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What the hell?... Athena!

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

Thank you for sharing your first-hand experience of these storms, Quauhtli.

I don't trust the reports from the MSM -- this storm is not getting the coverage it deserves. I guess we will have to wait for most of the dust to settle before we get an accurate idea of just how bad this really was/is.

The size & scope of the destruction is hard to take in. Some TV host mentioned that he will not have power until this coming Sunday -- almost two weeks after Sandy hit.

Some people are being put thru Hell. As always, it's the poor who suffer most in these disasters -- their poverty limits them sharply -- they have no options, but to endure.

It's shocking how FEMA & other emergency services were so unprepared & inept. It's like they learned nothing from Katrina.

Every gas station should have emergency power generators so they can pump when the grid is down -- this should be standard practice.

It's alarming how vulnerable the NorthEast is -- really alarming.

Take care & the best of luck to you and all there who are going thru this nightmare.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:33 PM
My thoughts and prayers are really with you my ATS friend.
I wish there were people who I could let crash at my place but I am so far away.

THis really doesn't have to be such a disaster if there were only more people who were willing to take people in.
There are plenty of houses out there with electricy and plenty of towns with plenty of gas.

It might be worth looking at the option of getting out of town for a while and getting to know the fine city of St. Louis. When you return everything will be back to normal.....or completely gone and wiped off the map.

It is so weird how life can be so horrible in one place, with no GAS, Electricty, Cable, Internet, Food, water, or any other common ammenities that we take for granted and yet,

A few hundred miles away, life is normal.
Go to where life is normal and return when everything is better.
If it were only that easy hu?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by TheOtter
When did we start naming winter storms? I have never heard of this before

It's probably been mentioned downthread but, the National Weather Service decided to name winter storms about a week before Sandy.

Timely huh?

What's odd to me is somebody had a thread a day or so ago referring to this storm as "Bree" and I didn't know where that name came from. All the winter storms have Greek Gods and Goddesses names.

I am glad this is a conspiracy forum. That's all I'm saying.
It may come in handy down the line.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by Screwed

It is great to help people, but there's also a trust issue here too. Would you really feel comfortable letting people stay with you that you had never met before? Personally, I'd feel a little apprehensive about it.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter

Originally posted by TheOtter
When did we start naming winter storms? I have never heard of this before

It's probably been mentioned downthread but, the National Weather Service decided to name winter storms about a week before Sandy.

Timely huh?

What's odd to me is somebody had a thread a day or so ago referring to this storm as "Bree" and I didn't know where that name came from. All the winter storms have Greek Gods and Goddesses names.

I am glad this is a conspiracy forum. That's all I'm saying.
It may come in handy down the line.

Actually the National Weather Service is against the naming of storms. Even sent out a directive that the names not be used in any of their products.

The naming of storms is a Weather Channel thing. I think they did it for social media reasons, but they are also stating it has to do with the fact that Europe has named winter storms for years now.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:03 PM
I started searching for anything interesting regarding the name Athena;

Athena is the goddess of warfare, as well as many other things

One of the most interesting myths surrounding Athena is the "Judgement of Paris" and the "Apple of Discord"; fairly interesting considering Apple's recent stock market plunge and storms are now being used for warfare. It also speaks about the Judgement of Paris leading up to the Trojan War. Sign of things to come?

I am no expert on greek mythology, but this is definetely something that caught my eye, especially with Sandy striking one week before.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Xaphan

I think any attempt to be a bad boy in my house would be a grave mistake.
I am not a single house wife.

If we all don't start helping eachother there is no way we are going to get thru what is coming.
Better start practicing being nice now.
I understand where you are coming from and I would agree with you in certain circumstances but I promise you that there is no way anyone would have the balls to mistake my kindness for weakness.

Coming together and helping eachother is the only way from here on out my friends.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by OneisOne

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter

Originally posted by TheOtter
When did we start naming winter storms? I have never heard of this before

It's probably been mentioned downthread but, the National Weather Service decided to name winter storms about a week before Sandy.

Timely huh?

What's odd to me is somebody had a thread a day or so ago referring to this storm as "Bree" and I didn't know where that name came from. All the winter storms have Greek Gods and Goddesses names.

I am glad this is a conspiracy forum. That's all I'm saying.
It may come in handy down the line.

Actually the National Weather Service is against the naming of storms. Even sent out a directive that the names not be used in any of their products.

The naming of storms is a Weather Channel thing. I think they did it for social media reasons, but they are also stating it has to do with the fact that Europe has named winter storms for years now.

Thank you so much for this clarification. Very interesting and presumptuous of TWC.
Of course, they are part of a huge conglomerate now and multi-media empire.

Also thanks to the OP for his eye witness account.
I have to tell you that I find the scattered randomness of the storm to be strange.
You find pockets of heavier damage in tropical hurricanes from the spawning of tornadoes.
But this, some gusts of 70-80 miles an hour does not comport with the storm damage.
Nor does the inconsistency of tidal surge and alleged tidal surge.

While you are out and about, would you see if you see damage that might have originated inland from water mains and flooded outward to the coasts?
I am talking huge underground water tunnels that might have been opened ahead of this storm.

It relates to the flooding in Lower Manhattan of the FED building where the Gold is allegedly stored underground.
How far down? I have no idea where the vaults are and whether or not there are tunnels below that even.
Also the damaging of billions of dollars worth of stock certificates allegedly a few blocks over.
I think the issue is that the same aforementioned Weather Channel indicated to viewers via a staged highwater mark consisting of yellow lawn leaves in a very thin line and 3 2X6s. But only a few yards in from the Battery Park waterfront. Not at all in keeping with being responsible for the supposed height of water rushing over to flood the miles of subways and subterranean vaults.

Any odd inconsistencies that you have seen please let us know.
There was a poster here who said the damage to her area was from these water mains hours before the storm.
I wanted to know if it was linked to any other locations.
Thanks again.

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