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Attacked by witches and a con man

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Hopeforeveryone
OK so if i'm reading this right and there's this weird guy on your property, can't you just call the police as he's on private property. Failing that say he's threatening you, peering into windows, sat naked in the buses having fun with himself. Make as bad a case against him as possible. Ideally get a woman friend to back you up and say you're both terrified of this potential sex criminal and need a restraining order.

All that magic stuff is a load of nonsense, it only works if you believe in it.
edit on 12-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: typo

Ahhhhh after re-reading first post i see that "teri" might be imaginary, a psychotic dellusion. Pretty heavy stuff. Just got to keep taking the meds and realise it will get better as time progresses. People can make miraculous recovery from mental health issues, I've know people who were living in carboard boxes, believing they were jesus make full recoveries and lead successfull lives. Just got to hang in there till the fog clears. Good Luck !!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 12:37 PM
Non-violence is the real path.

By forcing you to fight him, he is winning already. He probably doesn't care if you cause him physical pain, because he will be winning the spiritual battle.

Simply refuse to fight him, pay attention to him or do anything he asks. If you ever get a feeling of something being wrong then stop and meditate, or a few deep breaths at least. Self-control and the will to succeed is all you need. None of this 'believe God will save you' type stuff. It's your belief that gives you power. Belief in a god/deity is your way of using your own power to help you, but you're rationalizing it as a super-being's work. Believe you are stronger, and refrain from any mind-altering substances (unless you're with a trained Shaman).

You will know if something is wrong from your own intuition.

Good luck, and remember. Non-violence.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by AnarchysAngel

one part hypnotist

As a hypnotist myself I can tell you that a hypnotist cannot influence you if you do not want to be influenced by them on a conscious or unconscious level. Therefore this cannot be anything hypnosis related.

Just adding my 2 cents with my own knowledge and good luck for the future.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Hopeforeveryone

I recall many years ago someone approached me that claimed to be from the Occult. I'm thinking that's where Teri is from. Regardless I've been feeling pain in dreams. Which is super natural to say the least.

Under normal circumstances I might agree. Except they are using typical cult tactics. Claiming religious ideals and rewards await me. Trying to convince me I am trash. I'm not sure the extent that the Occult can go, but I'm pretty sure this is super natural manipulation. Not even the insane feel pain in dreams.

Unless you just happen to be an occult member looking to discredit me here.

Teri also had an interesting item I should meantion here. A bible entitled "the soul care bible". I have not seen nor heard of anything by that name.
edit on 15-12-2012 by AnarchysAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by AnarchysAngel

Don't worry though i've read up on all kinds of occult stuff i'm not in any cults or mean harm to anyone. Firstly you mention pain in dreams, while not common it is fairly well documented experience which many, many people have reported, it's not supernatural.

Pain in dreams

The book you mention "The soul care bible " is a book by 3 authors and from what google can tell me is about commonly dealt with counselling issues from a christian perspective. If anything it's a religiously inspired book about helping people with mental health issues.

I think you should try and realise ideas and thoughts you are having are transitory, they're not permanent. If you hold on in there things will get better. Most problems like you have described are episodic in nature and a large percentage of the population will feel and experience things like you've described.

Life might seem like chaos at the moment but it will get better. It's also a good idea if you stop listening to Teri and forget all about him. Above all you're not trash, nobody should think of themselves as trash. PM me if you want to talk about it as i think a lot of this stuff you're best off keeping out of the public domain. Best of Luck and hang on in there.
edit on 15-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: typos, spelling and added a bit

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by AnarchysAngel

Under normal circumstances I might agree. Except they are using typical cult tactics. Claiming religious ideals and rewards await me. Trying to convince me I am trash. I'm not sure the extent that the Occult can go, but I'm pretty sure this is super natural manipulation. Not even the insane feel pain in dreams.

Unless you just happen to be an occult member looking to discredit me here.

Teri also had an interesting item I should meantion here. A bible entitled "the soul care bible". I have not seen nor heard of anything by that name.
edit on 15-12-2012 by AnarchysAngel because: (no reason given)

Um......actually, some people DO feel in dreams, including pain. It's rare, but it can happen. yes, I am 100% positive of this, because I have felt pain, and other physical sensations, in dreams. Quite common, really, for me. No, not some "occult member", either, as any review of my posts should show you.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:42 PM
The first thing you need to know about a situation like this is that there is absolutely nothing he can do to you. He can't harm you in any way. The only thing he can do is trick you into harming yourself by careful manipulation of your attention.

You mentioned he's causing you pain in dreams. You only feel pain in dreams if you focus your attention on the pain. Everything requires your attention to exist. He doesn't create the pain, you do, by focusing your attention on it. If you don't realize that, then you are open to manipulation.

I had a pair of guys invade my dreams at one point. One of them was very skilled at causing pain, and the other seemed invulnerable. Their opposing styles are what allowed me to learn their tricks. The pain guy would run his torture tools over pressure points, not hurting me, but drawing my attention to what he was doing. Once he had that attention, then he was able to cause pain. I was able to use that epiphany to effectively fight the invulnerable guy. In order for my attacks to be effective, the had to be designed to first capture his attention, thereby making them real for him on his side of the dream. But that type of combat leave no lasting physical damage, it's only a dream, and quickly turns into a game of "your fly is down/ your shoelace is untied" where you try to hook your opponent's attention.

From those encounters, I learned a lot about dream control and dream combat. I also stumbled across a way to cause physical harm to someone from within the dream. It's not the kind of thing I want to make publicly known, but if you PM me I'll tell you how if you promise to keep it to yourself. There are too many Dbags out there to make this common knowledge. I'd only use this as a last resort. You'd be far better off learning how attention fights work by fighting him in that manner in your dreams, because once you get the hang of it, you won't be as succeptible to his attacks.

You could also try posting this thread at There are plenty of folks there who would love to lend a hand.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by The Cusp

Just a quick question, how did you know someone was invading your dreams and not just you dreaming you were having your dreams invaded. ? Frankly if you knew anything then drawing the OP's attention to the occult at this time is a really, really, really, bad idea.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Hopeforeveryone

There were several things that led me to conclude it was people messing with my dreams.

First was the frequency of their appearance. They would accost me all night, every night, for weeks on end. That kind of steady non stop dream content was unprecedented in my dreams before or since. There was the way I couldn't control them directly like I could other dream characters. But the main reason I think that is because of the knowledge I gained from those encounters about dream control. Practical knowledge usable by anyone. That knowledge was well received by the lucid dreaming community despite it's alleged source. Check the link in my sig.

Your notion that turning the OPs attention to the occult is a bad move is based on your understanding of the occult. Whether that notion is real or accurate doesn't matter, it's real to you. If you can focus your attention on it, it's real to you, and that's all that matters.

Crazy is becoming a prisoner of your paradigms. Occult knowledge allows you rise above them and instead use those paradigms like tools, to restructure them into machines. Part of that entails reframing the way you think about things. The OP could continue seeing his situation where he is a victim, or he could look at it as an opportunity to learn and exercise self control.

Consensus reality only defines the point at which people stop giving a damn

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by AnarchysAngel

just use jesus name. works like a charm.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by The Cusp

My opinion is not based on my understanding of the occult, it's based on my experiences with the occult, occult practitioners and the mentally ill. Oddly i've encountered many occult practitioners who were reasonably functional before they got into the occult but lose themselves and damage themselves with the tools you've mentioned. You wouldn't let an untrained surgeon operate on you, would you ?

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