister with one billion dollars to topple former president Mohamed Morsi."

Do you know what one billion dollars represents in Egypt? It could buy a lot of fealty ~ and faux protesters. All they needed was hungry bodies, who cares what they think.

To be honest, that would work just as well in the US and has done so. Offer to pay people to say good or bad things about any given thing or to stand in a crowd waving a banner and the hungry masses will come running with their hands out.

So were there people in those crowds who genuinely wanted Morsi out? Without a doubt, the country is fairly well split down the middle in terms of wants and beliefs. But the Egyptian army was not elected, nor do they have justification for shooting people for their beliefs.

Oh, and then there were the more devious methods of gaining support for the opposition, such as about 2000 privately owned gas stations in Egypt were locked down prior to the protests and Morsi was blamed for the shortage. The day after Morsi was overthrown the gas was flowing freely. Big fat clue.

edit on 16-8-2013 by frazzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 09:18 AM
I believe they want the west to leave them alone in their affairs. America especially has fingers in the goings on of the middle east throughout history. For instance, we helped the Shah gain power in Iran, who was an extremely harsh tyrant leading to his ousting in the 79 Iranian revolution. Then the religious leaders quickly filled the void and took power leaving the people of Iran in the same spot, if not worse but that's a different story. And we used to be friends with Sadam Hussein. And we helped take land from Palestinians and give it to Zionists. They just want us to stop getting in THEIR business.

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