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These are the times that try mens souls

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posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 12:13 AM
Greetings ATS
Like many of you I have become concerned with the whispers of unrest on the winds, and I ask you should we be concerned? Have we finally reached a point that enough is enough?

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Ben Franklin,1759

Our forefathers set us on a path of freedom, armed us with all the tools to maintain that freedom...have we given that freedom away already?

We submit ourselves to searches at airports for the sake of safety.
everywhere we go we are monitered by cameras.
We are issued ID numbers and tracked on how much we earn and spend.
we are being told what we can or cannot eat or drink.
In some places we are being told we can not even grow our own food.

Are we free?

We are taxed more and more every year....even a death tax??

And now the gun control issue rears it's that going to be the straw that breaks the camels back?

People are unhappy, the system is broke....they do not have the power to vote the way they should..the electoral system is flawed....

What do you think will push things over the edge?

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by okiecowboy

I personally think if it has not happened yet it probably never will, times have changed too much and people are too satisfied with the dumbed down way of life.

I also doubt they will take the second ammendment away but if they did will the US citizens do anything? maybe those who will be labelled terrorists

It's a shame they keep infringing your constitutional rights, they are excellent tools for maintaining true freedom

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by okiecowboy
Have we finally reached a point that enough is enough?

i wish. we need to reach this point. we should have long ago.

Originally posted by RAY1990

I personally think if it has not happened yet it probably never will, times have changed too much and people are too satisfied with the dumbed down way of life.

but sadly this is the truth of it all.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 01:55 AM
The most dangerous Person one can confront is the Person with nothing left to lose.

Every day the citizenry of the USA is stripped of more & left with less.

The Government would do well to give thought to this.


posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 02:02 AM
To different degrees people all around the world are being manipulated and controlled. The sad thing is most aren't even the slightest bit aware. They are too busy consuming and being entertained by the corporate elites.
You have two choices play the game and buy into the Paradigm they have created or go off the grid where you have less access to basic things food, water accommodation.
I personally don''t think it's time to give up yet. I dont buy into all the commercialism', wont own a credit card but I have no choice to own a keycard as my wages go into my bank, I watch very little TV.
I could buy a house but would need a bank loan, I choose to pay rent, I drive a 10 year old car which I own.
I owe absolutely zero dollars, my only overheads are the day to day things.
If need be I could go off the grid tomorrow. I hope I never need to.
To me the jury's still out but I am taking an each way bet.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by DENBY

The same thing can be said here in the UK too

The problem is too many heads in the sand and too few lifting theirs out, the people who scream injustice when they finally see it usually get labelled as conspiracy nuts or just loons in general.

People at times really do deserve the name sheeple they just follow everybody else... even if it's over the ledge of a cliff

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Very good points.

And It's a shame, anyone awake any trying to warn others is deemed a kook, 200 years ago he would he consideeed a patriot

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by DENBY

A trained believer who is capable of self sacrifice is a FAR greater opponent than one who believes in nothing,usually they just want to die.


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