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Obama will try to pass amnesty this month

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posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by 200Plus
reply to post by resoe26

I fully understand why people want to come to America. I have actually seen the world.

What I don't understand is why people want to come to America and then turn it into the same third world cess pool they left.

Come to America, become an American. Don't come to America and say "this area is ours and we want "old world" rules. I live outside detroit (we border Canada BTW), you can't get a job if you don't speak spanish. Make a lot of sense to you too?

I understand your frustration. Makes sense. (by the way, I know where Detroit is...)
I live in Northwest Indiana. It's not like that here. But there are many many immigrants and almost every place you go to there is a spanish speaker there. No big deal to me. My parents are immigrants (but they came with green cards and are now citizens and speak good english).

I guess you can look at it this way, embrace the culture of the spanish and enjoy, or be upset about it and brood jobless.... your choice. Because you can't change it man. Plus I'm sure you like tacos and tamales no?
(Mexicanos are pretty generous people too, they will prolly give you some free food if you ask, hell they will most likely offer you some anyways)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by resoe26

I was going to let this thread go but I had to comment on this.

I in no way shape or form meant to "bash" hispanic or mexican people. I won't go so far as to say I embrace the culture but I do take time to enjoy and understand the differences and similarities between us. My son (who is 17) has been learning spanish as long as he has been learning english (I insisted on this).

I am second generation American. My father was the first one in the family born in the states. His father died in the American army on D-Day, and my dad was raised by his Grandfather. As a German immigrant he refused to allow german to be spoken in his home. My father refused to allow me to take classes for it in highschool, you will speak english and that is all kind of mentality.

No single group of immigrants made America a superpower and no single group of immigrants will tear it down. A common goal of a better nation made us who we are and multiple goals of cultural superiority will be our downfall.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:45 AM
I love when foreigners try to tell America how to handle its' immigration issues. That is rich, indeed.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by blacko
I love when foreigners try to tell America how to handle its' immigration issues. That is rich, indeed.

What you talkin bout Willis?
I was born in this country if you are referring to me.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by sprtpilot
The President does not get to write "law". And TG the House will never pass amnesty or gun-grab bills.

You don't still think those guys work for the America people do you? The House will pass amnesty or gun-grab bills or whatever else if they see a benefit for (or lack of threat to) themselves. These guys are mostly planning how they can reap the most benefit for themselves and pay back contributors while in office.

They will say whatever it takes to get elected and do whatever they want after the election. After the election we now have four years of obama doing things pretty much whatever way he wants. We saw it to a lesser degree the last four years, just wait until we see what he does with that newfound leeway he was telling Vladimir to wait for.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by 200Plus
reply to post by resoe26

No single group of immigrants made America a superpower and no single group of immigrants will tear it down. A common goal of a better nation made us who we are and multiple goals of cultural superiority will be our downfall.

I hear you on that. But what is America's common goal now? There really isn't one. Seems like more people are worried about televised sitcoms and video games than the future of this country.
Not enough people care anymore.
And the ones that do, talk about it from behind a computer screen or from the recliner, but they never do anything about it. But hell, maybe we can't do a damn thing to make a difference anymore. We are just going for the ride.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

You know that Illegals don't pay taxes right. You know that the goverment doesn't even know they are here but they steal identies to suck our system dry. Telling them "it's ok to come illegally" we will protect you here will only cause the cartels who smuggle humans into the USA to go into full force. We might as well just fire all the border patrol. To try to stop them at the border then tell them they are safe once they sneak in is hypocritical. And not to point fingers but we have to our immigration problem is Mexicans and those south of the border. All the other countries that send illegals would only be a concern and not a problem because it's a tiny ammount. Only coming from the south is an easy way into America illegally all other options are difficult and very expensive making it more logical to come legally. Of all the people I know from almost every country world wide it seems the only ones that come illegally are Latinos. Hell I know about 10 Ethiopians that came legally and we consider Ethiopia nothing more than a sand box with mud huts. If they can come legally so can everyone else.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by resoe26

Pehaps that is the reason for our current situation A lack of expansion has caused a state of stagnation and eventual decline. When Americans struggled together they bonded into a single culture. Without that struggle we make one for ourselves.

Better days to you bro. It's good to have a civil discussion without the need for an argument.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by lolita64

I often wondered why you would let so many people in illegally? Many Mexicans are progressive liberals and are for more gun control. It is the perfect fit for what he wants.

If you really wanted to stop this crap just hold the employers accountable. The flow of money would stop and they would go back home.

Many Mexicans do not even consider America to be there home. They make some money and then leave. It is kinda like a parasite.
edit on 3-1-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by 200Plus
reply to post by resoe26

Pehaps that is the reason for our current situation A lack of expansion has caused a state of stagnation and eventual decline. When Americans struggled together they bonded into a single culture. Without that struggle we make one for ourselves.

Better days to you bro. It's good to have a civil discussion without the need for an argument.

I agree.
And better days to you as well hermano.
-I dig the civil discussion as well. No need for Anyone to get all internet gangster on folks.
Salud to you.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:27 PM
The reality of it is this, no immigration reform bill is going to pass without some kind of amnesty in it. There are plenty on both sides that don't want it but, it is just something that will have to be done. It would be far better for those that can be pragmatic about it to do so and come up with an equitable amnesty. But as always the ignorant will stick their fingers in their ears yelling and screaming the whole way.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by johngalt722
I'm impartial either way, but most jobs that illegal immigrants are able to get are jobs that most Americans would not want to do. Of course I would like to see them come into the country the legal way, but the process for that is so full of bureaucratic garbage that it's laughable.

I find it hard to believe that anyone still believes that illegals are only doing jobs that a citizen won't. We have had places where ICE came in and arrested hundreds of illegals and every sigle position was then taken up by a citizen. We have millions of un-employed citizens desperate to find jobs to feed their families.

When you see with your own eyes, an American turned away who is perfectly qualiied and an illegal is hired instead, there is a huge problem. When you see an illegal get to the head of the line when there are millions coming here the proper way, there is a problem.

What did amnesty do for us in the past? It only encouraged millions more to come here illegally.

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