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Skeptic to a Fault

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posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 07:54 AM
(Moderators, please move this topic if I have posted it in the incorrect forum. Thank You.)

You never know what moments in your life, be them milestone events or mundane almost insiginificant occurences, can spark you to re-think and re-shape the way you see the world.
Case in point:
While watching a conspiracy related show (which will remain unamed because I won't plug it), I had somewhat of an epiphany about my perception of reality and how my skepticism affects me.
The topic being discussed was an end of the world scenario based on solar flares and coronal mass ejection. The interviewee, was explaining how knowledge of a coming event has been known for some time. To which the interviewer's response was .."Why haven't you made this knowledge public?" His response was simply-
"Because the conspiracy theorists would claim we were lying and just trying to scare people."
Now at that point I rose up and yelled " What BS. OMG as if! We scream for disclosure and hidden truth , why on earth would we do that???"
At that point, my fiancee who was watching the show looked at me with a serious face and proceeded to explain to me, why the man being interviewed was correct.
Having the mind of a conspiracy theorist means perhaps for a long time you saw the world a certain way, no doubt due to your upbringing and whatever events occured in your young life. This shaped your perception, your reality. Maybe you always had an inkling that there was something about the world that was hidden, and you wanted to find out what it was.Perhaps you had an unbelievable experience and you sought out others who shared the same.Regardless how you made your way here, you found a doorway, and you opened it.
Inside that doorway flooded in secrets of ancient civilizations, alien entities, corrupt and demonic politicians, hypnotizing media, and fear that no matter what you do your life is being controlled and monitored. You lose faith and trust in all you previously knew. You lose faith in humanity, after all look at what we do to the planet, to each other. You lose faith in people who show you they only care for themselves. " Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see" becomes your motto.
But...where is the line of skepticism drawn?
It's far too easy to fall into the trap of believing nothing, that at times I wonder, would we believe any truth that was put before us, or is our judgement so clouded with skepticism that we would reject it?
I researched this on ATS and happened upon this thread:
Loki gives a great description of the origins of skepticism.

I also found this one:
Smikley posted an abundance of historical quotes dedicated to skepticism.

So the question is, how does one find balance in their skepticism, especially while having the beliefs of a conspiracy theorist, yet not compromise and unintentionally reject what may be the truth in which we seek?

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

"Because the conspiracy theorists would claim we were lying and just trying to scare people."
Now at that point I rose up and yelled " What BS. OMG as if! We scream for disclosure and hidden truth , why on earth would we do that???"

because conspiracy theorists are disinfo agents in disguise

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:20 AM
There is no problem with being a Skeptic OP. If your skepticism goes over the border of egotism. Then you would realize it immediately, for example: You scoff at religion or something on the news, automatically believing it is untruthful. This would be in my opinion, skepticism brought to you unconsciously or through the ego. A true skeptic would give a truth only to her experience, with the rest of her inexperience a question mark. If you are always aware of your thoughts flowing inside you are mind, everything you perhaps read or watch in a video or an article would mean nothing!

The truth has a way of coming to you, it is not through hard and complex thought out theories. It is also not through logical correctiveness, this would be a product of social accepted thought. And as a conspiracy theorist, don't you seek to go beyond that? There must be a hidden way to find truth, we humans often find things to hide inside ourselves. To be secure that only you can know, if someone else knows the truth will be perverted. This creates an over attachment to a truth, then it no longer becomes a truth. But a dirty secret, that you hide unconsciously and obsessively.

Like how many people have said, don't always believe in what you hear. The truth cannot be dissected with your conscious mind through logical deduction. It is simply knowing, being a skeptic is a great feature in your self though. But the truth will always be as simple as the sun rising every morning and the river flowing. You don't know why it does that, but the truth is. We come to see this as everyday life and we accept this. Why cannot we continue doing the same without over complicated it? The best skeptic, is carefree in everything he hears.

"Three things cannot be long hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth." - Buddha

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by SparkOfSparks6
There is no problem with being a Skeptic OP. If your skepticism goes over the border of egotism. Then you would realize it immediately, for example: You scoff at religion or something on the news, automatically believing it is untruthful. This would be in my opinion, skepticism brought to you unconsciously or through the ego. A true skeptic would give a truth only to her experience, with the rest of her inexperience a question mark. If you are always aware of your thoughts flowing inside you are mind, everything you perhaps read or watch in a video or an article would mean nothing!

The truth has a way of coming to you, it is not through hard and complex thought out theories. It is also not through logical correctiveness, this would be a product of social accepted thought. And as a conspiracy theorist, don't you seek to go beyond that? There must be a hidden way to find truth, we humans often find things to hide inside ourselves. To be secure that only you can know, if someone else knows the truth will be perverted. This creates an over attachment to a truth, then it no longer becomes a truth. But a dirty secret, that you hide unconsciously and obsessively.

Like how many people have said, don't always believe in what you hear. The truth cannot be dissected with your conscious mind through logical deduction. It is simply knowing, being a skeptic is a great feature in your self though. But the truth will always be as simple as the sun rising every morning and the river flowing. You don't know why it does that, but the truth is. We come to see this as everyday life and we accept this. Why cannot we continue doing the same without over complicated it? The best skeptic, is carefree in everything he hears.

"Three things cannot be long hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth." - Buddha

I really like your comment. Zipped open my mind a bit more. I suppose I suffer slightly from skepticism overkill. It seems at times when I believed in something it turned out to be false and vice versa. That being said, what I was really hinting at and aiming for is how others handle their own skepticism. Do you believe if we were actually presented with a truth, say an end of the world scenario, or ufo disclosure, would we scoff at it because we are so used to dismissing things? Having dealt with so many crying wolf, it has worn us down to the point where almost nothing seems credible anymore. Even if someone did speak truth we'd be likely to attack their personal character just to discredit anything they say.

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Yes, as you said people will automatically scoff at it immediately. People often look in the truth elsewhere, because they find that their inner truths are not as great. As more intelligent, more famous, and more credited people. This is where humanity has gone off course into else where, wherever it maybe. The crying wolves, are often the extreme opposite of these scoffers. But the crying wolves, are certainly more human than these people who often scoff at everything. It is because that these people believe in these truths so much. That they cry and offer people to come and listen. They believe in themselves, thats the difference between these crying wolves and the extreme skeptics. They will understand that a tsunami is a destructive wave and orders everyone to leave, but a skeptic will think of it as something to surf on.

And while these wolves maybe not right sometimes, they always take new directions of curiosity and discovery. They realized that this universe is if of infinite potential and infinite possibilities. Anything could happen and anything could be manifested and alive. The truths that people accept are often of another's, so this is why I ask of you. That be aware that your thoughts that arise in you and the thoughts that flow into you are different. The one's that flow, need no thoughts. As you may respond to this post if you do , you will probably perhaps think of a response. Or not, just simply write it, this is how you should see truths. Let it be at peace and if it matches with your interiorness of feeling. Then it may very well be a truth of your own.


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