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We need a UK and Europe forum.

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posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 08:01 AM
We already have a British/European policy that dictates UFO sightings may only be reported locally by local news outlets...lets not make them happy please!

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:16 AM
Strange day, whilst half of ATS worries about wars and people getting their limbs ripped off I haven't seen a peep about the fake bomb detectors.

All that money to dowse for bombs. Would have saved money with a couple of sticks.
But hey seeing as it's British news it's probably not exciting enough.

edit on 24-4-2013 by Suspiria because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr
Ummm...perhaps you just need to stray away from the home page once in a while...In the center top banner there is a rollover button with the title "Forums"...From there you can access all kinds of topics that have nothing to do with the "breaking news" nature of the home page.

If ATS gives you your own "Eurocentric" forum that means that We'll need "Asia only" and "Strictly Latino", as well as "Aussie exclusive" etc., ad nauseum forums, as well. Also...does this mean that you'll all keep your opinions on American constitutional matters to yourselves? does get a tad tiring when "you all" feel the urge to wade into a discussion that is purely "Americentric", ie., 2nd ammendment rights etc. Also....can we expect to hear a resounding silence from...over there...on every other thing remotely American?

OR.............Can we all just agree that there are issues and ties that bind all of us into one "humanocentric" tapestry that quite honestly is all the more wonderful...for it's varied threads? I think that it would be the better part of ignorance denial, if in fact you kept your opinions squarely where they are...front and our face. I certainly take no umbrage or offence at anything you "across the ponders" has ever said.........(not for more than a minute or so). If you wish to discuss purely European ideals or impressions...then by all means...start a thread, and if we can get past all the puffery and down to the brass tacks I fully recognize that you have every right to such I have every right to my observations after the fact.

There is certainly enough naivete to go around....but I must agree that the home page can appear "tabloidesque" at times..but then again, this melting pot of opinion can be quite fun to wade through and at other times...tedious.

If ATS is in fact a community...then perhaps we should be adult enough to not want to take our toys and resort to overt ethnicity and exclusivity...perhaps we can suffer one another and ultimately reach for "hands across the water"...


posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:46 AM
Usually I wouldn't be for something like this, but I admit to finding the concentration on North America quite tiresome, not to mention the countless times someone will start a thread addressing the readership as if the internet exists only in the USA.


posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 11:44 AM
It would be nice to have a UK forum, after all there is a separate forum for US politics and additional madness.

Was there a US forum when Simon Gray started this place, or is it only since US management took over?

It does tend to go berserk when an incident like 9/11 or Boston happens though, although i still come here every day, I've spent a fraction of the time on the boards due to the wash of Boston threads. It's a mess. Why so many separate threads on the subject, what happened to adding to a thread?

Get rid of the stars and people will be more likely to add to a thread in my opinion, instead of blatantly ignoring the search function and starting yet another on the same subject.

On the plus side, I've got tons done in the garden.


PS: Search function.....please sort it, it's pants.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I have always been against this idea. I liked the international mix of ATS, but its getting to a stage where American topics dominate the Recent Posts page. Nearly every topic is related to the Boston bombing. Last month it was Sandy Hook, then the cinema shooting, before that we get your election fever,then again in the mid terms.

These topics then spawn their own separate threads on gun control, or gay marriage or abortion.

The rest of the world doesn't really share the same passion for these subjects and should we be so bold as to chuck in our 2pence worth, we are told to keep out of their politics.

I think the time has come for a UK and Europe forum, where we can engage in our own debates on issues a little closer to home.

When you feel you can't really contribute to 80% of the topics on the Recent Posts page, the site loses its interest.

edit on 23-4-2013 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

Didn't you know that the universe revolves around America?

Many Americans don't even know that there are other countries in the world.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 03:29 PM
I don't think it's a good Idea,and I'm in line with first posters, together we will be strong separate it and you're gonna divide things, The Boston bombings in particular , is not some regular thread , Its really heavy stuff , I do mostly follow such threads with interest from a distance because I'm not that political minded and not a good detective..

Also we have to keep in mind that the US has over 300 million citizens and I don't know how many members of the US are member here but I can understand that they are in majority here , so many will react on large event's in their country.

And I find myself a guest here on this US forum , and I'm glad that sometimes I can write something what I think its interesting in IMHO , and sometimes other members share my interest,and visa versa..

But I do can understand what you mean by it..peace

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

I'm an 'Muriken, but I am for this too. That or have a way to filter out certain types of threads in the ATS homepage by means of personalized profiles. That or subscribe to one of two ATS channels: one for American conspiracy theories and political ping pong, and one for everybody else, with the ATS homepage being different for these two channels.

But it does seem that in any case a European/Commonwealth forum for news 'n politics is a good idea. There is an European edition of ATS Live, right?

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by JDmOKI
reply to post by intrepid

I think its a good idea but Europeans piss and moan and spew their rhetoric just as much as American members....lets be honest. its an endless cycle and only the tough skinned survive

Let's be honest then: Americans or followers of current events in America and US-related foreign policy create many redundant threads that get a lot of flags and overwhelm other topics with their hyper visibility. Let's face it: unless a thread shows up on the homepage or near the top of the new or top topics pages or you go to a certain forum for threads, you just won't seem some threads that would really interest you.

Then there is the fact that the US is a very violent industrialized country as well as an aggressive superpower, so there are a lot of violent attacks in the US because of this, and each such major event spawns a deluge of threads, including -- dare I say it? -- extremely dodgy conspiracy theories without much or any evidence. Because of a certain membership base, these threads get a whale's share of the attention in an unfortunate feedback-response loop.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

And you been on this forum long enough to belittle anothers views? O wait you must be a moderator in disquise.
edit on 25-4-2013 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
I don't think it's a good Idea,and I'm in line with first posters, together we will be strong separate it and you're gonna divide things, The Boston bombings in particular , is not some regular thread , Its really heavy stuff , I do mostly follow such threads with interest from a distance because I'm not that political minded and not a good detective..

Also we have to keep in mind that the US has over 300 million citizens and I don't know how many members of the US are member here but I can understand that they are in majority here , so many will react on large event's in their country.

And I find myself a guest here on this US forum , and I'm glad that sometimes I can write something what I think its interesting in IMHO , and sometimes other members share my interest,and visa versa..

But I do can understand what you mean by it..peace

what... what does this even mean?

This post makes no sense.

EDIT: ok, I read it again - still makes no sense - in what way this invalidates the creation of a "European Issues" forum? Ok, so the us has 300 million ppl - check. There were the Boston Bombings - check, like there was 911 ... whats your point? This has nothing to do with the possible creation of a European Forum - actually strengthens it because, as cold as it may sound, but there may be Europeans that may not care about the Boston Bombings (like US members who couldnt care less about spain's "march 7th" or european's economic crisis and merkel's bs and cyprus's upheaval) and thats exactly why a European forum is needed, so they dont have to put up with US issues and still have their corner here on ATS.
edit on 25-4-2013 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:02 AM
I wanted to create this thread a long time ago, but there is not enough credible information to post.
Everything you need to know is already here.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

Thanks for your well thought out reply. You make a good point about the ATS radio shows, one being dedicated to Brit/European issues.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Izak4K
I wanted to create this thread a long time ago, but there is not enough credible information to post.
Everything you need to know is already here.

oh thats not right - europeans have their fair share of psychos and weird stories too, you just have to listen in the right places - just the other day in spain a veterinarian failed a lipo on his girlfriend or wife or something and thought the best way was to chop her up in tiny pieces, put her in a black plastic bad and put her in the crematorium where he usually takes his dead pets.

It did work out, but after that... well he couldnt hold the guilt so he turned himself in

So you see... theres always content. Cyprus, Merkel, psychos, terrorism, Ireland, Greece, France and their multi-culturalist revolutions from time to time and their arms trade along with easter europe, pedofilia, the vatican, countries that have presidents with alzheimer's disease but yet continue to be presidents because nobody knows of their true condition etc...

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