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Come on people - Let's think reasonably here please!?!?!?

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posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:05 PM
I had to rant. I've been watching the forums for a while and there seems to be a culture of doomsayers, naysayers and complainers here. Yes I get the irony of my rant being a complaint. But I'd like to turn this into a forum for ideas for change. But I need to vent too.

Okay first off, why are so many people on the band wagon believing that the earth will be DESTROYED in a month? That's just moronic. The earth has been here for billions of years longer than us and we will not outlive it. The Mayan calendar the way I understand it states that their calendar system will end on December 21 2012. They do not forecast the destruction of the planet or the end of all time, they just state that what lies beyond their long count calendar is unwritten. If some "scholars" have chosen to interpret that as an admission of the destruction of the planet, then it is better to look at those researcher's credentials and think critically about what they are trying to accomplish with their assertions. I prefer to look at the end of the Mayan long count calendar as an opportunity for us to shape the future into something positive and hopeful not to be be terrified that the sky is falling. The Hopi say the world has been destroyed AND REBORN several times already. Who is to say that there won't be a cataclysmic event that will reset the population to a more manageable number? Who's to say that it even has to be a destructive force, why not an awakening (finally) of people to see that we're in need of a global enema? Why could it not be warp speed, time travel, or some other breakthrough that allows us to expand ourselves and give the planet a break so it can recuperate?

Second, why the hell is everyone so worked up about whether or not you fall within a particular tax or income bracket? Being upset that most Americans are under the poverty line to me just says the poster thinks the country and the world owes him/her something and that they deserve to be rich. That's plain crap. Financial and economic threads should be focused on how a small majority of greedy pricks have systematically gathered all of the wealth for themselves and propagated a system that charges money for infractions to people who already don't have enough as it is. If a bank fee, a speeding ticket, or some other unexpected charge creates a dilemma that means a person has to eat peanut butter and jelly on wonder bread for a week or can't get prescription medications for a month, then there's a larger problem than just a complaint about how "you didn't get what you believe you deserve".
Also if you're alive, there is nothing in this world that says you shouldn't work your ass off. Working for a living has been going on for thousands of years - get with the program. I am a handicapped person, I take public transportation that is outfitted with both gas tanks and propane tanks to work - so it's kinda green. I cannot drive, yet still I get there. I sit on the phone during the day and call people for $10 an hour. It sucks, yes. But I contribute so I can have money to go to the movies, go out to eat, buy food, pay for my MD bills, buy prescriptions etc. I live with a roommate to help mitigate some of the cost of my bills - there's nothing written in stone that says you need to live in a house all by your lonesome or that you MUST have a wife and 2.3 kids, a dog, a picket fence....etc.
If you're living off of welfare, disability, or some other assistance program and you are capable of doing SOMETHING - please get off your ass and help us all out.
The true travesty of 2012 America is that the housing market, the utility companies, the pharmaceutical companies, and a variety of corporations that offer mandated services such as vehicle insurance have been allowed to rape the average person and that the media goes along hand in hand by not only supporting these robbers by airing their commercials on radio and television, but even goes so far as to criticize those rebellious individuals who cry foul and ask for a fair system.
The media is a scam, banking is a scam, politics are a scam, the cost of prescription medications is a scam, education is scam indoctrination, the American dream is an illusion - get over it already.

Now let's chat about how to fix this crap. Anyone? My 1st idea about how to change things is a bit of advice. First, do not be afraid to die. And second, scale back your expectations of what it means to live comfortably.

P.S. I'm a spelling Nazi. I admit it. I can't believe that anyone looking to argue intelligently would ignore spelling when you can look on Google or Also Firefox can automatically tell you when a word is incorrectly spelled, use the tools in front of you!
edit on 27-11-2012 by MrCipher because: grammar mistake

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:17 PM


posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

OK point taken - shorter posts. I did kind of go overboard. and I can't believe I missed the grammar mistake. Oops egg on my face.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:40 PM


posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by MrCipher

I'd like to comment on two of your points, based on:

The true travesty of 2012 America is that the housing market, the utility companies, the pharmaceutical companies, and a variety of corporations that offer mandated services such as vehicle insurance have been allowed to rape the average person and that the media goes along hand in hand by not only supporting these robbers by airing their commercials on radio and television, but even goes so far as to criticize those rebellious individuals who cry foul and ask for a fair system.
The media is a scam, banking is a scam, politics are a scam, the cost of prescription medications is a scam, education is scam indoctrination, the American dream is an illusion - get over it already.

If the entire system is a scam, what do you want us to think reasonably about? Changing absolutely everything? Our sources of informtion, our economy, our government, and who knows what else? Where would you wish us to start? Short of a revolution and a complete takeover of everything, including businesses, property, the court system, what were you thinking of? Further, what tools could we use to effect change? The media? The courts? The schools? But those are all scams.

If we do throw a massive revolt, do you think we'll get our country back? Or will the UN, with the able assistance of China, Russia, and some Middle-Eastern countries, step into to restore order and create a new system for us?

As to my second point, if I agree with you that everything is a scam, what, then, is my motivation to go out to work? So I can contribute to a scam? Hardly seems worthwhile. Now, if you can find something in the system that is already widely accepted and can be seen as a good thing, perhaps we can work from there. And by widely accepted, I don't mean banning GMO foods.

I'd love to explore it with you, but I wish you'd narrow the focus a little.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:22 PM


posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by MrCipher

Many people cannot see the vast difference between 'end of the world' and 'end of the world as we know it'. So for some people it means the earth is to be destroyed.. which is totally wrong as you pointed out. It will remain here for another 5 billion or so years until our sun expands and absorbs the inner planets.

But, 'the end of the world as we know it' means something completely different. If we have eyes and ears we should be able to see that right now in our world we have reached a climax in many aspects of how we live in this world. And it is natural for this to happen. All cultures before us rose and fell, so our's will be no different because how we live on this world is not sustainable long term. This is the true meaning of 'end of the world.. as we know it.'

I do agree with your clear perceptions on how the world currently runs with the 10% and the minority 1% who are sucking out the last of the good stuff that the 99% need to survive in a healthy way. I watched a documentary last night about the rich and super-rich, and how they are pushing to become far more wealthy at the expense of the average joe... and agenda that has been in play for quite some time so far.

That cannot change without Revolution...needing a majority of we plebs to have enough courage to stand up in the hail of rubber bullets and other methods of attack. But most are in Fear of their Government and have no courage to stand up in larger numbers.. yet.

I also agree that unemployed, disability pensioners, etc, should be doing something instead of whining about their situation. Why not at least be trying to grow their own foods in yards, window boxes and anywhere else light is available for plant growth.. that would be the best thing they could do to help themselve right now. Doing so provides not only food for the table and hungry mouths in your care, but it also increases self-esteem.. which makes you feel better about yourself so that you can then begin to take other steps to improve your conditions in life.

Hope this made some sense.

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