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The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

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posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:09 PM
With all of the gun and magazine capacity bans coming down in New York I decided to post this little gem. 22 caliber tube fed rifles will not be affected. That's right kiddies, with 18 shots you can own and terrorize your neighborhood movie theater just as easily and much cheaper!

I know some of you will argue that a 22 is not powerful enough, However I can promise you that a burglar or possible victim will not care one single bit what the caliber of the bullet is when you start unloading on them.

The reactionary gun control push is not going to change a darn thing. The same number of people will die from guns every year. With any luck the same number of people who successfully defend themselves or their family from intruders with guns will not change either.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:16 PM
I have a bad felling about this.
New yorkers are city slickers but I dont think they will stand for it.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:17 PM

The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

move out of New York.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus
That's right kiddies, with 18 shots you can own and terrorize your neighborhood movie theater just as easily and much cheaper!

I see.

You could have used other words to make your argument.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:19 PM
people can whine about .22 all they want, I would choose this gun over any other gun if it was the only gun I could ever have.

For anyone that doesn't think .22 is useful I bet you anything you wouldn't let me take just 1 shot at you with it anywhere on your body to prove your point.. Much less 10 or 18
and with a .22 I wont miss my target EVER I can promise you that.

Tube fed .22 rifle positives:

Guns is very light even when fully loaded
Ammo cheap
Ammo small and light
Ammo easily made
Gun can be VERY quiet with little modification
Gun is well made, few moving parts, easy to clean, last forever with little to no maintenance
Can shoot with accuracy repeating as fast as you can pull the trigger which could basically emulate full auto but you will hit your target with every shot if you practice
great for hunting most game you can even hunt deer with them if you are a good shot
You can extend the tube to hold more rounds if you are smart enough to do it
(not that hard)
VERY accurate

Feel free to add anything on that list, I can say pretty confidently that you could not say more of those things about any other weapon. Yes I know bigger caliber is better ect ect but I promise you in the end the .22 will beat them all out. If I was fighting a gorilla style war I would want a .22, one shot right through they eye they are done, you have much better chance of killing someone with a .22 and not giving away your position as well as being much lighter then the guy carrying an ar-15 and a bunch of mags.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Unrealised

I used those words to make a point. The caliber of gun nor the type of magazine will change a single thing. I am willing to bet on it.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Carreau

The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

move out of New York.

Nice thought but with the current state of gun control politics you may find yourself moving a lot over the next year or so.....

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus

Originally posted by Carreau

The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

move out of New York.

Nice thought but with the current state of gun control politics you may find yourself moving a lot over the next year or so.....

Just move to Texas.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Infi8nity

Originally posted by Mamatus

Originally posted by Carreau

The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

move out of New York.

Nice thought but with the current state of gun control politics you may find yourself moving a lot over the next year or so.....

Just move to Texas.

I think I would rather get shot in a movie theater than live in Texas.........

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:43 PM
Here you are this might help:

TextLast night the New York State Senate passed what is being called the toughest gun laws in the country. The law would ban assault rifles, limit magazines to 7 rounds, and has no grandfather clause. The bill still needs to pass the assembly before the governor can sign it into law.

See fact sheet on the NY gun ban below:

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:46 PM
In my opinion a .22 is good for several things and absolutely NOT good for a few others. It's good for training new shooters. It's great for plinking and target shooting without spending much on ammo. It's outstanding for very small game hunting if someone is accurate. The .22's I've owned with one exception have been tack drivers. If pushed, I'm confident I could make a shot right into the eye or ear of a Deer or other large animal to make a .22 kill shot. I wouldn't CHOOSE that in my wildest 'bad shot' nightmares....but if my family is hungry, that's dinner and my .22 is all I have to make it dinner tonight? Hell, that's what a life time of plinking cans has been for, right? Knowing what it can and can't do when it matters.

Outside that? A .22 is not a defense gun, in my view. It's an Assassin's weapon but not a common defense shooter. First, unless hitting the RIGHT SPOTS, well, a .22 will piss someone off big time. That's about it. A guy I saw in Job Corps proudly showed off his gun shots to any who'd look. 12 rounds into his torso are what the small gunshot scars showed...and THAT was 9mm. .22? Err...... May the force be with you!

On the other hand... .22's have a NASTY NASTY characteristic to them that most people don't think of in these debates. They're TOO small. That is..they often go IN ...but don't come OUT. Assassins weapon. A contact shot to the back of the head, for instance, can make scrambled eggs without an exit wound to make any mess. Center mass can hit a rib and literally "pinball" inside someone and mix-master their organs without a messy exit wound. .......I just wouldn't shoot PLANNING on that to happen. Odds are better they just become furious and beat you to death with your squirrel gun.

edit on 15-1-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus

Originally posted by Infi8nity

Originally posted by Mamatus

Originally posted by Carreau

The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

move out of New York.

Nice thought but with the current state of gun control politics you may find yourself moving a lot over the next year or so.....

Just move to Texas.

I think I would rather get shot in a movie theater than live in Texas.........

With that attitude I think we would prefer that as well

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Juggernog

exactly he is just mad we wont let him into texas...

Also to a couple posts up: let me tell you something shooting someone with a .22 will not just make them mad it will easily kill them.. and i can bet you that if you shoot them with a .22 they wont keep going towards you and if they do I will shoot them about 5 more times and I can guarantee you they will go down.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Nothing personal there Texans, don't go getting your hats a'tilt. I love what you stand for, I just don't like the geography.

I Live in Northern California and have cows in the side yard and horses in the back. Two neighbors with-in a mile and we get along just fine. I live on a ranch owned by a family that dates back nearly to the Donner Party and the ranch up the road has ancestors that were on the Donner Party.

I might be more Texan in attitude than most Texans. Anything South of Sacramento is Southern California as far as I am concerned.

Oh and I vote we move all of San Francisco to Austin Texas, they might get along just fine as well.

edit on 15-1-2013 by Mamatus because: gwammer and speeeeling

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

umm.. I live surrounded by ranches right outside of austin... I have 30 sheep/goats standing 50ft from me next door in a 5acre pasture, they also have 3 donkeys, there are horses EVERYWHERE here and plenty of other animals, probably 3 out of 10 households have chickens and gardens.

and all the cows came from texas.. You can keep all the gays in san fran we have enough weirdos in austin keeping it weird we don't need it weird and super gay.

we also dont have earth quakes or volcanos.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus

Originally posted by Infi8nity

Originally posted by Mamatus

Originally posted by Carreau

The best method to deal with the New York gun & magazine capacity ban

move out of New York.

Nice thought but with the current state of gun control politics you may find yourself moving a lot over the next year or so.....

Just move to Texas.

I think I would rather get shot in a movie theater than live in Texas.........

You know the TV has really got people brain washed.
Texas is very large eclectic, not every one in Texas is a truck driving, gay hating drunk.
I lived in Austin and El Paso for 3 years each, grate city's full of passionate freedom fighters.
edit on 16-1-2013 by Infi8nity because: (no reason given)

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